Good Night, Chu~

Promises, Promises

(A/N): Hello awesome readers~ ^^ I'm almost done with this fic, and I was just wondering if you guys would like a sequel...? Yes? Maybe? No? Leave your answer in the comments :] Oh, and another thing! Please read my new two-shot/three-shot fic, Strawberry Pocky( It's a EunHae fic ><. Please comment on it~(PREASE~♥)

Enjoy the chapter :D

Narrator's POV

They walked for five minutes to Kyungmi's house, having an endless conversation about everything and nothing at the same time. The awkwardness disappeared into the fresh fallen snow, as did the conflicts of the past day.

Kyungmi's POV

I breathe in deeply as we step up the stairs to my house. This may have not been the best Valentine's Day, but I still don't want it to end. At least the last hours of the day were spent with Kyuhyun.

"So, whatever happened to that valentine of yours?" I ask, just to try and keep him there.

He raised his eyebrows, and I just shrug, pretending to look for my key in my bag.

"Well, she left."

"Oh. Why?"

"I don't know! She thought I wasn't paying enough attention to her or something. Yeah, so she slapped me on the face, and left."

"Woah, woah, woah. What? She slapped my best friend? Ohhh, this girl is going to get it! Are you okay? Where'd she hit you? I--"

"Kyungmi! I'm fine!"

"No, you're not! Where'd that hit you? Here?" I put my hand on his cheek, and he laughed and placed his hand over mine.

"Kyungmi..." his sentence trailed off as our eyes met, and I realized that I had  stepped a little too close.

My breathing caught into my throat, my focus directed at his lips. My mind completely blanked as his face neared, and my eyes suddenly closed.

Narrator's POV

Kyuhyun closed the remaining distance between their faces, and their lips touched. He marveled at the electric current that flowed through his spine as they kissed, wishing that the moment would last forever. Then, he realized just what he was doing, and broke the kiss.

"Uh, sorry. I, uh, have to go. Good night." He ran to his house, and slammed the door in his hurry.

Kyungmi just stood, rooted to the spot in front of the door to her house. Her hand subconsciously reached for her lips, not believing that had actually happened. Kyuhyun? Cho Kyuhyun? Kissed her? Just thinking about it made her feel like she was floating.

Suddenly, the porch light went on, and the front door opened. "Yah, Park Kyungmi! What are you doing just standing there? You're going to catch a cold!"

"Hi Omma.."

"Kyungmi? What's wrong? Aigoo~ Did my baby have a good Valentine's Day?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Uh..."

"Hehe, okay. You should get to your room now, sweetie."

"Alright... Where's my room again?"

"Umm, upstairs?"

"Right. Thanks, Omma. Good night.."

"Good night, honey."

Kyungmi ran up to her room, a stupid grin plastered on her face. She bounced to the cage in the that sat beside her desk. "HEY HENRY~" she said to her hamster, that was running on his little wheel.

It squeaked its greeting, and continued to scurry along. "Guess what, Henry! I love Kyuhyun!! And he just kissed me!! KYA!!" Kyungmi threw her arms up, and twirled until she fell on her comfortable bed. She giggled uncontrollably, and felt her lips again.

"Can you believe it, Henry? Ah, I love Valentine's Day."

Henry's POV

Wheee! This wheel is so fun! Woohoo!! What is my master talking about? Kyuhyun? Has she finally realized that she loves that guy? It's about time! FUUUUUUUUUUN~!!

"What are you squeaking about, Henry? Are you hungry?"


"Aww~ You're so cute!! Like Kyuhyun!"

Why thank you-- wait, what? Have you seen me? I'm waaaayyy cuter than Kyuhyun!! I can play the violin!! And I'm a hamster! A FREAKING HAMSTER!!

"Woah. Calm down there, Henli. Here's your food."


Kyuhyun's POV


WHY?!?!?! I hit my head against my bed's headboard, thinking for an answer. Way to make it more awkward, Kyu! IDIOT! Ugh, where's imaginary Kyungmi when I need her?

"Kyuhyun, honey? You should get to sleep; you have school tomorrow!"

"Yes, Mommy!"

Time for some Star Craft.

GASP~! They kissed!

And, of course, I had to put my favorite Canadian into my story~ Gotta love Henry Lau ♥

And typical GameKyu at the end. =.=

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chocoalmonds #1
adorable storyyyyyy :-----3 so sweeeeetttt authornim! keep writing ^^
babybo #2
Chapter 15: hey I'm a new reader here. well. I read all of this story's chapters. and soooooooo cute and sweet <3 hahaha Kyu just too cute here :3
Ceilidh #3
So sweet! Love it :)

p.s. Henry is the cutesy hamster ever!
yuukarijkpop #4
it's sooooooooooooooooooooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
<br />
I will be reading this tonight. More comments to follow tomorrow! (:
congrats on finishing<br />
work hard on your sequel<br />
OH MY GOSH<br />