Beginning (2)

Apple Tree

Riiiiiinnnnnggggggg. There goes the school bell, end of school. yayy. not really. Because you don't have parents you have to make money yourself. 5 months ago you found a part time job at an amusement park as a green dragon giving out balloons to the kids. You hated it but the pays were awesome so you decided to keep doing it. No one knows you work there. 

You are really high and happy because you finallly. FINALLY. found a job you can do and go to school at the same time. It's a part time job but who cares. You change into your green dragon costume and get the balloons. Far in the distance you see 5 boys walking this way and they're tall, yes very tall but they look much younger than you. Most students around this time should be at home or something but they weren't... so you decided to make fun of thme by giving balloons to them. They  laugh and 'kindly' refuse the balloons but for some reason you wanted to annoy the out of them so you keep following them with the balloons in your hand. They look at you and start creeping out and you just keep following them. yup. The youngest looking one takes the balloon and you pat his head like a little boy. YAY it's working, 1 down 4 to go, you think. You keep following them and eventually give away 3 balloons, one left to go. You keep following him until he suddenly stops and you run into him. Ouchhhhh. He turns around and levels your eyes with his. Oh he was a good looking one for sure.

"I can see your eyes through the mask. I'll remember you. I'll take the blue one thank you."

His voice is normal but somehow sweet. You're minded and you just stand there, struck by the words. He takes the blue one out of his hand and walks away. The rest of the boys pop up behind you and goes wooooooooo. You have no idea what's going on so you shoo them away. You don't have a good feeling about this job but decide to keep it anyway.

Oh well he was wrong. Daehyun from Apple Tree. Yea that was him, the one who took the blue balloon. You were shocked when you saw him transfer to your school exactly one week after that incident but he didn't even bother looking at you. Once in a while, you and Sungyeol's eyes meet, even during today's lunch time your eyes met together. His eyes gave off the evil sense just by looking at it for 0.1 second. You walk out of the school, say goodbye to minju and see her go home with her other friends. She has other friends unlike me... Gosh I'm such a socially awkward person. -______- you think to yourself and make your way to the amusement park for your part time job again. As you get there, you change and get the balloons and stand at your usual spot. Kids don't even like balloons these days, they like nintendos and make up and adult stuff not these.... gotta find another job soon. You think as you give one balloon to a couple who asks for one. They're cute together. You think as you watch them giggle at the yellow balloon you just gave them. After 2 hours you sit down because you're tired just when Hoya comes and asks for a balloon. wait... Hoya!? Yes Hoya. You look at him with the weirdest face expression (thankfully hidden by the mask) and give him a red one. 

"Hello again. I don't want red" He says with the most serious face you've ever seen. " I want pink."

"I have never seen you before so hello." You lied "Well I don't have any pink so take red, that's the closest color to pink I have" You answer with a bit of a voice change so that he doesn't recognize you.

"Yeah right you're the one who followed us around last time and gave balloons to us." He smirked  "You have the weirdest voice ever. Is it changed? Let me hear your normal voice." He says as he gives back the red balloon and takes the blue one. 

You fake cough. "S-sorry. Oh that's you I didn't recognize you." You lie again. "Now shoo and let me do my job"

"You somehow sound very familiar. You sound like........ nevermind. I'll come here tomorrow too. see ya" He runs off.

-__________________________________________- That's your face expression. WTF face. GREAT. He said he'll come tomorrow again. Is he serious? hahaha no. of course he is lying... or is he? dammit. Why is he coming again? Why did he even bother to say that? Screw him he's just saying that. He won't reognize me anyway he doesn't even know who I am. wiajfiwjahuhfisuhaiwjao!!!!!!!!!!! He just ruined my day. You are menboonged (metally wrecked) for the remaining 3 hours of your work time. You get the money and walk home like a zombie.

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megaman1174 #1
I'm new and still not used to this at all... chapter 4 is not mature contended so yeah. :)
megaman1174 #2
I don't know why chapter 2 is mature contented, I fixed it for 8 times throughout today but still didn't work. don't worry nothing inappropriate is in that chapter c: