약한 심장


You squealed as your ran into your apartment building. The sound of his sweet goodbye still rang in your ears. Your hands cupped your face; you smiled goofily, and skipped up to your apartment. Your neighbors gave you weird looks, but you didn't care; your mind was filled with Sunggyu, Sunggyu, Sunggyu. You grinned at the thought of his beautiful face, beautiful body, beautiful voice, and beautiful personality. When you arrived at your apartment, you unconsciously slid open the lock pad and entered the password to your apartment. You walked into your apartment, hands still on your face, giggling to yourself like a love struck idiot. He's so cute. He's so hot. He's so good looking. He's so nice. He's so funny. He's so perfect--

A voice startled you. "Where have you been all night?" And you were now out of your Sunggyu dream world paradise.

You turned to look toward the voice. "Oh, it's just you, Hyungjun."

"Well, I'm pretty sure your parents asked me to watch over their unobservant daughter, so ..." he glanced at the love stricken you, got up and held onto your shoulders. " ... Are you okay? It looks like you've been hit by the stupid bus."

You pushed off Hyungjun's arms and glared at him. "Tch. I'm fine, thank you very much. I've just had the best thing of my life happen, that's all."

"Oh really? And what was this 'best thing of your life'? You found a 100 won coin on the ground while walking home?" he asked mockingly.

You rolled your eyes, "No, idiot, I met the most amazing person of ever."

"Of ever!" he sarcastically said, making air quotes with his index and middle fingers. "And who would that be? TVXQ's Yunho? Big Bang's T.O.P?"

"No ... Kim Sunggyu." you let out a dreamy sigh as you said his name.

"Kim Sunggyu?" he scoffed. "He's the 'best person of ever'? I'm ten times better than him, I should deserve that title. What do you see in him anyways?"

"Oh, Hyungjun, it's just that he's so cute, so handsome, so dreamy, so ... perfect."

"He's my band's rival. We lost first place to them at Battle of the Bands today. Speaking of Battle of the Bands, I didn't see you in the crowd, where were you?"

You thought back to how you were before that day, how you ran to the outdoor sports faucet,  going crazy about your crush on Sunggyu. "I ... went to the ladies' room."

"Oh." he sounded disappointed, but you thought it would be best if he didn't know that rather than listening to his band play, you were obsessing over his rival ... his very attractive rival.

"Yup ... well, I'm going to head off to study. Midterms are coming up and I don't want to lower my ranking."

"Oh, okay, tell me if you need help or anything," he replied as you both walked towards the front door.

"Alright, cool." You opened the front door for him.

He looked back at you and gave a little smile. "Hyeri ... goodnight."

"Yeah," you paused. "Bye." You closed the door.

You sighed. You knew that Hyungjun had feelings for you that you couldn't reciprocate. You two had grown up together, as if you were brother and sister. It would be weird to suddenly just forget about your sibling relationship and start seeing him as ... a man. He didn't make your heart thump like Sunggyu did. Oh, Sunggyu was a whole other story. Sunggyu's goodnight and Hyungjun's goodnight ... they were incomparable. Sunggyu really made your heart feel like it could jump right out of your chest, while Hyungjung just made you feel safe. Too safe.

It was just too confusing. You walked over to your studying desk and your laptop. You logged onto your NateOn, suddenly bombarded by questions.

saejinangel1004: so what happened???

saejinangel1004: did he walk you all the way home????

saejinangel1004: what'd you guys talk about??????

saejinangel1004: did you guys exchange numbers????

saejinangel1004: tell

saejinangel1004: me

saejinangel1004: what

saejinangel1004: happened

saejinangel1004: now

You rolled your eyes. Typical Saejin, prying for details.

ballhyerina: okay okay stop spamming me gosh.

saejinangel1004: i need deets. now.

ballhyerina: well he walked me home and we talked and clicked and we exchanged phone numbers

saejinangel1004: you clicked???!!!

saejinangel1004: wowowowowowowow lucky~ next thing you know you'll be cuddling in bed with him after heated ... ;)

ballhyerina: SAEJIN!!!!! not cool T_T

saejinangel1004: sorry sorry. but really.

saejinangel1004: you have the hots for him and he seems interested in you ...

ballhyerina: 'seems interested' ...  ;___;

saejinangel1004: i'm pretty sure he is, he wouldn't walk you home just because.

Maybe he had walked you home 'just because'.

ballhyerina: i don't know ...

ballhyerina: i'm going to get off; i should probably study now

sajinangel1004: okay but we have to talk more about this tomorrow!!

ballhyerina: bye bye

saejinangel1004: bye~!

You closed your laptop. You didn't want to think about if he liked you or not because there was always the possibility of him not liking you. But there was also the possibility of him liking you. There was a 50/50 chance. But there was a 50% chance that could end up in your heart being broken. You shook your head rapidly. No, you couldn't be thinking about these things when midterms were coming up so soon. You needed to focus. You looked at your clock. Focus could definitely wait. Part of good studying habits was sleep. And indeed, sleep was what your mind wanted. You wanted to put the thoughts of Sunggyu, Hyungjun, and Saejin to rest. One night of not studying wouldn't kill you, would it? Nope. You then showered, brushed your teeth, and got into bed with the thoughts of sleep, sleep, sleep in your mind. And sleep you did. You slept, dreaming about Sunggyu and his deep eyes, sharp nose, plump lips, and angled jawline. And sleep you did.


(a/n: in korea, they go by a ranking system for academic achievement i.e. i did really well on a test and my ranking was #9 out of all the students in my grade; nateon is like a korean aim or msn messenger)

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ailisu #1
oh dreamy sunggyu~~
ailisu #2
very interesting so far. hope you can update again soon :)