약한 심장

You were walking in a meadow with him, holding hands. He was dressed in a white dress shirt with the first two buttons ed and khaki pants. You were wearing a long white sundress. You were both barefoot. After walking for who knows how long, you both stopped and laid together on the grass, cuddling closely, staring into each others' eyes. This is like a dream. And it was.

You woke up to  the relationshipless and Sunggyu-less reality. Most mornings you found it hard to wake up, but it was espeically harder that morning. It felt like you were waking up to a hangover, but not an alcoholic hangover, a Sunggyu hangover. His angelic face wouldn't even stop bothering you in your dreams. Hey, at least it was a Saturday. You didn't have to go to school in a bad mood. You looked at your clock and read 8:47. A bit early for a Saturday, but it was okay; you were supposed to meet Saejin for brunch at 10:00.

You got out of bed to start getting ready. Since it was only brunch with Saejin, you decided to dress casually. A white v-neck and jean shorts would do. Discontent, but too lazy to do anything with your bed hair, you combed the knots out several times and tied it up into a high ponytail. You put barely any makeup on; BB cream, eyeliner and mascara would be enough for a meeting with your best friend. After you were done beautifying yourself, you got your phone, keys, wallet, and sunglasses, stuffed them into your leather crossbody, and ran out the door, slipping on your classic black Converse high tops.


It only took a five minute walk to your favorite cafe. You opened the door with a jingling noise.

The waiter looked back from the table he was currently serving and welcomed you. "Hey! I'll be with you in a sec!"

You nodded your head and looked around the half full cafe to see if Saejin had arrived yet.

"Hyeri! Eating brunch by your lonely self again?"

"No, Hyunwoo," you scoffed. You frequented this cafe a lot -- to read or to think or simply to have coffee -- and after the first couple of visits, you started to become friendly with the workers. "Saejin is supposed to meet me here, but by the looks of it, she's not here."

Right as you said that, a loud voice from behind you yelled, "I'm here~"

You turned around to the sight of your best friend posing as if she was a super model. You rolled your eyes. Once again, typical Saejin.

"Table for two please," you told Hyunwoo.

He got two menus and lead you and Saejin to an empty table. You both thanked him and sat down.

"So ... last night ... Sunggyu," Saejin began while raising one of her eyebrows.

"So ... last night ... Sunggyu," you copied.

"C'mon! You said that you would tell me more last night. Tell me, tell me, t-t-t-t-t-tell me!"

You gave in to her idiocy and told her what had happened in detail.

"Wow, I told you he was interested! Good thing I told Taejun to bring Sunggyu--" she clamped shut with her hands. "Oops ..."

"You what?" you said opened eyed, shocked at what she had just told you. "Saejin! Lately it seems like you've been doing a lot of secret, sneaky things behind my back!"

"Sorry, but I know you really like him so I invited him ..."

You sighed. Saejin had good intentions, but sometimes they just weren't what you wanted. You felt bad that you snapped at her and apologized. "It's okay ... I guess I would've seen him sooner or later. But I wish you had told me before! I would've dressed nicer."

She laughed at your pouting, noting that you forgave her.

You both chatted for several minutes and Taejun and Sunggyu came.

"So, where did you guys come from?" you asked.

"Home," said Taejun.

Sunggyu replied, "Library."

"Library? So you're the type to study on Saturdays," Saejin chuckled.

"Yeah, well midterms are coming up and I don't want to look like an idiot like a certain someone." Sunggyu nudged Taejun.

You groaned. "Ugh midterms. I'm so done with studying. I barely even started, but I don't want to do anything."

"What do you mean?" asked Saejin. "Didn't you get like a 89 on your mock midterm? I barely got an 80!"

"An 89 isn't good enough. I absolutely have to get a 95 or better." You let out a deep breath, pushing out your bottom lip. "Math is killing me."

"Do you want me to tutor you?" questioned Sunggyu.

Your eyes lit up. "Seriously?"

"Sunggyu's first in our class and second in our year. Nerd," Taejun scoffed.

"Well I'd rather be a nerd than an idiot like you," Sunggyu remarked.

Taejun rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair. "Whatever."

"So where and when should we meet?" Sunggyu asked nonchalantly.

"Library; Tomorrow; 1:00?" you suggested.

"Sounds good."

And that was how you planned your first legitamite, solo encounter with Sunggyu.


(a/n hi guys i'm really sorry i haven't updated in forever ... and i'm really sorry this is a short snipet of mere dialogue ;_; tbh this chapter and i'm sorry that i don't have anything better to give you guys. i've been murdering myself over my junior year and it's been absolutely great. (in my mind "great" is immensely sarcastic) i'm going to try to update as much as i can /fingers crossed/ i totally can't wait until winter break to update a lot! i have ideas for the ending but i need ideas for the rest ... of ... the plot ... anyways, thanks for putting up with my crap guys~)

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ailisu #1
oh dreamy sunggyu~~
ailisu #2
very interesting so far. hope you can update again soon :)