The Letter

A Daughter's Diary


Dear Wonnie,

I suppose that you didn’t expect this letter from me. Currently I’m hiding in a place that no one can find me. I’m sorry that I have to leave you while I’m still bearing our child. She was safely born in Mokpo 3 years ago. I named her Choi EunWon. She’s beautiful. Having a combination of our faces. Having my button-like-nose while her eyes are as sharp as yours. She’s also have quite thick eyebrows just like your infamous Shibrows. I’m really sorry that I give you late information about EunWonnie. It’s for our own sake of lives.

About leaving you without saying anything 3 years ago, I’m really sorry. I forced appa and omma not to tell you anything when you called them. And I’m sorry if I have to tell about it through a letter and not saying it by person. I can’t. I just can’t. My Appa, as you know, is a gambler. He borrowed money from here and there until he can’t afford to pay it anymore since he kept losing in gambling. One day, he called me saying that the loan sharks were turning our house upside down while searching for their needs, money.

The day I leave you is the day my life changed 180°.

The day I leave you is the day I really regretted.

The day I leave you is the day I wish I hadn’t be born.

The day I leave you is the day I really miss you.

I returned home without saying anything to you. No goodbyes, no letter, no text, nothing…. I regretted it. I should at least say goodbye to you, hugging you, kiss you. If I know it was the last day I’ll be seeing you. But being me that always care about my parents, I rushed to Mokpo, driving with a big tummy I have, leaving you alone, and leaving you forever.

Once I reached home, seeing my parents covered in blood, my beloved puppies were killed mercilessly. I broke down, crying. A few moments after that, the loan sharks make a deal with me. Once our baby was born, I have to be their hostage, until my appa can afford the money that he borrowed, promising that they will leave my parents alone and I can visit them once in a while. 4 months later, a baby’s cries were heard. It was the most beautiful thing I’ve heard.

It’s time for them to take me away, it’s the time for them to separate me from our baby, it’s time for them to take me away from the only person that can remind me of you. I’ve become their hostage for about 3 years, going back and forth once in a while, visiting our precious EunWonnie, not wanting her to forget everything about me, telling her and remind her not to hate her appa because it’s my fault leaving you.

Now, I’m free. Free from anything. I escaped. Those loan sharks were arrested. Please, I want to meet you for the last time of my life. I hope you will keep EunWonnie safe in your arms. Take her to where she belongs and care her with much love. I love you, Siwonnie…

Your wife,
With love,
Lee Jieun.

Tears are escaping my eyes, falling down with the pain in my heart. How could they do this? She’s innocent. Abeonim is the guilty one yet the keep my wife as the hostage, not to forget slaving her around. Where is she? Where are they? My daughter, my wife? Where are they now?

“Bwara Mr. Simple Simple Gutteneun Gutteneun Guttereo Motcheo”


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I want more WonKyu moment....!!! ^^ update soon author-nim
they will raise eunwon together right?!so cute!! >//< update soon!
I hope Kyu take care of siwon and his daughter well and I'm waiting for more Wonkyu moments.
Fighting on your exams
@Lilviscious i'm sorry to make you feel confuse with the plot... I'll try to make it clearer in the next chapter... Forgive this little amature writer...
yes of course we can be friends! i will update as soon as possible
interesting update soon please . I'm also 15 and I'm new at writing stories too hope we become friends. ^________^ fighting.