


( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )


Previous Chapter

The girls were introducing themselves. There are Kim Jaejoong, Kim Yesung, and Lee Donghae, who have their own personality. Let’s check out their story, shall we.


( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )


Jaejoong P.O.V


Being a class representative is really a hard work to do. You have to manage your entire classmate during some event and activities, such as right now, our annual spring clean up. I have to make sure that each group is doing their handed task.

“Okay everybody. Each group please divides the tasks that are written in the blackboard before. Let’s get to work.” I shout to my entire classmate to begin their work. I’m myself having to handle all of the necessity of them if they need anything, either an adding of a broom stick, mop, making sure that all teaching material are put back to their place, and etcetera. Speaking on who’s on duty in putting back the teaching material, I don’t see the person since this cleaning started. I look around and spotted the girl with bob haircut is standing near the door, just spacing around. I walked to her and click my finger in front of her face.

“Yesung. Snap out of it. What are you staring at?”

“Do you think that painting looks like Ddangkoma?” said Yesung while pointing to a frame with a green scenery picture post on our class wall. I only shake my head. Yesung is always like this. She worships her turtle so much. She even considers her pet turtle as her baby.

“Yesung, everything is Ddangkoma to you.” I reason with her because frankly speaking, if I don’t know this girl really well, I would consider her a freak. But, Yesung’s heart is wide like the ocean. She never has any suspicion toward people. That’s why Donghae and I really look after her. She tends to do what other people told her to do.  

“Oh yeah, right.” She nodded her head cutely, making me smile at her cuteness. Then, out of nowhere, my other classmate, Sooyoung,  calls me while bringing a worn out broom stick.

“Jaejoong-ah, we have one worn out broom stick.” She said to me, showing the broom stick.

“I’ll take a look at that. Yesung you’re the one who’s on duty today right?!” I turned my head to Sooyoung and replied. After that I turned around again to face Yesung to remind her of her duty today.

“Nutty?! It’s when you gone crazy because of something, right?!” she said out of context. I sighed and if I were in an anime movie, I would have a big sweat dropped on my head.

“No. You’re wrong. It’s not same. Yesung, you supposed to give this teaching material back to the teacher room and check with the upper classmen didn’t you?!”

“Oh yeah. I totally forgot about that. Wow, Jae. You’re always looking after me. Just like a mother hen. You’re so sweet.” She smiled so brightly. I smile in turned although still wearing that unbelievable look on my face. This is what you get when you best friendship with Yesung.

“That’s nice of you, but I’m not a mother hen. I’m just your best friend.” I said while giving her the teaching materials which consist of a ruler and a pointer.

“Someone who use his/her left hand.” Yesung suddenly said out of nowhere. Oh great, here we go again with Yesung word game.

“Lefty.” I answer her with one word describing her sentence. I kind of used to her word game.

“When someone being unbalance.”


“A place people called metropolis.”


“I don’t get how they could understand each other like that.” Abruptly Sooyoung, my classmate who show me the worn out broom stick, murmur that. Both of us look at her and then Yesung walk near her and put her hand in Sooyoung shoulder.

“That’s because this girl have been my partner for a very long time, Sooyoung-ah.” She said, smiling to Sooyoung. Sooyoung only look at Yesung like Yesung had grown two head on her.

“Don’t make other people misunderstand Yesung. Anyhow, you go to the teacher room to put these teaching materials back. And don’t forget to check with the upper classmen after you get back.” I said pointing to the direction of the teacher room. Yesung only nodded her head but I could see her hesitation to go the teacher room. She stares at the ruler and show it to me.

“But, I think this ruler would look good in Ddangkoma cage. Can I keep it?” she asked innocently. What should I do with this girl? It’s a school property. We can’t just bring them home for our pet.  

“Oh, honey. Is it anything else you can think about beside your turtle pet?”

“Of course.”

“And what is that?”


“Yesung..” I frown because her answer still would make someone misunderstand our relationship as best friend.

“Okay, I’ll go.” Finally Yesung surrender and take her leave to the teacher room. But before she can go even further, I remind her once more.

“Great. Do it correctly this time, Sungie. I’ll get back to check up after I replace this broom with a new one.” I said and start to walk to the storeroom. However, not more than three steps, Sooyoung call me once again. This time in panic.

“Jaejoong-ah! Wait!” she shouts at me. I run straight away to her and asked her.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s Donghae-ah. She pissed off because a boy wants to escape his cleaning duty. She’s having a quarrel with him.” She told me what’s happening. I feel like hitting my forehead. Why this always happen to me. I run into the class room once again and see Donghae pointing out a broom to a boy who tried to run from her.

“Oh my God.”

“Wahh!!” the boy scream when the broom in Donghae hands swing at his head. Luckily, he could dodge it. Though, Donghae isn’t the type who gives up easily. She keep advancing to the boy who scoot over slowly to the door where I still standing there, witnessing Donghae absurd act.  

“I won’t let you go. I notice you always skipping when it’s time to clean up. Don’t you think you put enough burdens to all of us?!” she said menacing. Donghae really could make anyone scared with her stare. I could see that the boy is really feel threaten by Donghae.  

“B..bu..but… Donghae-shi, I always get tired easily.” He tried reason out his way of Donghae wrath. But this only fuel her anger and she start to swing again those broom stick to the boy.

“You fool! You’re not the only one who’s get tired!! I’ll wring you with this broom so you know your lesson!” She said while swing that broom again.

“Wahh!! I’m sorry. I won’t skip again!” The boy run for his life, away from Donghae at the same comes to my direction. I couldn’t withstand this anymore and tried to stop Donghae from harming herself, the boy, and the whole class.

“Hae! Stop it! Don’t fight in the class room!” I run to her while her still swinging that broom to the boy.


The whole class stops their activities to see what happen. I’m so shock when I see the broom go straight to my face and in no time I react to block it with the broom I’ve been holding.

“Wow Jae. That was so cool.” Donghae praise me because I could block her attack, when in reality I was scared to death.

“It wasn’t! You almost hit my face with that broom Hae! For God sake, you’re not an elementary student anymore. Behave! And you stop pissing Hae off. This girl has a temper when she’s angry. Now, both of you go do your task.” I reprimand both of them. Really. We’re already in second year of high school. Act like your age, for God sake.

Clap.. Clap.. Someone is clapping somewhere. Donghae and I search where those clapping sound came from and we see one of our class mate leaning against the door.

“Impressive Joongie, only you that could handle things smoothly.” Said Shim Changmin, my childhood friend.

“Minnie.” I said, acknowledge his presence and to him.

“Hold on right there Shim Changmin.” Suddenly Donghae already standing between Changmin and me, still holding the broom from before and pointing to Changmin.


“Where have you been? I know you Jae’s childhood friend, but that’s not the reason for making Jae does all the work. You’re also our class representative.” Scold Donghae giving her fiercest stare to Changmin. Changmin nervously look at me for help and then look to Donghae while putting his hand in front of his chest, signaling his capitulate.

“Um.. I went to the toilet because I got a diarrhea.” He said timidly. Then, out of nowhere, the three of us is greeted by Yesung peeking out her head at the same time as smiling to us.

“Is it that when people write their story or their daily activities in a book?!” she’s doing her word game again.

“It’s a diary.” This time it’s Donghae who answer her and put down her broom. I shake my head in defeat. Why can they just listen to me for once?

“Why you’re still here Yesung?!” I asked the girl, but the response I get is just a lovely smile from her. Now you see how tough to be a class representative to this class. Oh Lord, please let me get through the day.


End Jaejoong P.O.V   




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Notes : It’s short, I know. However I want to know your reaction first to this story, before I update the next chapter. Relax, I’m already writing it. It’s just need a couple of hours of me in front of the PC and some mood boaster, such as your comments gorgeous people, for updating.

There will be romance. I’ll make sure of it. So be patient and feel free to read while not forgotten to leave a trace of your visit. Hope you’ll like it.

Well, I’m out of here.

Sankyu and peace all gorgeous people.



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EvaKim2804 #1
Chapter 8: I just came across this story and it's fun because it's about the friendship of these 3 crazy girls and their personalities. I wish I could update the author even though it's too many years that he's on hiatus
Chapter 3: A turtle Siwonie! Hahahahahahaha
Hyukhae_is_real #3
Chapter 8: Hahahaha, Hyukkie and Haehae are so funny and cute
Please update soon ~~
ochyyyy #4
Chapter 8: Wahahaha never stop to make me smile giggle laughing so bad.....
The quarrel between haehyuk, and then the cute moment of yewon that they did everywhere everytime *envious and the sneaky yunho is funny
This is really made up my mood haha
And I really didn't expecting that heechul will be jae's mother, really hilarious as always haha
Yunho-sii please work harder its just a matter of time that jae will fall over you ^^

Thankss for the update ^^b
rayie_159 #5
Chapter 8: Lovely eunhae....and heechul as jae momso funny family
Yunho fighting.....i will waiting your update^^
Chapter 8: loving eunhae moment and yunjae xD yewon is cute like usual!
KcuLL22 #7
Chapter 8: A little bit yewon!
CallMehhBubz #8
Love it so far Aurthor-nim!! Please update soon~
KcuLL22 #9
Lol I crack when jaejoong thinks there is microchip planted in their head XD

this is too funny! I still read some chapter, I already LOLed hard~
sally86 #10
miss u too~~ update neh... hope yunho sunbae can win jae's heart~~ ^^