


( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )


Previous Chapter

“You think so Hae?! But Yunho-sunbae is so nice, the same as Siwon does.” Donghae and Jaejoong turned their head to face their most innocent friend. They face each other and giggled together. They think the same things. Yesung is definitely like Siwon. Then Jaejoong start walked to her class followed by Donghae and Yesung, but not forgets to comment on Donghae critic toward Yunho.

“Yeah, Hae. I think Yunho-sunbae is just unpredictable sometimes. Forget it, girls. We have to hurry. First class is about to start.” They walked together; sometimes tease each other and laughing to every word that most of the time was out from Yesung.


( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )


Jaejoong P.O.V

Yesung, Donghae, and I are strolling down the busy street to get to our destination which is the movie theater. It’s like a tradition for us to spend our Sunday with watching movie. We take turns on watching the movie because we have different taste. Yesung likes comedy, Donghae likes action and I.. well, let’s just say I don’t mind what kind of movie we will watch.

As we got to the movie theater, we pick the action movie, because it’s Donghae time to choose. Last week, we already saw some comedy romantic movie, choose by our dear Yesungie. We’ve a blast that day. Well, except for Donghae, because she was clueless when it’s come to comedy.

We’re in the movie theater for almost 2 hours. After seeing the movie, we often take lunch at our favorite place called ‘Usual place’. Not more than 10 minutes, we arrived at ‘Usual Place’, taking our seat and scanning over menu that were given by the waiter.

“We like to order ‘Usual Place’ special menu please. Is it okay with you Sungie, Hae?” I asked before the waiter go to make our order. They both nodded and I give the menu back to the waiter while she bowing down a little to us.

“Usual Place is a strange name for restaurants don’t you thinks so?!” I ask over to Yesung and Donghae. They only shake their head together like twins. Seeing this, only make me sweat dropped. Why at the time like this they’re like a team. Oh wait, scratch that. They are a team. When Donghae starts another fight, Yesung is always stand by with a broom or a mop in case Donghae needs it which I don’t have a clue where she gets it.

While I sighed contemplating my best friends strange behaviors, I accidently see the beautiful girl that Changmin have an unrequited love for with a guy who looks older that she is. They seem like in deep argumentation.

“Oh come on oppa. Let me go with you. I really want to see the musical. I really like the actor in that musical.” She whines at the older man. I’m curious, if the man is her boyfriend or not. I don’t mean to eavesdropping, but I really want to know and they obviously quite loud. So I justified myself that they don’t care if people listen to their conversation. The man spoke roughly and unclearly because he was talking with his mouth full of food. Ew.. So unhygienic. Totally different from the girl who I’ve seen to be so mannerism in her eating.

“No way. I want to see it with my girlfriend. It’s weird to bring my sister to our date.” Oh, that man is her brother. Well, I kind of disappointed, but I ignore it because I still want to hear their conversation. The girl desperately tries to persuade her brother to allow her to watch the musical.

“But that ticket is available for three person oppa and you won it from that postcard quiz. It’s not like you paying for me. Please oppa, I swear I won’t bother you with your girlfriend.” Post card quiz? I remember that I’ve had join the quiz as well. It’s for fun at that time and I think this morning I saw a mail delivered to me. Did I win it also?

“No is a no, Bummie.” That man stand still with his decision, doesn’t really care about his sister who desperately begging him to bring her along.

“But oppa…”

“Hey that Kim Kibum right?! The snow white from the track team.” My attention to that girl broke down when I heard Donghae mention her name. I turned myself to her and was about to ask her about that girl. But we got interrupted by the waiter who brought our order. We settle our order first and after that we talk again at the same time picking and eating our food. (Author: talk about mannerism, Jaejoong?! *lift an eyebrow* - Jaejoong: Shut up! Just keep typing.)

“You know her, Hae?”

“Well yeah. She beats me in hurdles when our school held sport festival. She is quite a beauty that makes all the boys screaming and whistling like mad man. It’s so annoying.” Donghae explain with a frown in her face. Suddenly Yesung step up in our conversation and like usual, throw us her word game. This time I’m the one who deal with her because Donghae didn’t acknowledge Yesung word game. She’s too wrapped up with her anger toward her loses to that girl.

“It’s something Hae couldn’t do even if her life depends on it.”


“Yah!!” Donghae protest immediately, although it is true. Both Yesung and I ignore her and it makes her sulk, while Yesung carry on with her word game.



“It’s when Siwon show his cute dimples.” This time, I don’t know a reply to that sentence. When Siwon show his cute dimples? What is that? Obviously I don’t know what Yesung was talking about. However, the silent I gave her, makes her so happy because it’s the first time I couldn’t response to her word game. She claps her hand like some child who’s winning a new toy. She’s so cute. It makes me forget momentarily about Siwon sunbae’s dimples.

“Yey.. Jae couldn’t answer my word game this time. It’s smiling, Jae. Siwon always show his cute dimples when he smiles. I love it.” Yesung said explaining what she was referring to before. I really have taken aback with that retort. Oh my God. This girl really falls in love with Siwon-sunbae and she doesn’t even realize it. I nudge Donghae who seems already calm enough and listening to our conversation just now.

“Hae, I think Yesung really likes Siwon-sunbae.”

“You just know that?!”

“No. I mean really like Siwon-sunbae.”


“I do.” Yesung interjected really shock Donghae and I. I really don’t aware that she’s listening to our chitchat just now. She giggled while continuing her talk.

“Siwon is so handsome and cute at the same time and he’s also so nice.” I’m feeling really peculiar about Yesung interest toward Siwon-sunbae. I mean, she only seeing him for like two times right?! She never meets with Siwon-sunbae after the teaching material ordeal. I want to ask that to Yesung but Donghae beat me to it.

“Sungie, why you are so sure that Siwon-sunbae is a nice person? You just met him like two times.”

“No, I don’t. I meet him every day.”

“WHAT?!!” Both Donghae and I shout at the same time. Yesung shut her ears because of our shouting, looking at us with displease in her adorable face. But we don’t really care about that now. All we could think about is Yesung have been seeing Siwon without us knowing. This is so absurd. Yesung always talk about everything to us. I look at Yesung seriously. I really have to get to this matter. I forget about that girl completely because of Yesung.

“Since when, Sungie?”

“Hm.. I think a few days after he help me in the teacher room.” Yesung explained with a smile. I’m astounded with that. That’s like two months ago right?! And Donghae and I never notice anything.

“He’s been coming to my house every day after school or after club. We play with Ddangkoma sometimes. Oh, we also like to walk down to the park near my house, just enjoying the evening. Sometimes Siwon treat me an ice cream in a very nice ice cream café and sometimes he buys me things like the turtle plushy on my room.” Yesung voice knocks me down out of my reverie. I look up to Yesung again and replied her.

“The new one which is has the size of half your body.” I state out the obvious because I already seen it. It is one of those expensive plushy. I know that plushy is expensive because I saw it in some toys store when I accompany my cousin in searching new toys. At that time, I don’t really care about whose buying it; I care about the size of it. It’s huge.

“Yeah that one. How do you know Jae?” Yesung asked me. Really this girl. Her long term memories are really bad. She just show me like two nights ago when I visit her house to take my books.

“You show me.” I said, once again remind her that she already show me the plushy. Yesung just tilt her head to the right and touch her lips with her finger. Once again, if she’s showing it to someone dangerous, she would be in trouble. That girl is just too cute for her own good.

“Oh right. I did.”

“Is he your boyfriend or something? It looks like you going out with each other. You’re doing a lot of things together.” Donghae interrupts our converse to ask my question exactly. Did Donghae and I have the same wave length? Why is she always asking something that’s lingering on my mind.

“Boyfriend? Like Eunhyuk and you, Hae?” Now, that’s the response I don’t know how to comment. Really Yesung, you always said the most unpredictable things. I tried to hold back my laughter when I see how red Donghae face is.

“Yah!! Eunhyuk is not my boyfriend!” She complains loudly to Yesung and that girl just shut her ears again instantly. She looks at Donghae for a couple of second before lay down her hands and start speaking again.

“But, Eunhyuk and you always fought with each other every day. You are doing a thing together. So he is your boyfriend.”

“I told you, Eunhyuk is not my boyfriend and fighting isn’t what you called doing a thing together Yesung.” Donghae tried slowly this time to make Yesung understand that she doesn’t have any relationship or whatsoever with our classmate Lee Hyukjae a.k.a. Eunhyuk.

“Really? But you look so happy when Eunhyuk start a fight with you Hae.” Ah, good one Yesung. Wow.. This girl is good. Donghae face is so red that I think she would pass out because of embarrassment and I just couldn’t help myself to put my own thought into this.

“She is, huh?!” I said tease Donghae. She turned her stare to me instead and frowning, disagrees with my statement.

“I do not!” She whines at me. But I pay no attention to her; I just turned my head to face Yesung once again. 

“Okay, okay, we get it. You don’t like Eunhyuk, just a simple crush. By the way we’ll still talk about Yesung and Siwon here.”

“I don’t look happy when I fight with Eunhyuk and I’m not having a crush on him.” I rolled my eyes at her persistence.

“Alright, we get it. Can we back to Yesung please?” I see Donghae nod although she looks unsatisfied with my answer. I sighed because for once Donghae doesn’t pursue more about it.

“Thank you. Okay, Sungie. Just answer my question truthfully okay. No more hiding.” I said seriously to Yesung while Yesung just munching her salad. I wait for her answer but Yesung just silent, still eating her salad.



“Your answer?”

“To what?” This time, it’s Donghae who looked like she’s trying to hold back her laugh. I just stare at Yesung like she grown another head. I really want to scream in frustration because of this girl alone. However, I just sighed and repeat my statement again. First thing first.

“I want you to answer my question truthfully. No more hiding.”

“Oh that. Okay, Jae. I don’t hide anything.”

“Then why you’re not telling us about Siwon?” Again, Donghae have to cut me off. I look at Donghae a little bit annoyed, but she ignores me. Called that a revenge.

“You never ask.” Yesung answer straight forwardly, makes Donghae and I are flabbergasted because what she said is true. We never ask her, but Yesung usually told everything even if we don’t want to know about her business.    

“You always tell.” Argh!! It’s making me insane because Donghae once again stating my exactly thought. I really have to examine my brain, to make sure there isn’t a microchip planted on me and Donghae.

“Oh that. Siwon told me that I don’t have to tell you about him if you don’t ask me. Siwon also told me that you will ask me, so he said that I should just wait.” Yesung reply really out of context. He listen to somebody he just knew for a while. What is wrong with her? However we could never blame Yesung. She is just being Yesung. There is only one person to blame.

“That sneaky guy.” It’s official. There is a microchip planted in my head and Donghae. It’s getting freaky. Nevertheless, I have to concentrate on coaxing the truth from Yesung. 

“Okay, Sungie. Now can we ask you about Siwon?”


“Do you and Siwon are having a relationship?”


“WHAT?!” Donghae and I shout together, making Yesung shut her ears once again.

“Why are you always shouting to me like that? My ears hurt.” She whines while pouting her lips and blowing her checks. Totally adorable.

“Sorry Sungie baby. Just got a little bit shock.” I baby talk her so she didn’t sulk or otherwise she would never speak about Siwon. And it works. Of course it’s works. It’s always works. Yesung is like my daughter so I know her weakness. (Author: told you, Jae.. You are a mother hen. – Jaejoong: I do not! – Author: Yeah, right…)

“That’s okay. But don’t shout again okay. My ears hurt.”

“Okay, we won’t. So, is Siwon your boyfriend now?”


“Then what is he? You just told us you have a relationship with him. Is he just your friend or something else? What?”

“He’s not my friend also.” Okay, her answer really confused Donghae and me. We stare at each other and asked Yesung at the same time.

“Then what?”

“He’s my fiancé.”

“WHAT?!” Yesung immediately shut her ears again and look at us with frown in her face. Even with a frown Yesung still look so endearing. But, so much for promising Yesung to not shout again because you can’t blame us. Our baby girl engaged to someone and we didn’t know.

Because of the things that Yesung just explained to Donghae and me, I totally forgot about my own thought regardless to Changmin and the girl whose name is Kim Kibum. My thoughts are full with some explanation I should get from the guy who Yesung called as her fiancé.

End Jaejoong P.O.V




( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )


Notes : Hi, gorgeous people, I’m back. A cliffhanger.. Oh, I like it.. (run away because some readers want to throw many things at me).

This chapter is my intention to make one of the pairing here together at last as a couple. And who would be the best candidate none other than our beloved Yewon. The innocent one always gets the lucky number one. And it’s a y, handsome guy as well.

I hope you all like it and feel free to read while not forgotten to leave a trace of your visit. 

Well, I stop talking and I’m out of here.

Sankyu and peace all gorgeous people.



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EvaKim2804 #1
Chapter 8: I just came across this story and it's fun because it's about the friendship of these 3 crazy girls and their personalities. I wish I could update the author even though it's too many years that he's on hiatus
Chapter 3: A turtle Siwonie! Hahahahahahaha
Hyukhae_is_real #3
Chapter 8: Hahahaha, Hyukkie and Haehae are so funny and cute
Please update soon ~~
ochyyyy #4
Chapter 8: Wahahaha never stop to make me smile giggle laughing so bad.....
The quarrel between haehyuk, and then the cute moment of yewon that they did everywhere everytime *envious and the sneaky yunho is funny
This is really made up my mood haha
And I really didn't expecting that heechul will be jae's mother, really hilarious as always haha
Yunho-sii please work harder its just a matter of time that jae will fall over you ^^

Thankss for the update ^^b
rayie_159 #5
Chapter 8: Lovely eunhae....and heechul as jae momso funny family
Yunho fighting.....i will waiting your update^^
Chapter 8: loving eunhae moment and yunjae xD yewon is cute like usual!
KcuLL22 #7
Chapter 8: A little bit yewon!
CallMehhBubz #8
Love it so far Aurthor-nim!! Please update soon~
KcuLL22 #9
Lol I crack when jaejoong thinks there is microchip planted in their head XD

this is too funny! I still read some chapter, I already LOLed hard~
sally86 #10
miss u too~~ update neh... hope yunho sunbae can win jae's heart~~ ^^