Reversed situations.

Confessions in Sand


I heard a soft shriek coming from atop the tree. Birds can't scream, can they?

I looked up. 

Sun...Ae? That was her name right?

She was hanging precariously from a branch. It looked like she had lost her balance and fallen off the tree but had clung onto a branch as she fell.

She looked so helpless and harmless, just hanging from the tree branch, kind of like some damsel in distress.

I sighed.

I signalled to her and offered by shoulders for her to step on to ease her descent.

Not that I expected a girl like her to actually accept the help.


Sun Ae's

I scoffed. What age is this? Thinking girls are so helpless and desperately require the aid of guys. Pfft.

Brushing him off, I motioned for him to step aside as I prepared to release and jump. I shut my eyes and let go of the branch as I gave a little swing. I felt my body fling through the air as I landed soon. Unfortunately, the landing wasn't very good...

I let out a slight whimper as I peeked at my ankle. Broken. For sure.



Not so tough now is she? That's what you get for turning down the Almighty-Key's help. Hmph. I stuck out my tongue at her.


Sun Ae's

I let out a laugh despite the pain. He's so childish.


Jae Eun's

So thristy I could drink a whole lake of coke. I looked into the cooler box Joo Yeon had brought along. Success! The very last can of coke. But as I reached for it, a hand swooped down and snatched it from right under my nose.

What the..?

I glared up at the person, all prepared to fight it out with whoever it was. 

But all thoughts of fighting stumbled when I saw who it was.

That guy from earlier. Junhyung...



Jae Eun...coke...Jae Eun or coke...

Heck, I'll just pick coke.


Or maybe both...


I could tell that she was angry about her coke being "stolen". Ha. A girl who likes coke just as much as me!

Maybe I'd have some fun with her.

As she tried to snatch the coke out of my hands playfully, I suddenly looked deep into her eyes. She was startled by the sudden eye contact.


Jae Eun's

As he looked into my eyes, he moved forwards slowly. Until I backed up against a tree.

Nervously, I swallowed. He started to lean in.

In anticipation, I shut my eyes.

When I could feel him a few cm away from my face, he brushed back a lock of my hair, giving me a slight shock where his fingers grazed my face. He suddenly whispered,

"Got you. Coke's mine."


I was still in a daze when he walked off. Only then I realised the coke was gone.




Min Young's

I watched Jonghyun interacting with Joo Yeon. He seemed to like her. Then again, what's not to like? Long wavy dark hair, milky skin so clear, and stunningly blue eyes, a contrast to her Korean heritage on her dad's side, but inherited from her mom's european-esque beauty.

I felt a prick of jealousy as I saw her nudging his arm playfully.

Still, I brushed it off and decided to head over and join them.

As Joo Yeon continued talking, he looked at me and smirked.

His trademark smirk which said all.

The I-know-you-think-I'm-hot-but-I'm-playboy-to-you smirk.

I rolled my eyes and willed myself to walk away from his playboy ways.

But as I was walking, a hand caught me by my shoulder. A voice said in my ear,

with that ever so smug lilt, yet with a serious note,

"Don't write me off as just another playboy just yet."


"As if you're more than that."


My heart was screaming, 

You so are.




a/n: How was that? And please, I HATE HATE HATE silent readers. Please at least comment if you think my fic's bad. Even if it's just to tell me it . 

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Chocolatemushrooms #1
asdfghjklove #2
asdfghjklove #3
Gwaenchana! Take care of your skin okay skin is very important l o l.
asdfghjklove #4
OMG JUNHYUNG GRABBED MOI ARM #foreverdelusional<br />
sdjfhlksfjglkjalasd<br />
Ahaha I can help make a poster for you<br />
If you don't mind my crappy photoshop skills
AlmightyWeiWei #5
Annyeong Jaime xD I'm soooo looking forward to this fic kae! Roughly heard your storyline in class but it sure sounds like those OMG-KEWL fic ^^<br />
Ohhoh and if you didn't use photoshop, what did you use? Photoscape?<br />
asdfghjklove #6
Hi hi hi Jaime I'm so eggcited about this fic kekeke it sounds naise. Fighting!!