
Apple Tree

Joon looks at you with his hands on his sides and looks at you strangely. You're brushing your teeth and he's in front of the bathroom door (you don't brush your teeth with the door locked). He's supposed to be watching tv by this time but surprisngly he wasn't.

"So tell me. Daehyun is in your class?" He gives you a look.

"NO! He's in our school, not my class. You've been asking that question 45 times now! I actually answered it 45 times back so there you have it, I'm not talking to you anymore" You rinse your mouth and wipe your mouth on the towel.

"Same thing! Are you close with him?" he asks.

"Nope. He doesn't even recognize my face even though we've been only seen each other twice..." You wipe your hands and push Joon out of the way, turning off the bathroom light.

"Wait a second. Did you say twice? When? You're hiding something from me aren't you?"

"NO! OH my god stop. just stop and leave me alone. I'm not hiding anything from you so go away! " You storm into your room and lock the door because he was so annoying. You check your phone just because it's a habit and you see one text. I bet it's an advertisment call again. Pisses me off when i'm already pissed, you think. You open the text and you're surprised becaus it's not an advertisment.

[Who is this?] reads the text. It's an unknown number. You wonder if you should reply or not but you decide to.

[This is Danbi. and you are?] You reply the text hoping that saying who I was wouldn't affect anything bad to you.

[Oh. heyyy :) it's me hoya! Save this number~] Oh. It's Hoya. You feel your face becoming red. 

[oh okay cool! :)) so what's up? ;)] *WINK*. oh that y wink, that wink which means 'you and I have something special' in language.

[ I had a tiny bit of trouble finding out your fone number. ;D] Oh that y wink again with a larger smile.

[R u serious? haha LOL!]

[I am dead serious rofl xD]

and blah and blah and blah, so on. Because of tonight's texting between you and hoya go on until 2 in the morning. You do your homework lazily and get to bed when you see a text:

[good night. see you tomorrow on the rooftop at school! You have no choice. >:)] You see the text when your're about to fall asleep. You smile, imagining him say that to you with his real voice. 

--------------------------------------------------------------Joonie's Pov (the story goes on but just in Joonie's point of view)

[Meet me in front of Buzz Buzz.] said a text from an unknown number. Damn, I haven't been to that place in such a long time. I wonder who it is? Joon thinks. He makes sure you're sleeping, he takes a quick shower, put his white shirt and jeans on and take a gimpse look at the scar on his upper left arm. How come I get a feeling that it's Daehyun...? or maybe it's Sungyeol...or Yongguk...? that ing Apple Tree.

He locks the house door, making sure that it's locked. then he gets on his mortobike, put his helmet on and go to Buzz  Buzz (that's a drinking place where I go to in real). As soon as he arrives, he sees Baro chilling with Yongguk smoking as usual... Baro sees him and dumps it on the floor and jumps up to him...

"Joonie hyung~ Long time no see! I've seen your sister around but you? nahh. Daehyun called you over. He's inside. I'll show you the way" Baro says with a cheery face.

"Baro. no need. He knows where he's going." Yongguk says, holding the back of Baro's shirt.

He ignores them as he walks inside. Loud music, tables with drunk people doing shisha or getting drunk. Not very far ahead there is a dance floor and people are crowding and there are s everywhere. He ignores them, not feeling at all and walks walks into a VVIP room. In that room, there were Daehyun, Sungyeol, and Hoya. You see Hoya holding his phone and smile as he seems to look through something.. maybe images or texts... There is a girl who keeps trying to win Hoya over but Hoya doesn't even look at her. Sungyeol is just drinking and crying silently while a girl wipes his tears. Daehyun is in the very middle as usual, drinking and surrounded by two girls, one on each side, seducing him. He's laughing over it and enjoys it until he sees him.

He pushes the girls off and look at him. Joon just stands there crossing his arms. 

"How did you find out my number?" Joon says with a straight face.

"I have my ways, you know better. Do you have any idea why I invited you here?" Daehyun smirks and Joon wants to punch im in the face. "You want to punch me in the face. Do you not? I'll give you a chance to. One punch, no more." Daehyun says and he gets goose bumps.

"Why am I here?" Joon asked.

"Well. Why are you here? You came yourself." Daehyun said teasingly.

"I'm not playing games here. tell me." Joon asked with a bit of anger in his voice.

"Why would I, number 1 of Apple Tree Daehyun, bring you here? Maybe to keep you away from some place?" Daehyun put on a mysterious voice. and BAAM It struck him. DANBI! 

"You little bastard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Joon grabs a fruit plate and throws it at Daehyun. It shatters into pieces but Daehyun isn't hurt. 

"I'm joking brah. Don't get me too serious, your sister is fine. Right Hoya?"

"Yup!" Hoya answers very happily and goes back to his phone. !!!!!!!!!!! I shouldn't have come here!!! Joon thinks as he punches the wall so hard that the whole room shakes for one split second.

"SHUT THE UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sungyeol cries as he throws his glass cup at him He dodges it easily and starts to storm towards Sungyeol when Daehyun stops him.

"STOP! Bro. calm the down. SUNGYEOL SHUT THE UP. I just called if you wanted to come back to Apple Tree. Besides, we have an empty space and we don't know who it's for... except you."

"Apple Tree was never a music band" Joon starts, "Everyone thinks Apple Tree is just a music band. The secret behind it? Look at you guys! I don't want to be like you guys. It's just a game you kids play and I'm not joining you. Why would I waste my time with you when I can do so much more things? Don't ever call me to such place. Is that clear? Now don't ever call me or talk to Danbi. I will kill you if you do so." Joon says with a straight, serious face. Daehyun, Sungyeol and Hoya looks at him as if they heard something very shocking.

"But hyung--" Hoya starts with a sad face. "Danbi..."

"Don't let me hear my sister's name from your mouth Hoya." Joon snaps back angrily. Yongguk comes in with Baro, stiffen as they come in.

"Weren't we brothers too..?" Baro says quietly. Yongguk and Baro heard everything Joon said as well. 

"I'd rather kill myself then consider you as a brother." Joon says with a violent tone in his voice. Everyone's face has a sad tone except for Daehyun.

"I'm really dissappointed in you brother... no Joon Lee. Hopefully I won't see you ing around anymore." Daehyun glares at Joon. Joon storms out of the VVIP room, feeling as crappy as .

How in the ing world will I tell this to Danbi...?

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megaman1174 #1
I'm new and still not used to this at all... chapter 4 is not mature contended so yeah. :)
megaman1174 #2
I don't know why chapter 2 is mature contented, I fixed it for 8 times throughout today but still didn't work. don't worry nothing inappropriate is in that chapter c: