Wasn't that bad.....

4 years of Love & 2 years of peace


Yoochun was at work when he got a text from Junsu, asking him to call him when he could. 
Junsu was nervous when it came time to telling Yoochun about him coming to dinner to meet his parents. 
Yoochun called him and Junsu got nervous. 
Junsu- "Hey baby? how are you?, i miss you."
Yoochun was embarassed when Junsu said stuff like that. 
Yoochun- "Hey babe, work like always. What's up though? you seem weird like your inviting meet to meet your parents....hahaha.."
Junsu- "..............mmm-hmm"
Yoochun- "hehe so what up because i know that's not it right?"
Junsu- "I'm sorry, i randomly said it. "
Yoochun- "You.....you did that. Um ok well when do i come over? and should i bring something?
Junsu- "This Saturday, and I don't know, if you want."
Yoochun was ok with it but nervous. 
Junsu knew his parents were ok with it, but still was nervous. 
Yoochun had gotten up early because he decided to take out Junsu during the day and go to the house that night. 
Junsu and him were out all day walking around or at the movies. Dinner time came around and the two made their way into the house. In the kitchen was Junsu's parents cooking together. 
Junsu- "Mom, Dad this is Yoochun. My boyfriend."
Appa- "Hello, Yoochun. Glad to finally meet you. We have heard so much about you" He said it all with a serious face.
Yoochun was getting more and more nervous with Junsu's dad giving him horrid looks.
Umma- "Yeobo, stop scaring him. Yoochun seems like a good kid. Remember Junsu is your son not your daughter." she chuckled a bit.
Yoochun- "H-hello, I'm yoochun. It's a pleasure to meet you too."
Dinner went well but Yoochun was nervous all throughout. His parents told him they weren't really this serious they were just doing it to mess with him. Yoochun's nervousness went down alot. 
Junsu went to stay the week with Yoochun since he had nothing to do all week his parents let him go stay with Yoochun. 
Dont hate me because it's short, But i am back people!! hehe member comments and subs are loved loved....kkk bye 
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Chapter 18: nice story.. i'm glad that junsu didn't end up with yoochun.
Chapter 17: serves you right -.- you cheated on him.
Chapter 16: poor Junsu.. x3
Chapter 15: well.. that .. x3
Chapter 12: lol. jealousy.. XD
Chapter 8: that's so sad .-.
Chapter 4: woahhh that was fast.. and they just met lol
Chapter 2: awww~ so cute
Chapter 18: eh complete already? well write more ok
waiting for it,fighting!
Chapter 18: i'm gonna miss u wifey-ah..do you recognize me?
i change my username..
write again ok