


( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )


Previous Chapter

“Um.. I went to the toilet because I got a diarrhea.” He said timidly. Then, out of nowhere, the three of us is greeted by Yesung peeking out her head at the same time as smiling to us.

“Is it that when people write their story or their daily activities in a book?!” she’s doing her word game again.

“It’s a diary.” This time it’s Donghae who answer her and put down her broom. I shake my head in defeat. Why can they just listen to me for once?

“Why you’re still here Yesung?!” I asked the girl, but the response I get is just a lovely smile from her. Now you see how tough to be a class representative to this class. Oh Lord, please let me get through the day.


( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )


Yesung P.O.V

I walk to the teacher room after I’ve been tell by my best friend Jaejoong what to do. Jaejoong always do this to everyone who needs help. She makes sure that the person who asked her for help would get the help they needed. It’s the same way to Hae and I. Maybe more to us because we’re her best friends. She is a mother hen and I love it.

When I got to the teacher room, the room is empty. That’s strange. Where are the teachers? I look around for a minute, trying to find someone who can help me. However, because I too absorb with finding people, I forget why I’m here. Where should I do in this room again? I tend to get nervous if I suddenly forgetful like this.

Come on. Think about it Yesung. Jae told me about teacher something. What is it again? I think I’m too wrapped up with my own thought, I don’t hear someone open the teacher room behind me and because I stand in front of it, that person couldn’t enter the room.

“Um. Excuse me. You are blocking the way miss.” He said politely. I know it was a man because of his deep voice. I turned around and face the most handsome face I’ve ever seen. He’s tall too, makes me look up my face so I could face him.

“Miss? Could you move so I could get in?” he tried again to make me move from where I standing, but being me, instead of answering him and move a little, I even start my word game with him because for some reason he made me think about Jae.

“It’s used to bake something.”


“It’s means that you compete with others.”


“When you care and think all the time of a person.”

“Love.” After he said the last word, I’m so stun by him. He didn’t look at me with strange stare and walk away like everybody else. He even follow suit my game with keeping that lovely smile of his. He has a nice twin dimples on his face when he give me that smile. Without me realize it, I tilt my head to the side a little and stare intently at him to look closer at his dimples. However, his dimples disappear when he’s no longer smile at me. Instead a pair of nice dimples, I see his face is going red when I’m inch myself closer to him. Why is he red like that? Is it because of me? Do I have a super power to make someone red when I’m near them? But Jae and Hae never have red face like his. Conversely, I like his red face. It makes him so cute like Ddangkoma.

“Er, miss, is there something wrong with my face?” the Ddangkoma man asked me. Hey, I can call him Ddangkoma for the time being because I don’t know his name.

“No, just you have a pair of dimples that so nice when you smile. You’re cute like Ddangkoma. You should smile more.” I replied him with a smile of my own. His face is getting redder and redder. Oh, my. So cute. I saw him try to calm himself for a couple of second before retort to me.  

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Oh, and you’re just as good as Jae.” I said and that’s making him look baffled. Of course Yesung, this man doesn’t know Jae. Why you always said thing that confused people? I clearly need to snap out. I’m talking to myself again.

“As good as Jae in what?” he interrupted my mind when he asked that question. I smile at him and explaining what he’s so good about.

“My word game.”

“Oh, that.” He’s nodding his head; finally comprehend what I’m talking about. I nod my head also. I think my act is kind of funny, because the next thing I see is those dimples again.

“Thank you then.” He said thanking me again. I replied with the same nod. He then look around and fix his gaze at me again.

“So..can I pass now? I really need to put this teaching material inside.” He said while showing me his stuff that he’s been holding. I confused once more. I don’t get it why people tend to make confound remarks at me. I voice out my confusion to him.  

“Why are you asking me? You can pass anytime you want.” When I asked that, he’s looking bewildered at me and then starts laughing. It’s making me more confused.

“Hahaha… You’re so funny.”

“Excuse me?”

“Nothing miss. I’m asking because I can’t enter the room because you’re still in the way, miss.”

“What way?”

“Oh my God. You really are funny. You’re clueless are you?!” He said while chuckled a bit after his blown up laughter. What did I do? I’m just standing here. What way? I totally don’t understand. However, I know what he meant when he gently push my body with his one hand that didn’t bring anything to the left side while he move to the right side.

“Siwon, what took you so long?!” suddenly someone peek his head to the teacher room before showing himself completely to both me and the man. I know him. He’s my sunbae in the broadcasting club that Jae, Hae and I joined.

“Yunho-sunbae.” I called him. Yunho-sunbae is one of the nicest person I’ve know beside Jae, Hae, and this man who’s I be knowledgeable about his name is Siwon, that didn’t look at me like I’m a weirdo. Yunho-sunbae notices me and smile at me.

“Yesung-ah. What are you doing in the teacher room?”

“I don’t know. I was just thinking about the same question. Jae told me before about teacher something but I kind of forget about that.”

“That’s so typical of you.” Yunho-sunbae smile at my answer. He ruffled my hair gently. I smile at his action. It always feels good when someone my hair like that.   

“Ehm. Yun.” Out of the blue, Siwon-sunbae interrupts our interconnection to each other. Both Yunho-sunbae and I look at him but only Yunho-sunbae that reacts to Siwon-sunbae calling.

“Oh, sorry Siwon. Yesung, this is Choi Siwon my classmate and childhood friend. Siwon, this is Kim Yesung. She’s a member in our broadcasting club.” He introduces the both of us. Siwon-sunbae holds out his hand for a hand shake. I’m baffle with this kind of act. Is he from out of Korea or something? Don’t we suppose to bow to each other? Siwon-sunbae seems to grasp my perplexity because he bows a little to me. I bow too to him as a form of my respect.

“Hi. Nice to meet you. And I think I know why you came here Yesung-shi.”

“Hihihi..” I giggle a little because he calls me Yesung-shi. He’s so kind. I really like him. But I think I made him mystified by my act.

“Why you laughing?”

“Because you called me Yesung-shi. No one beside the teacher here called me that. People always calls me a weirdo, turtle girl, and other nicknames I don’t know it exist. You’re different. You’re so polite.” I tried explaining to him. He seems understand what I meant although I see a little changing on his face features. He seems annoyed about something. But as soon as I see it, as soon as it fade away. Maybe it’s just my imagination.

“Do you want me to call you Yesung-shi all the time?” He suggest to call me like that because how happy I was when he called me Yesung-shi. I really like if someone address me formally like that beside the teachers but it’s seems strange hearing it from your sunbae. Especially as nice as Siwon-sunbae does. I really want him to call me like my other friends.

“No. It’s too formal. Just call me Yesung, Siwon-sunbae.” I’m demurred his suggestion softly with a smile on my face. He smile too and show me once again those nice dimples. It’s official. I’m a huge fan of Siwon-sunbae dimples. I wish I could take it off and give it to Ddangkoma. Ddangkoma would look as handsome as he is. Then I could satisfy myself looking at him all day when it’s weekend. Maybe I could ask Siwon-sunbae how to grow those dimples to a turtle. I’ll ask him next time I met him. Oh I hope I will be meeting him again.

“Okay, Yesung. But could you just call me Siwon. I like it that way.” He breaks off my musing with that statement. I look up to him and nod my head.

“Sure. No problem.” I replied, agreeing with his request to call him by only Siwon without the sunbae.

“Okay then. Now, I think you should just give me that teaching material. Our class is the next one who’s going to need it.”

“What teaching material?”

“The ones in your hands Yesung.” He said while pointing in my hands. I look at my hands and find a ruler and a pointer. Oh yeah, these are the things I need to put back in the teacher room. The one that Jae remind me of and after that I have to meet with the upper classmen to tell them that our class already put the teaching material back so they could used it. But, the question is, which upper classmen? Which class? Oh Jae is going to kill me. However, right now I have to give this to Siwon because he could help me put it back wherever it was kept.

“Oh, this. OH!! This is why I came here for. I forget because I was confused that no one is here. Thank you.” I gave the teaching material to him and bow down expressing my gratitude.

“You’re welcome. Now, you go back to your class. I will take it from here.”

“Once again thank you Siwon. I’ll go now. Oh! Bye to you too Yunho-sunbae.” I bid my farewell to both of my sunbaes. It’s really a good day for me.

“Bye.” Yunho-sunbae says his goodbye. With that, I walked back to my class to tell Jaejoong that I’ll already do with the first task. I just need to ask her which class I should go to inform the upper classmen that she mentions before.

End Yesung P.O.V


( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )


“You like her don’t you.” Yunho utter his mind to his best friend slash childhood friend directly. He smiles looking at Siwon who seems could not taking his eyes from Yesung back the moment that girl walk away from the teacher room. Siwon only turned his face to Yunho and replied back with a smile on his face.  


“So, Yesung is the one, who supposed to meet us to tell that their class already put back the teaching material that we’re going to use, huh?!” Siwon only raise one of his thick eyebrows responding to Yunho.

“It’s a good decision to come here after all.”

“Yeah. For you.” Yunho only chuckled at his friend sudden interest to one of his club members.

“Indeed. But I’m curious, why people tend to say those ridiculous nicknames to her? She’s cute you know. Why people don’t see that.” He criticizes the attitude of people who make nicknames for Yesung. At the meantime, Siwon walked to the teachers’ storeroom that used to keep the teaching material. Yunho only stand in the front of the door waiting for Siwon finished his task first. When Siwon show up, Yunho replied to Siwon disapprove of Yesung’s nicknames.

“I don’t know as well, Siwon. But one thing for sure, Yesung is a good girl. Those people are just seeing Yesung from the outside.”

“Yeah, you’re right. Yun, will I ever see her again?”

“Maybe, Siwon. Maybe.”

“Yeah. Maybe.” With that both guys walked out the teachers room and strolling to their own class. While there are walking, Siwon mind only comprise with if he be able to see Yesung again. If so, he would definitely spend more time with that girl.

Then, suddenly he remembers something and stops his walk. That make Yunho stop his walk too and stare confusedly at Siwon.

“What’s wrong?”

“I just remember. Do you know who Ddangkoma is?”




( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )


Notes : It’s another short chapter. Sorry.. >o< I’ll try harder next chapter. I still have a lot of updating to do. Hwaiting for me!! \(^o^)/

Thanks for those who comment on “Girls”. It’s really made my mood so good. Keep supporting me please..

Oh, by the way, stay tuned for sequel of “I’m Not Perfect”. Hope I could post it along side with another update of my other stories. But I’m not promising the timeline or anything, only I will post it as soon as possible. (I just signed my death wish, the gorgeous people will hunt me down and kill me for announcing this T^T)

Feel free to read while not forgotten to leave a trace of your visit. Hope you’ll like it.

Well, I’m stop talking and I’m out of here.

Sankyu and peace all gorgeous people.



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EvaKim2804 #1
Chapter 8: I just came across this story and it's fun because it's about the friendship of these 3 crazy girls and their personalities. I wish I could update the author even though it's too many years that he's on hiatus
Chapter 3: A turtle Siwonie! Hahahahahahaha
Hyukhae_is_real #3
Chapter 8: Hahahaha, Hyukkie and Haehae are so funny and cute
Please update soon ~~
ochyyyy #4
Chapter 8: Wahahaha never stop to make me smile giggle laughing so bad.....
The quarrel between haehyuk, and then the cute moment of yewon that they did everywhere everytime *envious and the sneaky yunho is funny
This is really made up my mood haha
And I really didn't expecting that heechul will be jae's mother, really hilarious as always haha
Yunho-sii please work harder its just a matter of time that jae will fall over you ^^

Thankss for the update ^^b
rayie_159 #5
Chapter 8: Lovely eunhae....and heechul as jae momso funny family
Yunho fighting.....i will waiting your update^^
Chapter 8: loving eunhae moment and yunjae xD yewon is cute like usual!
KcuLL22 #7
Chapter 8: A little bit yewon!
CallMehhBubz #8
Love it so far Aurthor-nim!! Please update soon~
KcuLL22 #9
Lol I crack when jaejoong thinks there is microchip planted in their head XD

this is too funny! I still read some chapter, I already LOLed hard~
sally86 #10
miss u too~~ update neh... hope yunho sunbae can win jae's heart~~ ^^