We have your prints!

Undercover assassins

As they strutted towards the Police Department, they looked back at the fuming officer and laughed. "Isn't it funny how he didn't deny it?" "Just keep walking," he said angrily. The sheriff greeted them at the door. "They didn't ruff you up too much, did they John?" "No sheriff." Stated Officer John. "It's not nice to lie." "Honey, you stripped." "I'm scarred... FOR LIFE!" "Officer John, what are they talking about?" Asked the Sheriff. "Long story" stated John. "Long story short, he stripped for soda." Crystal skipped off to the interrogation room. Rochelle and Syera screamed after her "Wait for us!!!!" A few minutes later, the sheriff came into the interrogation room, with a  man in a black suit by his side. "Hello ladies." The sheriff said. "Why is the men in black here? We're not aliens." "Crystal, shut up..." "I'm from the FBI. My name is Agent Samson." said the man in black. "Look! It was carbonated water, not a bomb. I swear. He's the one that g ot scared over it." "What exactly are you talking about?" "Um, what are you talking about?" "I am talking about the assassination." "Oooh, that. Yea, that was a bomb." "Bomb? No, the knife." "Knife?" "SYERA!!" screamed Rochelle and Crystal.  "It wasn't me, I swear." "Syera.. We have your prints." "They're not mine!" "So does that mean me and my twin can go?" "They are her fingers." "Backstabbers." "No, I don't stab, I shoot." " up." "Knock it off, that's not what I am here for." "Then why the hell are you wasting our time?" "My favorite show is coming on in a few minutes." "We are surrounded by dumb asses." "..and strippers" "Cut it out! I am here to ask you guys for help." "Our.. HELP?" "But, you're the men in black.. You're supposed to be able to do anything." "We know you guys are assassins." "I don't know what you are talking about." "Don't cuss." Agent Samson was dumbstruck. As he dropped his head on the table, he mumbled "These are the worst assassins I have ever met." Rochelle said, "Technically, if an assassin did their job right, we would be the only assassins you have ever met," while glaring at Syera. "I STILL pleade the fifth." "Can you pay attention for one minute please?" "Depends, do I get hot chocolate?" The agent asked Officer John to get the girls some hot chocolate. "Okay, down to business." "Sure, after I get my hot chocolate!" "And so.. WE WAIT!" They sit in silence waiting for their drinks, reminiscing about the morning they have had. Officer John stormed in with their hot chocolate  and sat it down on the table. "No marshmallows?" "No, all gone." said the cop. "Oh, mannn." "Now we can get down to business." "Thank you for your.. permission..." said the agent. "You're welcome."




A/N: WE ALREADY HAVE A SUBSCRIBER?!?! I'M SO HAPPY!!! The girl's will be super thrilled to hear it, because we work so hard on this story. I am so tired so I am going to go to bed for about 2 hours! We gave Agent Samson this color because he has become a major character in the story. I am still trying to find a picture for Michael. and Samson,

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