Scenario 2: Best Absolute Perfect

My day-to-day life with Daehyun
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Hye Young opened her eyes against her own will. *That was such a good dream* she thought. *Now I have to wake up, I wonder if opp-*   'EEEEEK!' Hye Young exclaimed.   'You're so cute when you sleep Hye Young-ah' Daehyun commented as he pulled her down by her waist. He s his arms around her waist and closed the gap between them. Hye Young could feel his warm breath on her neck. He placed his legs around hers, entrapping her in his embrace. Hye Young tried to get up again but miserably failed.   'Jagiya, stop trying to move and let's spend some time like this together,' Daehyun whispered.   'I don't know how you have time for this oppa, but I have work to do.' Hye Young stated, trying again to escape Daehyun's hold.   Daehyun was stubborn to make sure that his wife remained with him in bed in the morning, and he could only think of one way to stop her moving. Keeping his position over her firm, she turned her around so that they were facing each other. Daehyun in his breath as he admired the beauty in front of him. Her usually straight hair was messy, her cheeks puffed up in frustration, her lips was pink and not yet swollen. His eyes lingered on the part of her face he loved the most, which was ironically her insecurity, her eyes. They were small, with no double eyelids and her eyesight was extremely bad. But, but, it were her eyes that had attracted Daehyun to her in the first place. Hye Young expressed herself through her eyes: anger, resentful, joy, sadness. Everytime Hye Young looked at Daehyun, he saw nothing but love in her eyes. Daehyun smiled unknowingly.   'Are you laughing because you trapped me yet again?!' Hye Young narrowed her eyes until they became slits. She puffed her cheeks again.    Daehyun pushed them in with his fingers, giggling at the fish face that she made, his eyes becoming half crescent moons shaped. Daehyun let go and Hye Young giggled. She puffed up her cheeks expectantly, and Daehyun happily poked them again. And this happened again. And again. And again. They were blissfully happy and ignorant of their surroundings. Ignorance wasn't necessarily a good thing...   'NOONAAAAAA. WHERE ARE YO- AH! MY EYES!' Zelo screamed as he burst into Daehyun's and Hye Young's bedroom. His face was of utter shock before he started shrieking again and covering his eyes.    Daehyun sighed. *I should have never have told them about where the extra key was. I told them for emergencies not to ruin my alone time with Hye Young!' Hye Young quickly jumped out of bed mortified and ran out of the bedroom, along the corridor and into the bathroom without glancing back. She almost made it without any obstacles before another arm snatc
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Updated!!! Twice :D


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Chapter 7: OMG THAT PROPOSAL WAS SO PERFECT! It had cake which made it even better ^^ DAEHYUN SO CUTE! <3
Chapter 5: Kyaaaaaaaaaa So fluffy, this made my day along with tvxqs teaser ;)
So cute ^___^
4everALonE_26 #4
Awww..Daehyun! <3 :">
Short story but,Makes my heart flutter! :))
chocoholiz #5
LOVE U SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!! Love it!!! It's just so fluffy! Hehe xxx
wow, it's really sweet :D
SeyahMyv #7
So cute XD