Scenario 4: You're now mine

My day-to-day life with Daehyun
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This is when Daehyun confesses to you, a couple months after you first met. I realise it's REALLY cute and slightly cringy, but I wrote whatever came in my head :)

Hye Young let out a loud, audible sigh and the students in front of her turned around and stared. *Whoops*

  'Mianhae.' She whispered.   She couldn't be bothered to listen to the lecturer, or make notes or even pretend to be understanding any of the course. She was anxious to run out as soon as the tedious lecture ended. Her impatience shone through, as she fidgeted in her chair.    'Yah, if you need to go to the toilet go. Don't wet yourself.' The student next to Hye Young hissed.   'Mian!' Hye Young whispered again. Her face flushed with blood. *I need to keep calm, nothing will happen today.* Yet with each word, her heart pounded with more force, opposing her thoughts. She smiled just thinking about him. Yes, the cute waiter that she had been seeing for the last couple of weeks. Although they weren't official, Hye Young couldn't help but look forward to every time she were to meet him. His smile, his laughter and how he made her heart flutter.   The bell rang, signalling the end of the lesson. Hye Young jumped up and hurriedly packed away her belongings, creasing the doodles' page into a nice, flat pancake.    With full speed, she ran to her favourite coffee shop. As she neared to the front door, her pace drop and she paused to catch her breath before she pushed the door.   It was the peak time of the day, and the cafe was overcrowded with various ages of people in to take their break. Hye Young struggled to find a table amongst the clumps of people together. Sighting an empty table near the back, she stormed her way through and plopped down on the seat. 'Aish, so tiring,' she mumbled to herself. Unwrapping the sandwich she had brought, she said 'Now to find Daehyun-sshi...'. She ran her eyes over the busy cafe and her eyes lit up when she finally found him, but then her eyes narrowed.   Her date, who was meant to meet her today, was smiling and laughing with a pretty woman next to him. She angrily bit into her sandwich, biting harder and larger pieces every time, the jealousy eating up at her. *Well, he never really asked you to be his girlfriend. These dates are probably friendly ones between friends.* Hye Young tried to reason with herself, yet, with each blissful 'date' she remembered, she grew more and more bothered about how sweet Daehyun was to her. *If he's the type of guy that gets along with a lot of I actually want to be with him?* She glanced up at him, and watched him heartily chuckle to a joke. *I can't watch this.* Grabbing  her belongings, she made her way to the exit.    '-oonim, I have to go. I have something to do. It was nice meeting you.' Daehyun said. Hye Young could hear his voice so clearly. *Noonim? She's older than him.*    She was two strides away from the door, when someone held onto her arm. Utterly bewildered she turned around, and found Daehyun beaming down at her.   'Did you not see me?' Daehyun asked curiously.   'Oh! I did, but I forgot that I had somewhere to go to.' Hye Young lamely answered.   Daehyun's face screwed up in confusion. 'But you were meant to be meeting me now...'   'I'm really sorry but this can't wait.'   'Well, spare me five minutes of your time now, I need your advice.' Daehyun blushed.   Hye Young realised she had no option but to agree. She took a deep breath and held up her hand and said smiling 'Only five minutes, okay?' Daehyun nodded happily.   He led her to a table and sat down. As Hye Young took her seat, the 'noonim' walked past and said her goodbyes to Daehyun. Hye Young was bitter.   '
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Updated!!! Twice :D


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Chapter 7: OMG THAT PROPOSAL WAS SO PERFECT! It had cake which made it even better ^^ DAEHYUN SO CUTE! <3
Chapter 5: Kyaaaaaaaaaa So fluffy, this made my day along with tvxqs teaser ;)
So cute ^___^
4everALonE_26 #4
Awww..Daehyun! <3 :">
Short story but,Makes my heart flutter! :))
chocoholiz #5
LOVE U SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!! Love it!!! It's just so fluffy! Hehe xxx
wow, it's really sweet :D
SeyahMyv #7
So cute XD