Scenario 5 Part 2: The Proposal

My day-to-day life with Daehyun
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'Do I have a choice about this?' Hye Young asked.

Daehyun glanced up at the waiter and took the menus, 'thank you. And no, you don't have a choice. Choose a dessert then.' Broadly grinning, he pushed the menu in her hands.   'Close your mouth babo-ya.' Daehyun chuckled. Hye Young slightly shook her head before she pondered over the choices.   Daehyun stretched his neck and nodded to a waiter that he had been keeping his eye on. Although, the word 'nod' was a loose term of the signal he sent. It was at this moment, that Hye Young looked up. open, ready to tell Daehyun what she wanted. As he nodded, he gave a weird, twitchy half-wink towards the waiter. The waiter became flustered. Daehyun became agitated and sent the exact same signal again, not noticing the twitch in his eye.   'Oppa.' Hye Young called.   Daehyun tore his eyes away from the waiter. His signals were clearly not well received. The waiter did not understand what he was implying. He met eyes with Hye Young's disgusted ones.   'Is he gay?' She mumbled to herself. 'Is that why he called me over today, to tell me?'    'Tell you what?' Daehyun asked, catching onto the end of Hye Young's incoherent muttering.   'Huh? Nothing.'   'You said, let me repeat, 'is that why he called me over today, to tell me?'' Daehyun panicked, *how does she know I'm going to propose?! What do you know? I didn't make it obvious! The waiter hasn't even brought the cheesecakes yet and she hasn't found the ring!*   'No, I'm being a bit stupid'   'Tell me, Hye Young-ah.'   'Why were you flirting with that waiter over there?' Hye Young blurted out, her eyes closely watching his reaction.   'WHATTTTT?' He yelped, noticing how loud he was, he meet eyes with the other people dining in the restaurant and apologised.   'What?! You think I'm gay?' Daehyun frantically whispered.   Hye Young shrugged. 'You were winking at him. Although, if you were, really, him? Do you have no taste in the people you find attractive?' She eased the conversation into a joking one.   He turned and glared at the waiter, and finally this time, the waiter understood to bring the cheesecakes.    'I wasn't winking at him!' Daehyun protested, 'and I have standards you know, there's a quota you need to fill to be my girlfriend.'   'So you're not gay?'   'Nope. I don't understand why you would think I'll bring my girlfriend to a restaurant to flirt with a waiter.'   'Good point.' Comprehension dawned onto Hye Young, 'a quota to be your girlfriend? Does that mean that you had a checklist when we went on dates, and then after each one you ticked off whether I had the qualities or not? Is that why you took ages to confess?' Her eyes widen yet again.   Daehyun a
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Updated!!! Twice :D


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Chapter 7: OMG THAT PROPOSAL WAS SO PERFECT! It had cake which made it even better ^^ DAEHYUN SO CUTE! <3
Chapter 5: Kyaaaaaaaaaa So fluffy, this made my day along with tvxqs teaser ;)
So cute ^___^
4everALonE_26 #4
Awww..Daehyun! <3 :">
Short story but,Makes my heart flutter! :))
chocoholiz #5
LOVE U SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!! Love it!!! It's just so fluffy! Hehe xxx
wow, it's really sweet :D
SeyahMyv #7
So cute XD