
Promises, Promises

Your POV


Yes! Finally, break time. I grin as I get up, then I look at Eunhyuk to ask him if he wanted to go to the cafeteria with me. But, oddly enough, he wasn't there.  I look up, just in time, to see him rush out the door. Oh, right. Now, he's avoiding me, because I got him in trouble with Professor Kim. He gets scared just looking at a teacher, and now I got one to yell at him.

Oh! And he was trying to ask me something, too. Well, maybe this is a good thing? Now that he's mad at me, he won't want to confess to me today! (Or any day for that matter.) So, I won't have to reject him, and feel all guilty for ruining his Valentine's Day.

Speaking of valentines, where's Kyuhyun?

Kyuhyun's POV

Aish! Where's Kyungmi? I've been waiting out here forever (FIVE MINUTES!!!), and I'm freaking hungry!! All I had for breakfast was two eggs, buttered toast, 4 sausages, and a bowl of kimchi! I know, I know,'Kyuhyun! How could you eat so little?!' Well, I was in a hurry, since I slept in again, okay?

"Yah! Will you shut up already? I know I'm hungry!! No need to remind me, you useless stomach!!" I shout at my stomach, to which it simply replied with an even louder, "GMMMRHHHHHH."

No one ever listens to me... Just as I was I about to leave, I feel a hand grab my arm. I turn around, “What took you so lo-"

Wait a second, where's Kyungmi's face? I find myself looking at a very nice collarbone, that wore an expensive looking necklace.(What? I'm an observant person...) I bring my eyes to meet with the owner's, who was obviously not Kyungmi (this girl's waaay too tall), wanting to know why she's preventing my stomach from being filled.

"Hi, Kyuhyun oppa! I'm sorry to bother you, but I need to talk with you for a minute."

My hunger suddenly disappears, as I see the girl was Seohyun. Yes, the Seo Joohyun, the most popular girl in SMHS. And the girl of my dreams. Her face is so beautiful, with her angel-like features. And her voice... just… it's indescribable. And she was talking to me. Outside of class. And my dreams. You could imagine how I felt.

Woah, woah, Kyuhyun. Keep it cool. "Uhh, yeah. I guess."

Good, good, act like you don't care. Chicks totally dig that whole 'I'm-too-cool-care-about-anything' attitude thing. Ah, Cho Kyuhyun, how did you become such a genius? I give myself a mental high five as we walk to the school's garden.

This place wasn't a tiny little garden, with a few flowerbeds of multi-colored pansies, surrounded by bushes, with a close-to-dead tree, like other schools' garden, which was for kids to have a place to 'hang out’, or in modern terms, make out or smoke a cigarette. No, our garden was huge, and had paths with all sorts of flowers aligning them, with so many colors, my head spun. The blossoms filled the air with a sweet aroma. There were trees that stood at the edges of the garden, gaurding it from the outer world, so as you can pretend to have your own world, and forget everything else.

Seeing as it was still winter, the colors were dulled to a soft white, due to the morning snow. The garden still had the same calming, other-worldly effect on me, though, as I watched the snow sparkle in the sun. Seohyun cleared , and looked at me with a nervous expression. I must be dreaming. No way can a moment be so perfect. Ah, God must love you, Kyuhyun. I mean, who wouldn't?

"Um.. oppa? W-will you be m-my valentine? I really like you an-"

"YES!! Uh, I mean, sure, I guess I can be your valentine." That was a close one.

Don't freak out Kyu! Just because the girl you've liked since freshman year asked you to be hers doesn't mean you have to lose your cool.

'Can't lose what you've never had, Kyu.'

KYUNGMI?! What are you doing in my thoughts?!

'I can be anywhere I want to be, Cho Kyuhyun, and you can't do anything about it!!'

Well, they're my thoughts, so get out before you explode. Because I can do that.


That's weird. Kyungmi only appears in my thoughts when I should feel guilty about something I did, especially when it involves her. She's like my conscience or something. A very annoying conscience that invades my thoughts until it forces me to go and apologize to her. But why do I feel guilty towards Kyungmi  now? She's not even here!

"Oppa? Are you okay? You must be hungry, let's go eat." Seohyun held her hand out to me, and I remember that I'm starving!

More so than before. I grab Seohyun's hand, and we walk together to the cafeteria. Her hand is so soft! I'll try to remember what I did to Kyungmi later.

Your POV

Okay, now I'm really worried. I can't find Kyuhyun anywhere in the cafeteria. It's abnormal enough that he wasn't waiting for me, but when he doesn't, he's usually in the cafeteria, stuffing his face with the special of the day. I walk over to the table we usually sit at.

"Hey guys, have you seen Kyuhyun anywhere?" I ask, as I sit down in between Ryeowook and Luna.

"He's gone for a few minutes, and you already miss him?" Heechul asks with a big grin on his face.

I roll my eyes; Heechul's always been like that. He has this crazy idea that I'm in love with Kyu, and that Kyu's in love with me. Well, everyone does, but Heechul takes it to another level, just because he's Heechul and he thinks it’s cute that his two favorite dongsaengs are in love with each other.

"Oh hey, Kyungmi. We thought you would know where Kyuhyun was, actually," Sungmin says, munching on his lunch.

That was pink. I giggle at Sungmin's obsession with the color, and turn to the others, who were nodding in agreement.

"So, no one's seen Kyu anywhere at all?" I ask, disappointed.

"I know where he is!” Sulli says, pointing towards the entrance of the cafeteria.

Sure enough, Kyuhyun was walking in. Holding hands. With a girl. I feel a sharp pang hit my chest. Ow, that hurt! My eyes started to water from the pain. I quickly stand up, because people will surely get the wrong idea if they saw me crying after seeing Kyu with that girl.

"I-I need to go to the bathroom…" I say. Oh, that's just wonderful. Now they'll know I'm crying, and they'll think that I'm jealous of that girl that was walking up to us with Kyuhyun.  Which I'm not!

"Hey, guys! This i-"

"I'll see you guys later." I grab my things, and rush out the door before Kyuhyun could finish his sentence.

That jerk! I spend all these years, rejecting guy after guy because he wanted me to keep our promise, but what does he get to do? Break it, and act as if it was nothing. Frustrated tears mingle with the tears I already had from the pain in my chest. My vision was blurred, and I walked blindly through the halls.

Until I bump into a wall, and fall on my . Great. Now my hurts.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry Kyungmi!!"

Oh. Turns out it wasn't a wall. I look up to see who the wall-person was, to find a very flustered Eunhyuk.

Eunhyuk's POV

I was walking in the hallway, thinking of another way I could confess to Kyungmi, but I was interrupted when I heard a loud thump accompanied with an "Uhmph!"

I look down, and see Kyungmi crying. LOOK WHAT YOU DID EUNHYUK!! YOU MADE HER CRY!!! What should I do? What should I do?!

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry Kyungmi!!" I say, and she looks up with a tear stained face.


I help her to her feet, and she says, “I-it's fine, Eunhyuk-shi…"

"It's obviously not! You're crying! Come on, have you eaten lunch yet? I'll treat you", I say.

Wait... You idiot!! You don't have any money!

"No, it's fine. I'm not crying because I fell. It doesn't really hurt, anyways."

Phew! But I still need to make up for getting her in trouble in class.

"Oh, then I'll make you feel better!" I say, giving her my hand again, and drag her to the school's courtyard.

"What can I do for you, Kyungmi?"

She thought for a while, putting a finger to her chin. (Aw! She's so cute!) Then a sly smile came across her lips. "Hyukkie oppa~" she coos and bats her eyelids.

Wh-what? Did I hear her right? Oppa? She's never called me that before...

"Will you be my valentine?" she asks while handing me a bag.


Kyuhyun's POV

"Hyukkie oppa~ Will you be my valentine?" I heard Kyungmi say.


(A/N): Teehee~ What will happen to Kyu and __________? Sorry it took so long to post.. Writer's block... And other distractions... Like SUPER JUNIOR-M!!! I AM SO PUMPED FOR THEIR COMEBACK!!!!  OH YEAH!!! (lol... please excuse my fangirling)

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chocoalmonds #1
adorable storyyyyyy :-----3 so sweeeeetttt authornim! keep writing ^^
babybo #2
Chapter 15: hey I'm a new reader here. well. I read all of this story's chapters. and soooooooo cute and sweet <3 hahaha Kyu just too cute here :3
Ceilidh #3
So sweet! Love it :)

p.s. Henry is the cutesy hamster ever!
yuukarijkpop #4
it's sooooooooooooooooooooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
<br />
I will be reading this tonight. More comments to follow tomorrow! (:
congrats on finishing<br />
work hard on your sequel<br />
OH MY GOSH<br />