Day O5; Haze [ LUNEW ]



Rating: G

Word Count: 445

Date: Aug. 11th, 2012.

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NOTE: I got lazy and didn't update like I was supposed to. So here's a rushed Onew x Luna drabble.


The smell of coffee was overwhelming as the male sat with his back to the window, his finger running along the rim of the coffee mug that sat on the small table in front of him. He’d been in the same position for two hours or so, staring off into space and merely enjoying the time to himself. As his dark brown eyes flickered across the quaint parlour his eyes fell on a brunette female that looked around carefully as she walked into the café.


Instead of going to the counter to order like most people did, she frantically looked around the café, her lips turning down into a small frown once her eyes fell on a taken seat. It was then that she spotted Jinki sitting by himself, a spare chair in front of him, where his feet were propped up. She swiftly walked over and pulled the chair out from under his feet, causing him to lurch forward, his finger that once sat on the edge of the coffee mug now slipping into the drink itself.


He winced and pulled his finger back as he felt the, now cold, drink touch his skin. “Uh…hi, who a—“


Before he could finish his question the female leaned in closer to him. “Luna. That’s all you need to know. And right now, we’re the best of friends merely having some coffee, alright?” After whispering the last bit, she burst out laughing as he had told some hilarious joke.


Jinki leaned away from the female warily and wiped his wet finger on a dry napkin. Luna looked out the window behind him, squinting her eyes to see through the fog that had grown outside. Jinki wondered how the female even saw anything through the thick mist. He glanced over his shoulder to merely see a cloudy window, the haze had grown so thick that he could barely see the lamppost merely a few inches away from the window.


Once he looked back, the female was already pulling herself out of her chair.


“W-wait! Where are you going?” His eyes widened a bit at her sudden departure. She left as quickly as she had come. He gripped the edge of the table, his curiosity growing. After seeing something out the window, Luna had made up her mind to head off.


She shot him a friendly grin and clutched at the bag hanging from her shoulder. “Maybe we’ll meet again, but my time here is up.” With that, she scurried out of the coffee shop and headed down the street without turning back once.


“Strange..” Jinki whispered under his breath, watching her small figure disappear in the darkness. 


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This is really good. Can't wait for you to update so I can read more.