
Apple Tree


"MInji sorry! You heard them I have to go.. besides, you have your other friends as well. Eat with them for today Sorryyyy"

"Fine. Only for today yeah?" She asks you again just in case.

"Yup! Only for today. Sorry!" You quickly run up to the top of the school floor. For one split second you swear you see her eyes giving you a death eye beam. You open the door and see Sungyeol alone smoking and looking far ahead. You look at his direction and you see trees and houses only. You slowly walk up to him and slap his . He gets surprised and sniffles. He wipes his eyes look at you. awkwarrrrrrddddddddd.

"What was that for!" Sungyeol yells at you and knuckles your head.

"Hey.. I'm sorry.. were you crying? AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" You aww at him.

"No I wasn't crying." He looks away and lights a cigarette. He offers you one but you say no. He puts the cigarette in and it in, and spit the smoke out at your face. You start weezing and slap him.

"Oh my god I'm not even friendly with you why are you so mean to me!!" You yell in a joking way.

"............. you should smoke." He says out of nowhere.

"..........why is that?"

"You look like a smoker. so you should." He lights another one and stuffs it in your mouth. You feel the heat squeezing into your lungs and the ugly smell of the cigarettte starts crawling into your throat. You hold the cigarette and choke in tears. You shove the cigarette in his mouth. 

"DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN. " You glare at him. Just then Baro and Yongguk comes in.

"Sungyeol~ Why are you smoking two cigarettes? Give me one!" Baro pouts with a cute face asking for something that is only allowed by adults...odd. 

"No! This cigarette is Danbi's. She was in the middle of smoking it but... anyways yeah. Take it back Danbi" Sungyeol shoves the cigarette back to you.

"No." You shove the cigarette to Baro. Baro mouthes the almost gone cigarette and smokes it.

The door squeaks open and Daehyun walks in. Far behind, you can hear girls screaming his name. For what? I don't know.

"Where's Hoya?" You ask. The boys start wooooooo-ing. you glare back at them. They all shut up.

"He'll come when he does. Sit down." Daehyun sas, lighting a cigarette. Everyone starts sitting down and on your right you have Yongguk, on your left you have Sungyeol. No room for Hoya next to me... you think. THAT DOESN'T MATTER BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE HIM. you think again, changing your mind and regreat what you just said. 

"Danbi, promise us to not tell Joon hyung about what I am going to tell you right now." Daehyun put on his serious face.

"...........Joon? OH. How do yo guys know each other?? I was so surprised to see you in my house this morning -____" You say to Daehyun.

"Well.. I guess you didn't know. I"m going to tell you now. Daehyun says."


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FLASHBACK, Daehyun's POV----------------

In Buzz Buzz, 2 years ago.

What happenes if i drink too much and get ed up? Will anyone come and save me..? Idk... it....

Daehyun starts drinking. Gulp and gulp, there goes one bottle of vodka. Gulp Gulp, another bottle in my body. Spreading out slowly to every single blood vessles. That feels funny, first time being drunk, I wish I was drunk everyday. ... so tired... 

Someome taps Daehyun's back. 

"How dare you bother my--" Daehyun starts raging when he turns around and sees someone looking at him, smiling. It was a guy... He wasn't good looking or anything but boy when he smiled it was one of those warm smiles that would take away all your worries. Unlike his warm impression, his body was well built, all muscular and everything.

"Hi, I'm sorry to interrupt -- my name is Chang Sun, but call me Joon please-- may I ask why you're drinking?" He asks. Strange, no one would ask such question to me. 

"Uh..... I am fighting my own pain, know it that way. Now go please" Daehyun chases them away. 

"Nono, then do you need a ride home?" 

"Not from you, thanks." Daehyun is annoyed again.

"Well okay. Thanks for your time" Chang Soon? Chang Sun? whatever his name was, he went. It sounded REALLy familiar but he didn't care anyway, what was the point he could have been imagining things.


The next day, daehyun ends up with a bad headache. He draggs himself to school and just as he gets into the school gates a motorbike pulls into school. Girls screaming. Daehyun thinks that girls are screaming because of him, he had his fan club in the school. But this much screaming? No. He wondered what happened over night... just then, the person riding the motorbike pulls off the helmet and a familiar face..... JOON. Girls scream more when the helmet is off and he parks is motorbike. He walks in and he gets a box of chocolate. He hugs the girl who gave it to him and eats one chocolate out of the box. He smiles as he eats one because he loves it. When he eats the chocolate he gives off the deadly smile... 

Daehyun walks up to him and taps on his shoulder, and he turns around while eating the chocolate. 

"How are you feeling? is your head okay?" He says in a worried face. The girls squeal, being jealous of Daehyun.

"Uh..." Daehyun scratches his head.." Yeah. Thanks for asking"

"Know who I am now? ahahaha." Joon laughs and Daehyun nods, laughing with him.


These two hot boys have been friends, for about 3 months and have become very close friends...

One day, Joon starts singing and Daehyun plays the guitar. They both like apples so they name the music group Apple Tree. Soon, Sungyeol joins because he knows how to play the guitar , becoming a part of Joon and Daehyun's circle of friends. After some time, Hoya joins because he is one of the best drummers in the school. Then comes Baro with his keyboard then Yongguk and his rapping skills and his bass guitar skills. They've officially recorded their own album and has been famous around the school girls, slowly spreading out to all teen girls... and BOOM they got themselves into a music band, Apple Tree. 

But they did have rivals... and they were Butter Sauce. They too were a high school indie band but.. they weren't famous and they thought it was because of Apple Tree. They spread rumors that they bribed all their fans with money, they did their face, they skipped school, that they made 3 different girls pregnant, blah blah blah all that kind of rumors. None of them were true but because of Butter Sauce they were having antis too... but more antis meant more fame and Apple Tree was becoming tired. They were in this state of enjoying and regretting what the were doing, but they couldn't stop now... What choice did they have left? Go and beat the crap out of them. And that's what they did... It only resulted with lots of broke bones and blood. 

Unfortunately Joon wasn't expecting all this and people have been following him around... His sister didn't know anything because Joon tried everything he could do to hide the fact that Apple Tree existed and that Joon wasn't a part of Apple Tree.. He just called the girls up in his house stalkers, not fans... He was tired. He needed to work, but not with music. He didn't want her to be stressed for him because of all the fame he's been running away from.. Eversince his parents died, it was Joon who has been taking care of his sister and he wanted to protect her from this. He gathered up Apple Tree in Joon's hideout, the VVIP room of Buzz Buzz. 

"Hey guys.. You know. I'm so sick and tired of all this..." Joon said.

"Oh it's one of your slumps again.. It's fine, it'll be over soon" Yongguk said as if it was nothing. Sungyeol took a nervous sip of vodka down.

"You would never know how much hard i'm going through..." Joon said again. Baro made an eye contact with Daehyun...

"It's alright, it'll go away soon.." Sungyeol said.

"Joon hyung, honestly I'm feeling the same way right now.. my parents.. keep nagging... annoying... tiring.." Hoya said. He lit a cigarette. Baro snatched it and lit it off. Hoya give him a cold glare but Baro ignored it. 

"Hoya, it's better than having no parents at all" Baro said, regretting it right after Joon's eyes changed.

"Yeah, I mean like. Joon hyung, your sis will understand you when you tell her..." Daehyun said. Yongguk was drinking silently.

"No she won't." Joon's voice went up. "Do you know how much it hurts seeing kids with their parents? I'm barely paying for my school. Guess what? My aunt's going to France next week, who's going to take care of my sister? I have to, myself. All the responsibility I have? It's even more than your parents; responsibilities together." Everyone went silent. A sense of awkwardness was swarming in the room. "Just love your parents." He drank a bottle of vodka at once. He was going drunk. " man I love you all." Awkwarddddd.

Joon suddenly slammed the table. Everyone in the room looked at him. "You know what? let's get ed. Tomorrow is tomorrow, today is today. I'm paying. drink up."

SO they were ed up, hammered. They were so drunk that night no one remembered what they did. Laughter was in the group once again. 

"Cheers!" Joon said, to catch everyone's attention. "To Apple Tree. FOREVER!" They all cheered and happily drank.

The next day when Daehyun woke up, everyone was there. but Joon... There was a little note on the table which read:

"Hi guys... Uh. I paid so don't worry... by the time you guys woke up and while you're reading this I'll be in the airport waiting for my flight. Don't come looking for me, I might not be back in Korea forever... Don't bother wasting your time. This means I'm being a and stepping of Apple Tree by running away from you guys... I'm sorry. Remember I cheered about everlasting Apple Tree? Yup that's my wish to you guys, Apple Tree will be everlasting. Daehyun, you be the vocal. You be the leader. Take my place and sing like there's no tomorrow. Sungyeol, Hoya, Baro, Yongguk... You all listen well to Daehyun, and you all don't miss me. Hopefully I won't be seeing you guys...Good bye, no crying like . "

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PRESENT IN THE ROOFTOP---------

"and when I read that note I was so dumb for not noticing it, like. It was the end of the world for me" Daehyun says.

"Oh so that's why he went to the States... " you say. "He just told me that he was going for a break."

"Guess what? We found him last night and talked to him. He hates so much...." Baro said. Hoya ran up and burst the door open.

"Sorriez for being late lol" He says, looking at you. You just look back at him and he winks at you, looking away shyly. 

You turn back at the boys. "So what's the point of telling me all this?" You say.

"Nothing, it might help us later if you knew it now..." Daehyun said. "So. Our plan? You go out with one of these guys."

Everyone's eyes became huge. Your eyeballs were about to fall off your eye socket. 

".......with who....?" You say.

"I don't really care, whoever you like I guess?" Daehyun says it as if it's nothing.

"Uhhhhhhh......... what if I say no...?" 

"You have to, you got no choice." Daehyun says.


sorry, this chapter is incredibly long.......... read it all. ahahaa :)

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megaman1174 #1
I'm new and still not used to this at all... chapter 4 is not mature contended so yeah. :)
megaman1174 #2
I don't know why chapter 2 is mature contented, I fixed it for 8 times throughout today but still didn't work. don't worry nothing inappropriate is in that chapter c: