Day O1; Beginning


Rating: G

Word Count: 689

Date: Aug. 4th, 2012.

Image Source:

NOTE: The first two chapters have already been posted on Tumblr.


Silence was something most people took for granted. On a busy planet, like the one humans live in, silence is hard to come by. Quiet time was necessary for everyone. For people to sort their thoughts, take some time to themselves, and just shut out the world around them. At least, that’s what Kim Kibum thought.

In the midst of a deserted park sat a young male, his legs crossed, a book propped up on his thigh. His dark eyes ran from left to right, an excited gleam behind them as he took in every word of the text that he was reading. He brought a slim finger up to curl behind the corner of the page, ready to turn it as he neared the end. Just as he was about to move onto the next chapter, his feet bouncing anxiously, a flying object caught his eye.

The male looked up to see a flying red disk soar through the air and cut a clean path towards him until it tumbled onto his lap. Kibum stared down at the Frisbee for a second, and jolted back as he was pounced on by a small creature.

“Get it off!” He screamed, as he swatted at the barking puppy whilst it took the toy into its canines and bounced off his lap. Kibum pushed himself back into a sitting position and brushed off small particles of dirt off of his jeans, an upset grimace evident on his features.

“Oh man, I’m so sorry.”

The new husky voice made Kibum freeze for a second. And just when I thought I’d get some time to myself. He thought with a soft sigh. He brought his gaze up to meet the round, apologetic eyes of another male as he scooped up the wiggling puppy into his arms.

The male was broad shouldered, though fairly short. His jaw was clenched in what seemed like a mixture of fear and nervousness, probably from the death glare that Kibum was shooting him. Kibum’s eyes softened when he brought his gaze back up to the other’s puppy-like look.

Kibum let out an irritated sigh, and waved his hand as if the whole matter was absolutely nothing. “It’s fine.” With that, he ducked his head to look down at the book that was now sprawled on the grass. He mentally winced at the thought of the new pages of the book coming in contact with the filthy dirt.

He leaned forward to pick up the novel, and just as he reached out, the side of his hand brushed against the slightly tanned fingers of the new man. Kibum froze in his spot as the other male snatched the book up before he could react.

“What this?” He asked, causing a pang of annoyance to run through Kibum’s veins.

“It’s a book.” He snapped, straightening back up, and staring daggers at the young man. “Better question; who are you and who the hell do you think you are to be touching my things?”

The figure standing in front of Kibum clicked his tongue and sneered. “Feisty aren’t you?” He laughed softly and shot him a cheeky grin. “Kim Jonghyun and I think I’m merely a stranger fascinated by another stranger’s taste in novels.” He nodded, as if that was the most logical answer ever and stared Kibum in the eyes. “And you are?”

“None of your business.”

“Kim Kibum.” The male simply replied with a smug grin, his eyes flickering across the corner of the book where his name was written in neat cursive. He looked up and arched an eyebrow. “Right?”

His lips curled down into a scowl as he snatched the book away from Jonghyun. “Maybe.” With the simple and sharp answer, Kibum his heels and hotly stormed away from the other. His peace had been ruined. His day dedicated to complete silence had been ruined by some bumbling idiot. Kibum was far from pleased. Little did he know that this meeting was one of many encounters he would have with the other; the beginning to a new friendship.

“It was nice to meet you too!” 

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This is really good. Can't wait for you to update so I can read more.