♥ writing point a to z part 2 « --

Writing Adventure



Writing: Point A to Z Part 2

The idea develops, begins to take on a life

  1. Visions of the idea (plot, setting, characters) pop into your head.
  2. The visions keep expanding, haunting you, until you must do something about them.

The first decisions

  1. What will this idea turn into? An article, a short story, a novella, a book.
  2. If it will be a fictional piece, what genre or sub-genre?
  3. Defining it in your work process…giving it a name/title.

The set-up process

  1. Create a working notebook for the pieces and parts of the project.
  2. Create computer files and back-up files for the project.
  3. Create a Wiki space file for the project.


The Writing Process Basic


  1. Create a strong hook to draw the reader into the story (preferably in the first 2-3 paragraphs, definitely within the first 5 pages).
  2. Write the story with scenes (the drama that drives the story forward) and sequels (that aftermath of a dramatic scene that adds characterization depth, analyzes motivation, or explains character planning…and continues to move the story forward).
  3. Determine the best places to end each chapter in a manner that will urge the reader to continue on to the next chapter. Commonly these can be a change in viewpoint, the moment of disaster ending a scene, or in the middle of a conflict.
  4. Make wise use of turning points (complications that make reaching the characters’ goals harder).
  5. Create a strong black moment (the point where all seems lost in a relationship or reaching a goal).
  6. Create a strong  (where external conflicts are resolved, compromises are made, goals are modified in believable ways, and in a romance, the romance blossoms again).
  7. Create a satisfactory resolution that the reader will accept (internal conflicts are resolved, character growth is seen, new goals are accepted, and in a romance, the romance is secured).

The basic clean –up process

  1. Do a complete read-through of the finished draft and make note of problem areas with grammar and punctuation.
  2. Review word choices for too many adverbs and adjectives, weak verbs, clichés, overused or misused words, weak modifiers, and too many word filters (he saw, he heard).
  3. Watch word repetition and repeated phrases.
  4. Review good use of paragraphs for length, weak beginnings, and pacing.
  5. Review for correct amount of dialogue and narrative.
  6. Make sure descriptions are accurate and character physical details are consistent.
  7. Get rid of wandering body parts (eyes dropped, foot fell).
  8. Watch overuse of Italics, exclamation points, and ellipsis marks.

The story line clean-up process

  1. Do a complete read-through of the finished draft and make note of problem areas with the flow of the story line, character issues, setting issues, etc.
  2. Review the opening/hook to be sure the reader is drawn in immediately and the story starts in the right place.
  3. Review the main characters for good depth of characterization, visualization of them by the reader, strength of their purpose and goals.
  4. Review all of the minor characters to be sure they have a purpose in the story.
  5. Review the strength of the conflicts (external and internal).
  6. Review the pacing of the plot movement.
  7. Review the turning points for strength and to make sure they move the story forward.
  8. Review the scenes to make sure they have a strong reason for being included.
  9. Review the dialogue and punctuation used in dialogue.
  10. Review for good use of POV.


Source: rubbishtopublish

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[WA] Hi readers^^ I'm back. I'll continue are adventure this December. :)


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Chapter 1: this is helpful!!!! :DDD
Chapter 9: this is really helpful c:
I mean do you type the chapters on MS Word first? XD heh~
Chapter 7: Do you do your chapters on word first, author-nim??
Chapter 2: I want to use the Story title 'This time, it's over'
Chapter 2: I'm going to use sunday morning coffee ^^
--photogenic #7
This is really helpful :)