


( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )


Jaejoong P.O.V

I stare at the crowded cafeteria in front of me. My intention to buy bread and a carton of milk blew away. I’m never going to make it alive in that hazardous sea of human. My only opinion is to wait until the crowed lessen, although the risk is I don’t get the bread that I want or worse it run out because clearly the student that swarm in that cafeteria are a bunch of hungry hyenas. I regret of having told both Yesung and Donghae to go to class first. I know that even we still have to struggle to get that food; at least I’m not doing it alone. But, not long after I think about that thought, I quickly dismissed it. It’s safer and less trouble for me if they didn’t here.

“Hey. Wake up, Jae. Don’t get your head in the clouds like that.” I turned my head quickly to the side when the said person just taps my shoulder. I see Changmin is already standing before me.


“What are you doing in here anyway? Aren’t you supposed to be with the quirky girl and crazy girl?” (Donghae: Yah!! You punk! What till I get my hands on you…! – Yesung: What is quirky? Ah! I get a new one. I asked Siwon the meaning and used it for my word game. Wonnie!! – Siwon: Here, baby. – Donghae: Oh, please, spare me the PDA. It’s creeping me out! – Yewon: *ignore Donghae and keep lovey dovey to themselves* - Donghae: Never mind.)

“They’re not quirky and crazy, Minnie.” I smile at Changmin description of my best friends, although a part of me concurs with what Changmin have just said. (Donghae: Yah! Traitor! – Jaejoong: I do not!! – Yesung: What did Changmin have just said?” – JaeHae: *palm face themselves* you are hopeless.)

“They are to me.” Changmin said stubbornly and I could only laughed at Changmin childish attitude.

“By the way, you never answer my question, Jae.” Changmin remind me of his first question. I nodded while replying him.

“Oh I’m here to buy some bread and milk. But I think I just wait until the place safe enough.”

“Leave it to me then.” Suddenly, Changmin run to the mass of student and tried to push thorough. I couldn’t say anything to prevent him for getting murder by those hungry students because he’s already gone and I can’t see him anywhere. Exactly five minutes later, I found him run back to me, bringing some bread and milk.

“Here you are, Jae.” He said while giving me my share. I smile at him to show my gratitude and not to mention saying my thanks to him.

“Thanks. Hm.. Umph.. Hihihi..” Out of blue I started to giggle. Not that I’m crazy, mind you, but because I remember something funny back then when I went to the cafeteria with Donghae and Yesung. Changmin notice my giggled and asked me.

“Why you suddenly laughing like that? Is it something on my face?”

“No. It’s not that. I’ve just remember when I came here with Donghae and Yesung once.”


“It was so crowded. A guy even hit me.” I giggled again when I remember how Donghae and Yesung react back then.

( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )

Flash back

When I arrive in the cafeteria with Donghae and Yesung, it was already packed with students, trying to get themselves some food for lunch. Seeing that students were acting brutally like my mom when she’s on sale shopping mode (Jae’s Mom: Yah!! You ungrateful child!!) makes me scared to be in that place and because I’m too wrapped in my own horror, I didn’t realize a guy who hit me if he didn’t yell at me afterward.

“Yah!! Watch were you standing, girl! You’re in my way!!” he yelled at me after he bump into me. I only touch my upper arms which had been clash together with his bulky arms. Donghae who see this, instantly got mad at the guy. She grabs the guy arm and spun him around while yelling at him.

“What do you just said?!” Oh, no! This is not good. Donghae is going to start a fight again. I saunter to her and tried to calm her down. It’s not a big deal and I don’t want any chaos in here.

“Hae. I’m fine. He didn’t hit me that hard.”

“What do you mean by that?! You have to apologize!” But, leave it to Donghae to ignore me when she pissed off like this. I know that she just want to defend me, but not necessarily doing it with picking a fight with every single person who bump, complain or even just the people she consider bothering me because they are asking for my help. She thinks that those people are wasting my time.

“Shut up! Leave me alone!” The guy is roaring back at Donghae. This guy definitely didn’t know Donghae reputation as the strong and hot tempered girl, because he just involuntarily asking Donghae to punch him.

“You are the one who is going to shut up!”

“Hae, I told you, I’m alright. Please stop. Yesung, help me stop them.” I turned to Yesung asking for her help.

“Leave it to me, Jae.” She said while nodding her head and that makes me relief because truthfully I couldn’t handle Donghae by myself. However, I have to think twice before asking for Yesung help next time because out of nowhere, she’s already holding a broomstick in her hand.

“I came up with a great plan. Those two are creating a ruckus right?! Everyone will come to see what’s happening and the cafeteria will be empty, just for you.” I stared at Yesung with horror look in my eyes. Is she serious?

“Leave it to us. Jae. Run to the cafeteria. Here, Hae, a weapon. You aren’t a black belt for nothing.” She shouts to Donghae while bringing that broomstick to Donghae who already start a fist fight with the guy.

“Yesung, you’re stirring up the fight. What are you doing?! You are making things worse!” I scream panicky. Oh, God. Why did I do to make You sent me these girls for me to take care. They’ll be the death of me.

End Flashback

( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )

“In the end, we didn’t even get to buy any food for lunch.” I said wrapping out my story to Changmin. He laughs out loud after hearing me. I guess everyone will laugh like him. My girls are really funny sometimes.

“Hahaha… What a troublesome group.” Changmin commented at how we interact with each other. I smile at that and agreeing to his comment.

“Yeah, tell me about it.” We both laugh a little after that. Come to think of it, my life has never been the same since I meet Donghae and Yesung. They really spice up my ordinary life. Although I may be overwhelmed by their excessive action every day, I care for them so much.

We continue walking to our class, when I notice that Changmin bought his lunch less than usual. I know Changmin so well. I know how much his take his food every day and it’s the definition of huge appetite. So when I saw his only bought two breads and a carton of milk, I know that something is wrong with him.

“Minnie, you bought less food than usual. Don’t tell me it’s because you bought my share of lunch.” I guessing and if I was right, I would feel bad. Bit, Changmin only shake his head.

“Oh, no. It’s nothing like that. I just don’t feel like eating much.” I’m really shock hearing him said that. Is this the Changmin I know?

“You, who have called a food monster, don’t like to eat much. Are you okay, Min?” I asked him again and this time Changmin just punch my shoulder lightly.

“Stop calling me food monster. I don’t eat that much.”

“Yeah, you sure did.”

“Yah!!” I laugh at his outburst. He complains that I called him a food monster, but don’t blame me. Every sane person would actually said the same if they saw how much food Changmin could consume in a day. But, I let it go for today, seeing his scowling like that.

“Okay, okay. I get it. But, seriously, you okay?”

“I’m fine. It’s just that I got a bit of a shock so I kind of lose my appetite.”

“What happen?” Now, that something I don’t know. What could it be that makes Changmin shock until he loses his appetite?

“You know the girl that we saw on the train, the one I have a crush on.” I nodded at that.

“Well, my friend said that she already have a boyfriend. He saw them together last Sunday” Changmin show a miserable look when he said that. I understand that what he’s talking about is the scene from the restaurant where that girl is eating together with her brother. However, Changmin friend must misunderstood the situation and tell Changmin the wrong story.

When I muse in my thoughts, I didn’t realize that we already reach our class. Changmin said his goodbye to me and join his swarm of friends. I also joined Donghae and Yesung who already open their lunch box. While we’re eating together, I couldn’t forget the depressed look on Changmin face. He really looks very sad and defeated. I reach my bag and pull out a post card that shows a sign of winning a prize quiz. I smile a little when I see the postcard. I know exactly what to do with it. All Changmin needs is a chance.

( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )

After school

“Changmin-ah!!” I shout so Changmin could hear me, and he definitely hears me because he turned his body toward me.

“Hey, Jae. What’s up?” When I got close to him, I right away gave him the prize postcard.

“Here. This is for you.”

“What it is?” He looks confused but he takes it from my hand. I smile at him and response to his question.

“It’s a chance for you. Use it.”

“What? I don’t…” Before he could ask question any further, I cut him off.

“Use it.”

( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )

Monday morning

I’m alone in the train today because this morning, Changmin was texting me that he’s going to go first because he have something to do. I was curious about what so important that makes Changmin could wake up that early and went first before me, but I let it go because I think this is a good change for him. I mean his tardiness have to lessen somehow.

I looked outside the window of the train when it halts to the next stop where I first meet in person with that girl, Kim Kibum. The doors are open for awhile and then close again when all the passengers that are going to take this train are inside. I didn’t notice that someone already standing behind my back. Maybe it’s because I have too much to think about lately.

“Jae.” I jolt back because of the calling. I turned around abruptly and found Changmin were smiling at me. I’m surprise to see him here because he told me earlier that he was going to school first.

“What are you doing here, Min? Don’t you already gone to school?”

“I just have to pick someone up before I go to school. Oh, by the way Jae, this is for you.” He gave me a scroll of tiny paper that could be ripped off one by one. I looked at the paper with bewilderment.

“What is this?”

“Ten of ‘I will do what you wants’ tickets.” I stare at Changmin and then at the paper in my hand.

“Wow. You made it by yourself?”

“Hehe.. Yes. You could ask anything, such as replacing you cleaning up the class or something like that. It’s a way to thank you for the postcard.” I smile at him. Why is he doing something like this? I see his face is different when I saw him the last few days. I think something happen to him.

“You look happy, Min. Is the postcard useful?”

“Very useful, Jae. Because you gave me the chance…” He didn’t get the chance to finish his sentence because his attention is disturbed by something on his left side. I follow his gaze and found Kim Kibum waving and smile cutely to Changmin. 


“Hey, come here. You already finish talking with your friends?” Changmin asked while Kim Kibum walk to Changmin, tried to steady her selves during the train speed away and when she beside Changmin, he instantly wrap his hand in Kibum waist to prevent her for falling or such. Kibum smile and look up to Changmin.


“Oh, okay then. Here, let me introduce you my…” I didn’t hear the rest of Changmin words because my minds are full with my thoughts right now. Without him explain the situation I knew why that girl is with him right now. I know why Changmin wake up so early and rushed to the train station before me. I know why the postcard is so useful that makes him so happy. I know the outcome of that chance that I gave him. I’m glad it turned out greatly. I feel happy for him too. I feel happy. I must happy for him. I must.

( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )

Four days later

“He really is so diligent to make something like this.” Donghae commented on the tickets Changmin gave to me last Monday. Yesung who sit across fromDonghae nodded and giving her response.

“Yes, he is, but not near as diligent as Siwonnie.”

“Yes Yesung, whatever you say.” Donghae lazily agree with Yesung statement regarding her boyfriend, Siwon-sunbae. Yesung really do admire Siwon-sunbae so much. It’s quite cute to see Yesung so fond of someone this badly. Anyhow, Donghae who clearly still disagree with Yesung choice of a boyfriend, turned her head to me while showing the tickets.

“It’s still have nine tickets left, since you already use it once when you asked him to replace your place yesterday, right Jae?!” I only nodded to answer her. Yesung on the other hand, said something that makes me want to hit my head to the table.

“Why don’t we use this to make him turn into Ultraman. Or..or.. A turtle boy. Ddangkoma will have a friend then. Or even a member of Power Ranger. That so awesome.” What world is this girl been living in? I’m so amazed with her imagination.

“Yesung, it’s impossible. Changmin coul…” Before I have the timeto finish my statement, Donghae gave me a really crazy idea. Crazier than Yesung idea.

“Oh, I have a great idea. Make him into my punching bag. Lately the sand bag is making me boring. There’s no scream coming from it.” See. Oh my God. They really are going to be the death of me.

“Of course, there isn’t Hae. What are you? Some sadistic queen? God! Absolutely not going to happen!” I reprimand her for suggesting such absurd idea. A living punching bag, only Donghae could come up with that idea.

“Why not Jae? I think it would be great if Hae have a new punching bag. A sreaming one that is.” Oh no. Not you too Yesung. I look at the both of them with my fiercer look and fortunately it scared them enough to make them not saying any ridiculous idea.  When I see them behave, I stand up and walk out my desk to the entrance of the class room.

“Anyway, I need to leave first.”

“Eh? Aren’t you supposed to go home with Changmin and Kibum?” remind Donghae about my previous plan with Changmin. I only wave my hand, indicating her I would not be joined Changmin and Kibum.

“Tell them I have something to do. I need to return this book to the library. Well, see you.” I said while leaving the class room.

End Jaejoong P.O.V

( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )

“What’s wrong with her?” Donghae asked Yesung while staring at Jaejoong back who is leaving the class in a hurry. Yesung only raised he shoulder and shake her head. Donghae sighed when she missed Jaejoong back to the corner of the door of their class. She turned her hear towards Yesung who in fact have her eyes fixed on Donghae. They looked each other and sighed deeply together.

“You know, I think Jaejoong act really strange these days. She is spaced out lately. As if she was sad.”

“Yes, she is also being so clumsy these few days. More clumsy than I have.” Donghae and Yesung looked at each other again. They both worried about their friend Jaejoong. They want to help her, but don’t know what to do since Jaejoong rarely show her feelings to them. She is always the composed, wise, and nice girl. They turned their head toward the tickets that Changmin have given to Jaejoong while thinking a way to make Jaejoong less sad than she already is.

( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )

Yunho P.O.V

I was at the window of my classroom when I saw Jaejoong walk straight ahead toward the school gate. I notice her behavior when I meet her in club activities is rather strange lately. She seems so sad, not talks much, and spaced out. I think something bothering her and I guess it’s must have anything to do with Shim Changmin. I know that guy when I saw him walking together with Jaejoong after school. They so close, talking and laughing together like a couple do. At first I thought Changmin is Jaejoong boyfriend, but turned out Changmin is just Jaejoong childhood friend. Although I’m sure that Jaejoong has feeling for Changmin by the way she gazes at him. I know that because I gaze at her the same way.

While staring at Jaejoong, the corner of my eyes spotted Pochi, the security’s dog. He have his eyes fixed on Jaejoong. Well, it seems like the dog do like Jaejoong after all. It proves by he’s wiggling his tail when Jaejoong walk in front of it. However, Jaejoong doesn’t aware of that. She kept walking until she out of view makes the dog stop his wiggling and lower his ears.

From my point of view, Jaejoong gloomy state right now is really cloud her viewpoint of her surroundings. I never see Jaejoong this indifferent before. I should talk to her sometimes. I mean, I know this is not my business, but seeing her so distraught like this makes me feel distressing too. Beside, cheerful Jaejoong is much better that gloomy Jaejoong. I hope I can talk to her soon.

( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )

Sunday – Jaejoong P.O.V

I’m standing in front of a big sign of the latest movie while Donghae and Yesung is queuing at the ticket booth. I’m quite confused they queuing at this kind of movie but I let them be. I’ll ask them when they get the tickets. Meanwhile I just sit myself in some couch in the movie theater. Somehow this few days, I feel so tired. Is it because of Changmin relationship with Kibum going smoothly or because I’ve been handling so much task in my hand regarding school and club activities. Either the reason, I feel drained. 

“Jae, we get the tickets. Come on.” Donghae calling wake me up from my daydream. The three of us went inside one of the studio and take our seats.

“This movie is about a father and child’s overflowing love. A touching film that will cause a storm of deep emotion. Which one suggested watching this movie?” I asked eventually.

“We both did.” They answer simultaneously. I looked at them suspiciously because it’s odd for them to choose this kind of movie. But, like I said before, I will go along with their choice this time.

As the movie play, I watch it with so much feeling I felt these days. The movie really is a touching film that could make your heart fluttered with sympathy to the characters. I watch intently because for some reason that movie reminds me of my actual situation with Changmin.

How I longing for Changmin to notice me while he himself longing for Kibum. How I feel when I gave that postcard for him so he have the chance to be close to Kibum when I want to be close to him. How I should act when Changmin and Kibum finally be together when in reality I want to be in Kibum shoes. Why it is Chagmin couldn’t understand my feeling? Why he chooses Kibum? Why he can’t love me?

Before I shout out those question, I’ve already know the answer. It couldn’t be help. I wasn’t the one who could make Changmin smile so beautifully. I wasn’t the one who could make Changmin happy. And regardless what happen, in the end all I want was Changmin could smile and be happy. That’s all matter. All of that thought keep jumbling in my head, making some emotion come out of me. Next thing I know, I crying out myself, let loose some emotion that keep building inside my heart. The tear was like a rain pouring heavily. I sob and tried to sweep away the tears that keeps stubbornly fall from my eyes. However, this tear is like a sign for me to let it all go. It’s a sign that I have to move on.

After the movie ended, I fell refreshed somehow. I don’t know exactly why. Is it because I let myself cried when I couldn’t these last few days or is it because I make myself understand that Changmin was never going to be mine in the first place and I’ve acknowledge that.

“Um.. Was the movie that bad?” Donghae question alert me of my two best friends behind me. I turned around and look at them with confound face.

“When I watch action movie, I get in high spirit.” Donghae said that while scratching the back of her head, like she’s expecting a response from me or something.

“The same with me when I watch comedy, Jae.” Yesung also said while holding her hand bag tightly to hide her nervousness.

“But, Jae always says anything is fine, although you too have your taste.” Donghae continue again while attempt a smile at her face alongside with Yesung who have the same expression and response to Donghae statement.

“So, we thought, why not try that one? Since we never watch that kind of movie.”  Somehow I understood that they are worried about me. They choose the movie that possibly I like in return to make me happy. I smile back at them.

I don’t understand why I this oblivious when it came to Changmin. I have great friends by my side. They will be there as long as we have each other. I really thanked them because I don’t know what will happen to me if you girls aren’t with me. I feel happy and when I thought about that I started to get my spirit back. I walked up to them and link both or my arms in each of their arms. I smile brightly to them as I drag them to the direction of our usual restaurant. But before that, I don’t forget to say,

“Thank you.”

( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )

Monday – At club room

“Okay, for next project of our club we will be shooting the park and taking some photo. That will be all.” Yunho-sunbae wrapped up our meeting for today and dismissed us. Donghae, Yesung, and I were the last to come out from the club room. I’m still putting my notes in my bag when I hear Yunho-sunbae voice in my ear.


“Y..yes sunbae. What’s up?” Really. Yunho-sunbae voice is so good, kind of y. It’s so alluring to hear. I feel so embarrassed when he whispers like that in my ear. 

“It’s Pochi.”

“Huh?” Pochi? What about that dog? I look at Yunho-sunbae with perplexity written clearly in my face.

“He wagged his tail at you last Friday. Why don’t you go see him?” Yunho-sunbae informs me. Right there, I realize again that I missed some important things that surround me. I nodded to him and walk to where Pochi is. When I get there, I saw Pochi notice me and he immediately stand up and stare at me. I walked closer to him and stare at him back.

“I’m sorry Pochi. I didn’t notice your greeting.” And lo and behold, true to what Yunho-sunbae had told me, he really is wagged his tail. I smile at his reaction and lower myself so I can pat him.

Perhaps, I was so wrapped in my problems that I overlook many things. Wonderful things and beautiful things. But I couldn’t see that. Wonder how long I was like that. I’m thankful that I’m aware of it now. I have my friends. I have Pochi too. So I have to keep my spirit high because if I continue depressing over Changmin I might missed those wonderful and beautiful things again and hurt myself in the end. Girls’ needs to be self composed.

End Jaejoong P.O.V

( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )

Yunho P.O.V

Well, it’s like Jaejoong is back to the way she is. I’m glad to see that, although I have something to worry about now in my way of courting Jaejoong. Her friends especially Donghae is tough to handle. But, I’m worry about her later. Right now, I need get to the teacher room to take the teaching material. When I arrive at the teaching room, I see a couple of teacher is behind their desk. I bow down to them and walk straight to the store room. After I get what I want, I excused myself. But before that, one of the male teacher is said something to me.

“You have a nice voice.”

“Excuse me?”

“You can use that to win a girl’s heart. Just whisper in her ear.” I’m just smile and bow down to him and walked out the room.

“I’m already doing that.” I murmured to myself while leaving the teacher room. Yes, I’m already doing that and I intent to use it until I get Jaejoong. Hope it will happen soon enough.

End Yunho P.O.V

( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )

Meanwhile at the ‘Usual Place’ restaurant, three girls were sitting together and said together to the waiter,

“A special menu of ‘Usual Place’ please.”


( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )

Notes : An update. Yee!! *dancing around with Ddangkoma* I decide to post in AFF because all problems had been settle and I miss you guys (hope someone miss me too >.<) A bit flippant, I know, when not just days ago I said that I will consider to stop posting in here for awhile, but I like to share my FF and I hope you guys still like it. ^^v

Okay, now, is there still some gorgeous readers out there who keeps waiting for this to update. I hope so. So enjoy this to the fullest. Don’t forget to leave a trace of your visit, amazing people. Your comments its like a fuel for me. The more comments I get, the sooner I’ll update. ^^v

Love you all.

Sankyu and peace.



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EvaKim2804 #1
Chapter 8: I just came across this story and it's fun because it's about the friendship of these 3 crazy girls and their personalities. I wish I could update the author even though it's too many years that he's on hiatus
Chapter 3: A turtle Siwonie! Hahahahahahaha
Hyukhae_is_real #3
Chapter 8: Hahahaha, Hyukkie and Haehae are so funny and cute
Please update soon ~~
ochyyyy #4
Chapter 8: Wahahaha never stop to make me smile giggle laughing so bad.....
The quarrel between haehyuk, and then the cute moment of yewon that they did everywhere everytime *envious and the sneaky yunho is funny
This is really made up my mood haha
And I really didn't expecting that heechul will be jae's mother, really hilarious as always haha
Yunho-sii please work harder its just a matter of time that jae will fall over you ^^

Thankss for the update ^^b
rayie_159 #5
Chapter 8: Lovely eunhae....and heechul as jae momso funny family
Yunho fighting.....i will waiting your update^^
Chapter 8: loving eunhae moment and yunjae xD yewon is cute like usual!
KcuLL22 #7
Chapter 8: A little bit yewon!
CallMehhBubz #8
Love it so far Aurthor-nim!! Please update soon~
KcuLL22 #9
Lol I crack when jaejoong thinks there is microchip planted in their head XD

this is too funny! I still read some chapter, I already LOLed hard~
sally86 #10
miss u too~~ update neh... hope yunho sunbae can win jae's heart~~ ^^