- Chapter 5 -

Unanswered Questions
- Recap: Key found out that Krystal still had feelings for JongHyun, so he told him. MinHo told Krystal that JongHyun still had feelings for her, and they never went away. So Krystal finally gained the courage and went to go tell JongHyun her true feelings. - 
JongHyun looked at her, not really reacting in anyway possible; "A-are you sure?"
Krystal laughed, it was typical of JongHyun to act all awkward after these type of situations; "Yes JongHyun, I am 100% sure." she gave him a soft smile.
"I like you too!" JongHyun gave her a tight hug, causing her to drop the soccer ball that was in her hands when she hugged him back.
Krystal pulled away from the hug, "Please promise me that this time, nothing will change between our friendship? I really missed you this past year."
JongHyun held out his pinky, smiling; "Pinky promise."
She attached their pinkies, and right when she's about to let go; JongHyun made it so their fingers interlocked between each others.
MinHo and Key laughed, and MinHo gave a soft smile while looking at JongStal; "JongHyun is really growing up eh?"
"And so are you." Key patted his shoulder, "I was really surprised you gave up a girl for JongHyun, this is honestly a first."
MinHo dribbled the basketball as they walked back into the building, "JongHyun deserves to be happy, I should be the last person trying to ruin that."
"Awuh MinHo!" Victoria jumped over to them, waving her arms around; "I've never seen this cute and innocent side of yours before."
Amber chuckled, "Trust me Vic, none of us has."
"You know MinHo, I think I'm falling in love with you now." Onew put on an affectionate face, grabbing onto MinHo's hand; about to kiss it.
"YAH!" MinHo jerked his hand away, causing everyone to laugh; but he looked at him in playful disgust, "You're so messed up in the head, I swear."
Luna rolled her eyes, tugging at Onew's arm; "Why do I even like you?"
Onew smirked, "I don't know, but you do; so absolutely no taking that back. Arasso?" Onew pointed at her face, tapping her head.
Luna pouted her lips, nodding her head; she leaned it onto his arm as they walked in.
Amber walked her way up the steps, little did she know that she missed one; she fell forwards, almost knocking her face into the stairs; but someone held her back.
"Are you okay?" Key grabbed onto her waist, pulling her up; looking at her all over.
For the first time in Amber's life, her heart started to beat at an enormous rate; she stood there, as if she was lost in another world.
Victoria tugged at Luna's arm, smiling wider than ever; "I've never seen that look on Amber's face before." she whispered.
Luna nodded her head, agreeing; "Me either."
Key waved his hand in front of her face, "Hello? Are you okay Amber?"
Amber finally snapped out of it, "Yeah yeah, I-I'm fine." she straightened up, and began to walk faster ahead.
"Okay then.." Key mumbled to himself, following her steps.
- later on
As JongHyun and Krystal were playing their own little game of bump, set, spike with the volleyball; she noticed MinHo shooting hoops by himself. She caught the volleyball instead of hitting it, and asked JongHyun for his permission to go and talk to him.
JongHyun nodded his head, catching the volleyball as she threw it back at him.
Krystal walked over to MinHo, smiling; "Hey."
MinHo turned around, "Hey." he passed her the ball, she grabbed it; and shot a 3 pointer right from where she was standing.
"Still one of the best girl basketball players at our school." MinHo smiled, grabbing her rebound.
"Thank you." Krystal said, just staring at him.
MinHo looked back, a bit confused; "Thank you for what?"
She walked closer to him, giving him a hug; "Just for being there for me, even though you piss me off as much as possible."
He hugged her back, then pulled away; "JongHyun might see." MinHo joked.
Krystal turned to look at JongHyun, who gave them both a soft smile; "You're seriously the best dude." she punched his arm, stealing the basketball out of his hands and shot a layup.
MinHo rubbed his arm, rolling his eyes; "I know, tell me something I don't know?"
Krystal laughed, "One one one?" she offered.
"Bring it btch." MinHo joked again, getting into his defensive stance.
Krystal faked the ball at his face, did a spin move; and went in for a perfect layup. She grabbed her own rebound, smirking; "That's how it's done."
"Check it." MinHo passed her the ball, and she passed it back; without even letting Krystal back into defense, he shot a jumpshot; rimless. "Ballin' like Ray Allen over here!" he called out.
Krystal rolled her eyes at his cockiness, "You can never compare yourself to a legend okay."
MinHo laughed, he was happy nothing changed between him and Krystal; although he couldn't have her in a relationship way, she'd always be there to be his friend.
- meanwhile
Amber sat out of any physical activity, just sitting in a corner with the rest of her friends.
"I saw the way you looked at Key." Victoria teased, nudging her elbow into her side.
Amber finally snapped out of her daze, "What are you talking about?"
Luna mocked her, "Amber, it's okay to have a little crush. Plus, Key's kinda cute; in a weird, Key way."
"I don't have a crush on anyone." Amber retorded, faking a laugh afterwards.
"Really now, okay; then bye." Victoria pulled Luna's arm up, dragging her away.
"Yah! Where are you guys going?!" Amber was about to chase after them, but someone kept her down. She turned around, about to yell; but composed herself when she noticed it was Key, "Oh, h-hi." she finally let out.
Key smiled, taking a seat in front of her; criss crossed, "I was actually waiting until your friends left to be honest."
Amber looked down, she could feel herself blush; but she wanted to deny it. After a couple seconds, she finally looked him in the eyes; scoffing out a laugh, "Why's that?"
Key bit his bottom lip, running one hand through his hair; "I was wondering if you were maybe free Saturday?"
Amber kept her cool, tilting her head to the side; "What's going on Saturday?"
"Well, if you say yes to this date; maybe something." Key looked down, smiling.
She tried to contain her happiness, hitting his shoulder; "Of course I will, pabo."
Key finally looked back up at her, smiling bigger than before; and quickly pulled her into a tight hug.
Amber hugged back, surprised at his sudden action; but then pulled away, "Sorry for my awkwardness."
"Mine too." Key laughed, standing up; he grabbed her hands to help her stand as well, "Let's ditch."
"Ditch the rest of class?" Amber asked.
Key nodded his head, "It's summer gym, it doesn't really even effect us that much. Plus, the last week is a makeup week; we can just come in, together." he blushed a bit, then looked down; realizing he was still holding her hand; as he was about to to let go, Amber held on tighter.
Amber bit her bottom lip, leading their way as they started walking over the exit.
- meanwhile
"Ahh! I knew it, I knew it. Since the beginning, Amber's been acting weird around Key; and I knew it was completely abnormal of her." Victoria jumped in happiness, she always got happy whenever one of her friends was happy; a true, true friend.
"Come down though Vic, honestly." Onew laughed, wrapping his arms around Luna's small body; "How come you don't fangirl over us?"
Victoria pouted her lips, "Well, it's Amber; just let me have my moment of embracing the fact that she still is a woman."
Luna laughed even harder, "You've completely made my day unnie."
Victoria smirked, "Don't I always?" she winked.
"Ugly .." TaeMin joked under his breath, getting a well deserved slap from Victoria herself.
"Yah!" she spat at him, clearly joking.
Luna tugged at Victoria's arm, trying to get her attention; "Unnie, Sulli is coming."
Victoria turned to look, "What the hell does this btch want now."
Sulli trotted her way over to them, crossing her arms as she just glared at all of them.
"Excuse me, if you're gonna walk over here; I'd prefer that actually say something maybe?" Luna rolled her eyes.
Sulli pointed over to MinStal playing basketball, "How could you just watch one of your best friends around and ruin two brother's relationship?"
Luna smiled, getting into her face; "For your information, MinHo and Krystal are best friends; and secondly, she's officially with JongHyun."
"What?" Sulli quickly asked, "So that means she's definitely not going for MinHo now?" she smirked, looking over at MinHo.
"And he's most definitely not gonna be going for you." Victoria kicked her shin, watching her fall to the ground.
"Ahh!" Sulli grabbed onto her leg in pain, "What the hell is wrong with you?!"
"That's a question you should be asking yourself, every fckng day btch. Rot in hell for all we care." Victoria rolled her eyes, leading their way out as everyone of them followed her; laughing.
- meanwhile
JongHyun handed Krystal a cold water bottle, "Here, you look exhausted."
MinHo pouted, "And your brother gets nothing?" he joked.
JongHyun tossed him a water bottle as well, "Don't worry, I got you." he laughed.
"Thanks bro." MinHo caught it, taking a huge gulp; "So you guys down for a movie night at our house tonight?"
JongHyun looked at Krystal, who nodded her head excitedly; "I just have to ask my parents first, you already know how strict they are on me." Krystal said.
"They really are, I won't be surprised if they make you break up with JongHyun." MinHo said, but then quickly regretted it seconds after; "I mean-"
Krystal laughed, playing it off; "I'll talk some sense into them. JongHyun is a good guy." she looked at JongHyun and smiled, holding onto his arm.
MinHo looked around, "Amber and Key left together, so I don't know how I'm gonna get a hold of them."
Krystal rolled her eyes, "Let those 2 be, I've never seen Amber with a dude and be that geeky and shy before."
"And we've never seen Key lose so much confidence around a girl before!" MinHo answered back, causing all 3 of them to laugh.
As they were continuing their conversation, a volleyball came flying their direction; nailing MinHo straight in the back of the head, "Aish!" he screamed, holding onto his head. He turned around, a girl running came towards them.
"Omo, I am so so sorry." the girl bowed, apologizing over and over; "My serve went too far and-"
"Ani, that's okay." MinHo smiled, She is gorgeous. he thought to himself.
"Hey YoonA." Krystal smiled, peaking behind MinHo's shoulder.
YoonA looked to see who it was, "Ahh, Krystal!" she yelled, rushing over to her and giving her a huge hug; "I didn't even notice you the past week!"
Krystal laughed, "I didn't know you were doing Summer gym either! But hold up, let me introduce you to some friends."
YoonA pointed at JongHyun and waved, "Who doesn't know JongHyun?" she joked around.
"True." JongHyun laughed, messing around as well; "This is my brother MinHo." he pointed at MinHo, who's eyes never left YoonA's.
MinHo held out his hand, smiling wide; "Nice to meet you."
"I've definitely seen you somewhere before." YoonA smiled, shaking his hand; "Apologies again for knocking you in the head with a volleyball."
MinHo smiled some more, still not letting go of her hand; "No worries."
WAAAAAAAAAAAAH, I finally got time to update.
And as I said before, this fanfic will be ending soon. /:
Buuuuuut, I do have a new one coming out.
Although it's not gonna be MinStal/JongStal, if you're into the JB/JiYeon pair from Dream High 2; actually, any of the cast of Dream High 2. Along with MyungStal, you might like it. So please, tell your friends if they're a fan of that!
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Thank you!
- First day of school today, meaning; I don't know when my next update will be.. please forgive me! D;


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I love this! Its so sweet!♡
Chapter 6: oooooommmmggg. this is based on a true story, right? so you kissed this 'so called' 'jonghyun'? ;D
Chapter 4: poor minho;A;
what will happen to him if later jongstal together?;A;
I can't:''''
Minho has to be with krystal:'
Minstal please!!!...
theentrance #6
Chapter 4: I don't ship them too much, but in this fic
Yayacute #7
Minstal please!!!!
I 1 minstal at the end. please dear!!!!!"
winterapril #9
Chapter 3: Thank you for your update, I love it.