


( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )


Previous Chapter

“He’s my fiancé.”

“WHAT?!” Yesung immediately shut her ears again and look at us with frown in her face. Even with a frown Yesung still look so endearing. But, so much for promising Yesung to not shout again because you can’t blame us. Our baby girl engaged to someone and we didn’t know.

Because of the things that Yesung just explained to Donghae and me, I totally forgot about my own thought regardless to Changmin and the girl whose name is Kim Kibum. My thoughts are full with some explanation I should get from the guy who Yesung called as her fiancé.


( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )


Lunch break bell were ringing five minutes ago. Every student is either in class, in cafeteria or in the school park to enjoy their lunch. However, both Jaejoong and Donghae were not like those other students. They’re seeing in one particular class in the third class section during lunch. It’s look like they’re waiting someone to emerge from that class and their waiting has paid off when Siwon walked off the classroom.

As soon as Siwon walked out the room, Donghae already shove her broom to Siwon. Jaejoong stare at Donghae with dismay look in her face. What the,,?! Thought Jaejoong seeing her friend were brutally attack their sunbae. Luckily Siwon have good reflex and dodge Donghae attack. He even manages to take Donghae’s broom making Donghae looks at Siwon with disbelief. She never meets anyone who could take her weapon like Siwon did.

“Hae, what are you doing?” Jaejoong asked loud enough for other student stop their activities and looking at the three of them. Jaejoong realize her voice was too loud and disturb everyone else, immediately bow down several time to apologize to those who fell disturb by her. Meanwhile the source of Jaejoong fault is still look at Siwon with menacing eyes and rudely pointed her index finger to him.

“I just want to teach this big guy a lesson for taking advantages of our Yesungie.” Donghae said with a growl in her voice. Jaejoong sighed and shake her head slowly. She walk to Donghae and lower down her finger.

“Hae, we came here to ask question, not asking for a fight.”

“But Jae..”

“No but. Just let me do the talking.”

“Fine.” Donghae said while yielding to Jaejoong. She really doesn’t want to see Jaejoong mad at her. Sometimes Jaejoong could be scary if she’s mad. Jaejoong sighed at Donghae behavior, she fully understand why Donghae angry but they are here to find some answer that clearly couldn’t be found from Yesung. Obviously.

They determined to get some explanation from Siwon about their friend Yesung because Jaejoong and Donghae couldn’t believe the story that Yesung told them. It’s not like they don’t trust Yesung, but they don’t believe that their innocent friend is already having a fiancé. What sick joke is that?

Both of them are not jealous because Yesung who is the younger between them (I make Yesung younger ^^v) already got a boyfriend more so a fiancé, but they more worried of Yesung choice. Clearly, they thought Siwon was taking advantages of Yesung innocent. That’s what they would find the answer from the source and conclude if their thoughts are right or wrong.

They can’t do this questioning to Siwon if Yesung there with them, so they intentionally left Yesung behind by giving her lots of pictures of turtles to distract her from going with them. And it’s always work every time, although Jaejoong always give the same picture over and over again. Yesung really blinded when it comes to turtles. Regardless of that aside, now Jaejoong have a matter to attend. She then look back at Siwon and bow a little to show her apologize because of Donghae offensive behavior earlier.

“I’m sorry Siwon-sunbae and for Hae’s misbehavior act just now.”

“It’s okay. No harm done.” Siwon replied while barring his smiles that Yesung always fond of. Jaejoong nodded and continue with what she’s coming here for.

“Thank you. So, the reason why we come here and see you it’s because we have some matter to ask you. Could we have your time for just a few minutes, sunbae?”

“Yeah sure. Is it about Yesung?” Siwon agree to Jaejoong request and leaning near the door of his class room after put down Donghae’s broom, but he’s leaning far enough to not blocking the entrance of his classroom. Jaejoong and Donghae stand in front of Siwon and look up to face Siwon. Jaejoong start to talk again.

“Yes. We just want to clarify something, if it’s alright with you.”

“Yes, go ahead.” Seeing Siwon agree to it, Jaejoong asking straight to the point.

“Is it true you’re going out with Yesung?” Siwon is a little taken aback by Jaejoong question, but he quickly stand firm and never let go his smile from both of the girls in front of him while answering every question that Jaejoong ask.

“Yes. It’s true.”

“Since when?”

“Last week. I confess a month ago but she accepted me just last week when I asked for her answer once again. We’ve been official couple since then.”

“Why Yesung takes a long time accepting you sunbae? From what I know, you become close to Yesung about two months ago.”

“Well, I really don’t know exactly. However, I remember she’s very happy that I give her a turtle plushy last week, the exact same time when I ask about her answer. She just squealing and hugs me and the last things I know, she said yes. To think about it, I always gave her many things the last few months as a form of my courting, but that plushy really is the one she so excited to have.” Siwon finished his explanation. Jaejoong and Donghae who really pay attention to Siwon elucidation, just burst out laughing without a warning.

“Hahaha… Oh this is hilarious.” Jaejoong said between her laugh, putting her back of the hand to to conceal her laughter.

“Tell me about it. Hahaha… That Yesung to you.” Donghae throw in her own estimation. She is clutching her stomach because she’s laughing so hard. Not to bother to close like Jaejoong. (Author: Hae, please behave like a lady. – Jaejoong: Never going to happen. – Donghae: Hey!!).

“What? Is it something wrong? Do I do something wrong?” Siwon ask confusedly by Jaejoong and Donghae manner. He’s very clueless to what happen with those two girls. Jaejoong make an effort to calm herself, although there is still some giggled come out her lips.

“No sunbae. We’re sorry. Nothing wrong. We just confirm something.” Jaejoong enlighten Siwon about why she and Donghae laugh like that. Siwon is anxious with Jaejoong reply just now. Clearly both of the girls know everything about Yesung, even though when Siwon was courting Yesung, he didn’t ask for their help because some reason.

“What? Please tell me. I don’t want Yesung to accept me because she feel need to. Because she fell that she would return my feeling because she needs to repay me back for all the things I gave and done to her.” Siwon look slightly unsure of himself, being Yesung boyfriend. Jaejoong only smile at Siwon and she need to tell Siwon the good news.

“Don’t worry Siwon-sunbae. Yesung would never do that. In fact she never thinks about that. If she accept you than it means it’s her real feelings. The reason why we laugh just now is because Yesung would always react to turtles, even when she is in a middle of someone giving her a love confession.”

“I don’t get it.”

“And students said that you’re the smart guy.” Donghae remarks sarcastically to Siwon lack of understanding. Jaejoong doesn’t like Donghae snide comment and she warn Donghae.

“Hae..” Hearing that sweet but dangerous tone from her dearest friends Jaejoong, made Donghae cowers a bit. She hold up her hand in front of her chest slightly gesturing her obedience.

“Okay..okay.. I’ll shut up.” Jaejoong look satisfied with Donghae docile manner. She turned her attention back to Siwon and continues her explication.

“All I can say is Yesung also like you, sunbae. She even said you’re so handsome and very nice. She talks about you every single time. I think, maybe she just observing you for the whole time you courting her. Yesung might be innocent but she’s not dense to someone advance toward her. I heard from Yesung that you spend your days together this last two months after school or after club activities.” Siwon nooded to those terms makes Jaejoong smile so sweetly and Donghae rolled her eyes.

“Yesung never did that to anyone else beside us two. Although she likes having people around, she’s also too scared to be close to them. Maybe because she’s been experiencing some harsh moments from those people who couldn’t accept for what Yesung are.” Siwon look angered about the things happen to Yesung based on Jaejoong telling. This reaction make Donghae a little let loose, because she would also have the same reaction when Yesung is involve in some mistreatment act from others. Jaejoong look back and forth between Donghae and Siwon before continuing.

“But, she got close to you didn’t she?! And that’s good. The plushy was just a trigger for Yesung to finally accept your advance. So trust her and please take care of her. She’s like our sister. Our baby girl.” Those words snap Siwon from his daydream about killing some people who likes to bully Yesung. He looks at Jaejoong first and then at Donghae before settle to Jaejoong again and responding to Jaejoong request.

“I will take care of her because the moment she gave me the yes answer and that lovely smile, I know for sure that I would be complete with her by my side.”

“Sappy.” Once again Donghae gave a cynical remark toward Siwon. Jaejoong stare at Donghae with dismay look.


“Hahaha…It’s alright Jaejoong-shi. I should thank you both for coming here, telling me more about Yesung. So thank you”

“Just for your information sunbae. If you hurt Sungie, you will be messing with me.” Donghae warns Siwon. She clearly tries to ignore the dark feeling she get from Jaejoong. Jaejoong just have this disbelief look on her beautiful face. She really couldn’t understand Donghae action sometimes.

“I know.” Siwon reaction to Donghae warning is pretty well. He never waver when Donghae look at him threateningly. Donghae just turned her head to the side feeling a little defeated because Siwon doesn’t seems to be scared at her piercing eyes. (Author: of course not. Who would afraid with your beautiful eyes, Hae. – Donghae: *blushing* - Author: Hae?).

“So, are that all you going to ask about?” Siwon ask to the both of them. Jaejoong shake he head and reply to him.

“Not quite. Just one more.”

“Shoot me.”

“With pleasure.”

“Hae!!” Jaejoong finally lose her patient. She taps Donghae shoulder quite hard.

“Ouch! Okay, okay… I’ll behave.”

“You’re said like every time, but still doing the same.”

“I promise this time.” Jaejoong only rolled her eyes and apologize to Siwon.

“I’m so sorry sunbae. She likes this every second I let my eyes off her. Please don’t be mad at her.” Siwon just nodded and smile and gesturing for Jaejoong to continue.

“So sunbae, one more question and we would go.”

“Go ahead.”

“Why Yesung called you her fiancé? Is it a bit odd, don’t you think?! And why did you tell her to keep it a secret from us?”

“Oh, that. First, Yesung just want to feel like an actress in some drama television that she likes. She said that the main actor looks like me and the actress looks like her. Because they both engage in the drama and introduce each other to people as fiancé, so she asked me to do the same. So, both of you could guess what happen next.” Jaejoong and Donghae just want to slap their forehead when they listen to Siwon description about Yesung term of calling Siwon as her fiancé.

“Typical Yesung.” Both of them chorus the same comment. Siwon chuckled hearing both girls comment.

“By all means, I’m really up to it. Even more, make it a reality. But, I’ll play along for right now. I’m waiting for the right time.” Siwon said out of nowhere, which makes Donghae ready to grab the broom that Siwon left beside the door.

“Why you sneaky..?!”

“And the second, sunbae?” Jaejoong cut off any fights that will happen because frankly she was also a little bit annoyed with Siwon intention. But she’s more curious about why Siwon told Yesung to keep it a secret about their courting and relationship to the both of them. (Yesung: I’m not keeping it as a secret. You’re the one who never ask anything. – Jae&Hae: It’s the same thing. – Yesung: No, it is not. – Jae&Hae: Yes, it is. – Yesung: No. – Jae&Hae: Yes. – Author: Will you three just shut up?! I’m trying to type here… - YeJaeHae: Sorry… - Author: God!!).

“I just don’t feel it’s something to be discussing about. I’m still courting her at that time; it’s not a big deal. I told her to wait until both of you ask her. I thought, knowing you always together, you will start questioning her immediately. I quite surprise when you just confront me when I’ll already have a relationship with Yesung.” Jaejoong could only sigh when Siwon explained his reason. She thinks, there are only two causes for this situation to happen, either they, Jaejoong and Donghae, to wrap in their selves not noticing what’s been happening with Yesung or Yesung actually realy good at keeping herself undetected in this kind of matter. Other way, Jaejoong still fell a bit guilty for not noticing her friend’s happiness these last two month.

However, what already happen, is in the past now. She would have to just keep support the newly couple. With that new determination, she grab Donghae arm and slightly drag her to go from the place. Jaejoong sould still see that her friend is still annoyed by the fact that Siwon could easily catch their friend’s heart.

“Alright then. We should go now Hae. I still have to buy some bread; I don’t bring my lunch box today.” Jaejoong said with trying to pull Donghae back from Siwon. Donghae still stand firm in her place in front of Siwon while point out his index finger to his nose.

“You’re lucky this time.” Donghae warn Siwon. Siwon could only smile while Jaejoong sighed for the unknown time for today.

“Who is lucky, Hae?”

“KYAA!!” Both Jaejoong and Donghae shout because they are really shock with Yesung sudden appearance.

“I told you not to shout like that. My ears hurt.” Yesung sulk because of Jaejoong and Donghae outburst behavior. She puffs her checks and pout her lips, making her so adorable. Siwon who see his girlfriend sulking and making cute faces like that, just went to caressing her checks and put his hand in both Yesung ears.

“Here. Let me close your ears so you won’t hear them scream.” He said while giving Yesung his smile. Yesung point his twin dimples one by one and squeal happily.

“Wonnie so sweet.”

“Wonnie?!!” Once again (Author: I kind of tired writing this word. Jae&Hae: Then don’t makes us say the same words at the same time!!) Jaejoong and Donghae voice out their shock to Yesung.

“Hey, my ears don’t hurt even when they shout like that. You really can do anything Wonnie.” Instead of giving respond to both of them, Yesung just ignore them all together and praises Siwon.

“Of course. I’m your fiancé. I could do anything for you.” Siwon as usual just giving his beautiful yet cute girlfriend a nice smile and agreeing to her praises.

“Yup. Wonnie is the best.” Declare Yesung, proud of Siwon.


( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )


Donghae P.O.V.


“Yup. Wonnie is the best.”

Oh my freaking God. Why is she acting like that toward that sneaky guy? I simply couldn’t understand the mind of our baby Yesungie. I’m really worried if someone going to hurt her. She is too nice for her own good. Jaejoong is nice too, but I don’t really worry about her since most of time she really composed of herself. Anyone would think twice to make enemies with Jaejoong. Not because she tough and likes to fight as I do, but more like people tend to think they couldn’t overrule Jaejoong. Yeah. Jaejoong is like a nice, friendly queen.

Back to Yesung. What is she doing here? Fortunately we already finished talking to that sneaky guy. If not, she would be upset because she would be thinking that we bothering Siwon-sunbae and I don’t like an upset Yesung. She would be difficult to handle if she upset. Not that she any less difficult when she in her good mood, but that’s a different story.

“What are you doing here, Sungie?” Jaejoong asked my question exactly. I nodded and look at Yesung too. She shows us the picture that we gave her earlier, the one with turtles on it.

“Oh, I want to show this picture to Wonnie.” She said, while stand in front of Siwon-sunbae. I notice that his hands that were in Yesung ears just a moment ago already perch itself to her shoulder. He’s really sneaky. When did he do that?! But my thought interrupted when Jaejoong asked Yesung again.

“Since when you called Siwon-sunbae Wonnie, Sungie?” That’s right. Since when Yesung?

“Since this morning, when he pick me up.”

“WHAT?!” Once again we shout together. The good thing is that sneaky guy’s hands really react fast. His hand already shut any noise that was disturbing Yesung ears.

“Wow Wonnie so fast. Their shouting didn’t hurt my ears.”

“All for you, baby.”

“BABY?!!” And its official, Jaejoong and I will make a debut as a girl group with synchronizes action as our main charm that we do just now. We shout the same time, we often talk at the same time, and I think sometime we think the same thought at the same time. Seriously, it’s freaking me out. And truthfully, I think Jaejoong do think the same as I did. It proves with her staring at me weirdly.

“Oh my God. It’s enough for me. Come on Hae, let’s go. Are coming with us Sungie?” Jaejoong asked Yesung while making a face that clearly wants to get out of here as soon as possible. I do too. This lovey dovey stuff really gave me the goose bump.

“Where are you going?” Yesung ask quietly. I think I see she’s leaning to that sneaky guy while asking that question to Jaejoong. Is she?

“To the cafeteria.” Jaejoong answer while looking suspicious too to both Yesung and Siwon.

“Um, okay. I’ll show this to Wonnie later. It’s that okay, Wonnie?” said Yesung while turned his body to face Siwon-sunbae. Siwon is replying her with such a wide smile.

“Its fine, baby. Just go with your friends.” He said, agreeing to Yesung completely. She smiles so cutely to Siwon while arranging the picture she’s holding with one hand.

“Okay. See you Wonnie.” And then something outrageous happens. Yesung put her two fingers, the index and the middle one, to her lips and then place it on Siwon forehead. Meanwhile, Siwon reply that act with tapping Yesung nose two times and doing exactly what Yesung did earlier. Jaejoong and I are speechless with Yesung behavior. Since when Yesung is brave enough to do a public display of affection. I don’t believe this!!


End Donghae P.O.V


( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )


“Bye, Wonnie.” Yesung said his goodbye to her boyfriend a.k.a. fiancé.

“Bye, baby. You take care.”

“Okay. Come on Jae, Hae.” She turned his body a little bit to face her best friends but only found that her friends are stone cold to where they are standing right now. Yesung confused stare makes Siwon who could still see Yesung face from the side, look to the two girls.

“Jae? Hae?” Yesung asked while shaking their shoulder but they didn’t respond. Only stare blankly at front of them. Yesung feel worry because her friends never act like this, not knowing that they are frozen like this is because of her.

“Wonnie, why are they like this? Is it because they see a medusa around here? We have to be watch out Wonnie. She’s evil.” Siwon who heard those ridiculous reason come out from Yesung lips, could only chuckled.

“Oh baby, you are one of a kind.” He said while squeezing Yesung shoulder. Yesung only tilt her hear to the side and try to think hard about the meaning behind Siwon words.

“Huh?!” She said, really clueless with Siwon word. Siwon could only think that he is the luckiest man in this whole world for being Yesung boyfriend. She is so sweet and endearing, not to mention nice and innocent.

“Nothing.” Siwon just replied quickly. Then he pushes Yesung lightly to her friends and told Yesung to just grab their hand and go to cafeteria.  

“Just drag them. They won’t mind.”


“Really. Now go. I see you later, baby.”

“Okay.” Then Yesung took each hand of Jaejoong and Donghae and drag them to the cafeteria. It’s really a funny sight, because mostly it’s Jaejoong or Donghae who used to drag Yesung whenever she didn’t pay attention to her surroundings. Well, there is always first time for everything, right?!




( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )


Notes : I told you I’m in a good mood. So here’s another chapter. After this, I’ll be concentrate at the other one while making a side story of Yewon get together episode. Hold on tight kids… ^^

I made Yesung younger just by months. Nothing unusual. I hope you all like it. Please stay supports me. I will do my best. And keep leaving a trace behind.

Love you gorgeous people.

Sankyu and peace all.



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EvaKim2804 #1
Chapter 8: I just came across this story and it's fun because it's about the friendship of these 3 crazy girls and their personalities. I wish I could update the author even though it's too many years that he's on hiatus
Chapter 3: A turtle Siwonie! Hahahahahahaha
Hyukhae_is_real #3
Chapter 8: Hahahaha, Hyukkie and Haehae are so funny and cute
Please update soon ~~
ochyyyy #4
Chapter 8: Wahahaha never stop to make me smile giggle laughing so bad.....
The quarrel between haehyuk, and then the cute moment of yewon that they did everywhere everytime *envious and the sneaky yunho is funny
This is really made up my mood haha
And I really didn't expecting that heechul will be jae's mother, really hilarious as always haha
Yunho-sii please work harder its just a matter of time that jae will fall over you ^^

Thankss for the update ^^b
rayie_159 #5
Chapter 8: Lovely eunhae....and heechul as jae momso funny family
Yunho fighting.....i will waiting your update^^
Chapter 8: loving eunhae moment and yunjae xD yewon is cute like usual!
KcuLL22 #7
Chapter 8: A little bit yewon!
CallMehhBubz #8
Love it so far Aurthor-nim!! Please update soon~
KcuLL22 #9
Lol I crack when jaejoong thinks there is microchip planted in their head XD

this is too funny! I still read some chapter, I already LOLed hard~
sally86 #10
miss u too~~ update neh... hope yunho sunbae can win jae's heart~~ ^^