약한 심장

You stare at Saejin wide-eyed. How. could. you. do. this. to. me. Saejin looked back at you, smiling innocently. She pulled you down to sit at the table, so that you were directly across from Sunggyu. Saejin looked over at another guy and said, "Taejun oppa, introduction, please!"

This guy, Taejun, cleared his throat, looked at you, and saluted, "I'm Taejun. This is Sunggyu, Chan, Jin." he said as he motioned toward each person.

"I'm Saejin, Taejun oppa's next door neighbor," Saejin said, looking toward the other three boys, smiling sweetly.

Saejin elbowed you, forcing you to introduce yourself. "Hi, I'm Hyeri," you said looking down, slightly smiling.

"So," Saejin starts. "Did you guys order yet?"

"Yup, I think we ordered enough for the six of us ..."

You looked up to see Sunggyu checking his phone. You felt lucky to be able to see him up close. His sharp eyes. His well rounded nose. His plump lips. Suddenly, he looks up and looks at you. You look away and blush.

"So, you guys are freshmeat, I mean, freshman?" Chan snickered.

"Yeah, we're both first years," Saejin replied. "What are you guys?"

"Taejun, who's grade you probably already know, and Sunggyu are third years. Chan and I are second years," Jin said.

"Wait, if Chan and Jin are second years, then how did you guys win the last two years in a row?" you asked curiously.

"What do you mean? We won because we're good at what we do," Chan responded sarcastically.

"... That's not what I meant, but okay?" you agnostically stated. Sunggyu chortled at your skeptical face. "I mean, if you guys are second years, then you must've played when Sunggyu and Taejun were first years, which would mean that you guys were third years in middle school."

"That doesn't make any sense ..." Chan looked undoubtedly confused.

You giggled, "What do you mean? It's logical!"

"It makes sense, Chan, you're just an idiot," Jin said, patting Chan on the back, while Chan pouted. "Our middle school is the brother school to our school, so they didn't really care as long as we had permission."

The waitress brought out a tray of raw meat and turns on your table's burner. The boys started throwing pieces of meat randomly into piles on the burner.

"Wait, wait, wait! You're doing it wrong!" you declared as you took the tongs from them. "You have to lay each piece out nicely."

Sunggyu guffawed, "Wow, OCD, much?"

"Well, I mean, if each piece is laid out in an orderly fashion, the more meat we'll be able to eat. ’Cause the more surface area we cover, the more cooked meat, right?"

"Aigoo, so weird~" Saejin said, flicking your forehead.

"Fine then, you guys don't have to eat; I'll just eat everything myself~!"

"Hey!!" everyone replied as you giggled to yourself.

Several minutes of small talk passed and the meat is done. Everyone starts making their samgyeopsal ssam*.

"Oppa, say ahh~" said Saejin as she held her ssam up to Taejun's mouth. He gladly opened his mouth to eat it.

You rolled your eyes. Classic Saejin flirting with older guys.


You look up to see Sunggyu was opening his mouth while leaning toward you "What?" you responded while making your own ssam.

"You're not going to make me one?" he questioned.

"No ... Why?"

"'Cause you should respect your elders!"

You sighed, giving in to him. He was just too cute. "Oh, fine ..." You held your arm out, thinking that he would take it from your hand.

"Ahh~" Nope. He actually expected you to feed him.

"Aren't you old enough to feed yourself?"

"Ahh~" You rolled your eyes and fed him the ssam.

"No fair!" Chan sulked. "I want to be fed by Hyeri!!!"

"Nope, no more, one and done, that's it."

"Why does Sunggyu hyung get special treatment, huh?" Jin smirked.

"One and done, that's it," you repeated.

Sunggyu replied, "Obviously because I'm the best. I'm more handsome, more likable ..." 

"Mhm, sure, that's why I gave my ssam to him," you said sarcastically. 

Everyone laughed.

Finally, after another hour of talking, eating, and laughter, all the food was gone.

"Ahh that was so good~ Well, it's about time for me to go ... Thank you for the meal, Taejun 'oppa'~" Chan stood up and swiftly bolted out the door.

"Yeah, sure, no prob-- WAIT WHAT?" Taejun yelled, but Chan was long gone. "I swear, I'm going to kill him tomorrow."

Jin laughed at Taejun's angry face. "He sure is in for it!"

"Oppa~ you'll treat me, right~?" Saejin asked with puppy dog eyes.

He sighed. "I suppose ... At this rate, it seems like I'll be paying for the entire meal ..."

"Thank you~!!" you, Sunggyu, and Jin said in unison.

Taejun glared at everyone. "You guys , you know that right?"

Grumbling, he went to pay the check while everyone got up to leave.

After Taejun paid, everyone met outside and briefly chatted.

"Alright, it's getting late, I'll see you guys tomorrow!" you say as you start to walk off.

"Wait!" Sunggyu grabs your arm. "You can't walk home by yourself!"

"Well, my house isn't that far. Fifteen minute walk, at most."

Jin responded, "Yeah, I don't think it's safe for a girl to walk home by herself."

"It's fine, it's a mile, more or less. It's okay," you casually insisted.

"Tch, you really should learn to listen to your elders," Sunggyu replied. "I'll take you home."

You shook your head. "No, seriously, it's fine! I've done this a ton of times before."

Sunggyu suddenly grabbed your wrist and starts walking. "Okay, see you guys tomorrow!"

After a block, Sunggyu stopped and let go of your wrist. "You should probably lead the way."

"Oh." you commented. You started to walk in the direction of your house. Sunggyu followed next to you.

Several awkward minutes of silence passed. You racked your brain for topics to talk about.

"So ..." Sunggyu began, breaking your train of thought. "Did you watch the Battle of the Bands?"

"Yeah, Saejin dragged me out to watch but I actually only ended up watching a couple of bands."

"Oh ... Did you see us?" Sunggyu questioned inquisitively.

"Mhm, you guys were really good." You blush. Oh my god. Why did I just say that? I sound like a dork. "You guys were really good." Way to go, Hyeri. Way to go.

"Thanks," he responded. "So, what type of music do you like?"

You recited the bands you were interested in.

"Oh, seriously? Me too! What a coincidence ..." 

Throughout the progression of the walk, you learned a lot about Sunggyu. He had an older sister. He liked writing lyrics and poems. He liked singing. He learned Chinese for five years. He loved sleeping a lot. Surprisingly, you both had a lot in common. You both liked the same music. You both had the same type of humor. Both interested in art. Both sang for fun.

After several minutes, you arrived at your apartment building.

"This is my stop," you told him.

"Oh, okay," he replied as you started walking toward the doors of the building. "Hey, Hyeri?"

You stopped and looked back.

"Could I get your phone number?" he requested.

Caught by surprise, you stumbled on your words, "Oh, uh, yeah, um, sure you can."

You walked back to Sunggyu, fingers fumbling to get your phone out of your backpack. He laughed at your clumsiness. You exchanged phone numbers.

"Well," he paused. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah," you smiled as you looked down and tucked a strand of loose hair behind your ear. "Goodnight."



(a/n: *samgyeopsal ssam is samgyeopsal with a bunch of other stuff wrapped in lettuce)

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ailisu #1
oh dreamy sunggyu~~
ailisu #2
very interesting so far. hope you can update again soon :)