약한 심장

"Congratulations on your new movie and welcome to the show, Hyeri-sshi!" Lee Dongwook said.

"Thank you for having me! It feels so surreal being on Strong Heart!" you replied as everyone laughed. "But really it does! I still can't believe our movie is already out and a big hit!" you continued. "It feels like just yesterday I was sitting at home eating ramyun while crying my heart out to 200 Pounds Beauty, wishing that I could act like Kim Ahjung! ... Oh wait. That was yesterday!"

Everyone in the studio laughed.

"Ahh, yes," Shin Dongyeop said after a loud laugh. "I see your board says 'My Strong Weak Heart' ... What does that mean? Are you making fun of our show?"

You giggled. "Of course not! Or maybe I am ... ?" you questioned, pretending that you were deep in thought. "All jokes aside, 'My Strong Weak Heart' is about my heart's ability to endure emotions. They say that the more you endure, the stronger your heart is, but in my case, it's the opposite. I feel like the hardships that I've been through have only made my heart weaker. To be honest, I have a really fragile heart. I'm really sensitive and emotional. I cry about the littlest things," you said sheepishly. "I think that I've been this way ever since I was born ... maybe even in my past life."

The studio "oh"-ed in understanding.

Lee Dongwook curiously asked, "Well, what hardships have made you 'weaker'?"

"Before I was the amazing person I am now," you started off, grinning, "I was deeply in love. This man, let's call him 'Mr. K' for broadcasting purposes, was pretty much my everything. We had met at our school festival. I remember this day very clearly. He sang with his band for Battle of the Bands. I told my friend that I thought he was so good looking. Then after the competition was over, that friend had slyly introduced me to him. We talked and we just clicked. Our relationship was really strong and we loved each other so much. But then, suddenly one day, 'Mr. K' decided that he wasn't in love with me. He broke my heart, and I cried and cried. After that, I decided to put my passion into acting, and here I am~!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait," Shin Dongyeop exclaimed as he waved his hands in front of himself with a confused face. "That went by way too quickly. Start again from when you first met 'Mr. K', and explain detail by detail."

"Well," you began, "It all started when ..."

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ailisu #1
oh dreamy sunggyu~~
ailisu #2
very interesting so far. hope you can update again soon :)