약한 심장


You looked at your friend, clearly annoyed at her fan girl self. "Saejin. Calm. Down."

"I can't, Hyeri, I can't; I love this band so much, oh my gosh Seungho! SEUNGHO OPPA!!" she responded, jumping up and down.

You rolled your eyes. Why did she have to drag me with her to watch the school's Battle of the Bands? you thought. This is the biggest waste of time of ever. Seriously, I should just leave. "Saejin, can I just go, I don't really want to stay--"

"No no no no no no no!!" she replied. "There's one more band that we absolutely have to watch. One more band, okay? I swear, it'll be worth it! They're the best band. And don't you want to see Hyungjun oppa? His band is after this next band. I'm sure he'd want you to stay."

"Fine," you sighed. "But only for oppa. After his gig, we're done." Hyungjun was your childhood friend, who was like the older brother you never had. He always took care of you, no matter what situation occurred.

The music faded and the audience applauded and cheered. "Alright, thanks Junebugs!" shouted the MC. "This next group up is the two year winner, back to claim first for their third year in a row ... Let's give it up for Damaged!"

As the MC announced the name of the next band, the crowd went wild. They must be pretty good to have the crowd screaming at the top of their lungs, as well as to be first prize winners for two years in a row ...

A group of guys in leopard print shirts and black jeans came out. "Hey guys, we're Damaged. I hope you'll enjoy our performance." the lead singer announced.

Wow, that guy is really hot. He had dark brown hair, which was formed messily, similar to a bird's nest. His sharp eyes, outlined with dark, black eyeliner, seemed as if they could pierce or see through anyone. His nose to his lips seemed to be of a god's. The deep V of his shirt showed off his smooth pecs. His upper arms made it seem like he worked out quite a bit, however his body didn't appear to be that well sculpted, maybe a flat stomach with abs barely peaking out. "Saejin, who is that guy?"

"Which one? The one in the front?" Saejin asked you. "That's Kim Sunggyu, a third year. Hot right? Hey, I can introduce you if you want. An oppa I know knows him."

"No, no, it's okay. I just think that he's really handsome, that's all," you replied hastily. Sure, it would be nice to get to know him, but you knew that you shouldn't.

"Okaaaaaaay~ if you say so! But if you do want to hook up with him, all you have to do is say the word!"

The band started playing. It was a mellow tune. As soon as Sunggyu opened his mouth, you fell in love with his voice. His voice was the voice of an angel. Heavenly and sweet. His voice was so clear, so beautiful. It captivated you. Maybe ... it would be nice to get to know him. But ... I shouldn't.

With just one glance, Saejin could tell you’re in love with Sunggyu. As the song finished, Saejin asked, "Hyeri-ah, are you sure you don't want me to introduce you to him?"

You blushed. Could she tell? "No, it's okay." Embarrassed, you told her, "I'm going to go to the bathroom."

"Ah, okay. Wait, what about Hyungjun?" she yelled as you ran off.


You ran to the outdoor faucets by the soccer field. Catching your breath, you turned the faucet on and splashed your face with water.

After thoroughly dousing your face with cold water, you turned the faucet off and leaned over the faucet, placing your hands on its cement rim. I do not like Kim Sunggyu. I do not like Kim Sunggyu. He is not good looking. He is not good looking. He is not good looking. This will become my mantra.

You thought back to how you must've looked like when Saejin called you out. Ahh, how embarrassing! I hope she didn't notice.

You thought back to how Sunggyu looked when he started singing. Absolutely perfect. I wish that I could-- NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. I can't. I can't. I can't. He's older than us by two years. Why would he want to go out with a loser like me. you sighed, turned the faucet on and doused your face with water once again.

After repeating your mantra many times, you walked back to the Battle of the Bands stage.


"Hey, are you alright?" Saejin asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just fine," you responded, still slightly embarrased. "Where's Hyungjun's band? Did they start yet?"

"Yeah ... you took so long in the bathroom that you missed them."

"Oh ... oops," you replied. "Well, can we leave now? It's almost 5:30 and the festival is going to end in an hour. I still want to look around."

"Okay! Hey, after we're done, want to go eat samgyeopsal? I heard this really good place opened near here recently!"

"Really?" you loved samgyeopsal and immediately agreed to going.


After another hour of staying at the festival, you and Saejin finally left, arms linked, skipping.

"Hey, will it be okay if we go their in our school uniforms?" you asked.

"Of course! Why wouldn't it be? We're not going to a club ... Unless you want to go to go clubbing after," Saejin answered suspiciously.

"What? No way! I was just wondering ... But now that I think it over, that was a stupid question," you said, playfully hitting your head with your hands.

“You’re so weird!” she exclaimed. "Ah, we're here!"

You walked up to the restaurant, excited to try out the new place. 

You opened the door for Saejin, pointing your arm towards the interior of the restaurant. "After you, my lady," you said in a fancy voice.

"Thank you very much, kind sir," she responded while walking through the door.

After you both were in the restaurant, you looked for a waitress to get you a table. Before you could say anything, Saejin said, "Ahh~ oppa you came!" pulling you to an already occupied table.

You looked over to the table you've arrived at and gasped. Kim Sunggyu and the guys from his band were sitting there.


(a/n: okay i usually wouldn't link anything to my fics, but i felt like 내 마음 별과 같이 was a song that totally captured the moment i wanted to portray, even if i didn't properly display this feeling ~_~)

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ailisu #1
oh dreamy sunggyu~~
ailisu #2
very interesting so far. hope you can update again soon :)