INTAE: “Goodness, I wish you can cook for me for the rest of my life.”

Destination: LOVE


Intae fixed his bowtie, his face in a frown. He stared at his reflection in the mirror and wondered for the tenth time why he decided to go to the wedding at last. Weddings are not his scene. He gets sad at weddings, mainly because he was already in his thirties and he was still searching for that special someone he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He scoffed as he thought about the interview he gave to that magazine a week ago. If he were to get married, he would not, under any circumstances, marry in secret. He would show off his bride to the world, to all the Dalmates worldwide... He was sure they would be extremely happy for him.

Another sigh left his lips, his mind forcing him to stay strong. Today was no ordinary wedding. Today is the wedding of his ex girlfriend, to his best friend. He didn't know what angered him more when he found out, the fact that his ex girlfriend had moved on or that his best friend was marrying his ex. Whatever it was, his opinion didn't matter in the end. He could see how in love they were with each other, and who was he to stand in their way?

Exactly an hour later, he stood on the lawn, surrounded by people who would not stop staring at him. He had no choice but to smile and agree to any fans who wanted to take a photo with him. As of that moment, he wished the rest of his band members were there. They would take the spotlight away from him, allowing him to have a moment to himself to gather his wits and watch his ex girlfriend get married to his best friend. But he had asked them not to come along. He didn't want them to see their big, old leader fall apart. That would have been just embarrassing.

Once he was sure no one else was going to approach him, he made his way towards the snacks table. He had been eyeing it since he arrived. Maybe he should just stay out here and stuff his face with food instead of going inside and watching them exchange their vows. Yeah, that seemed like a good enough plan... At least then he’ll know for sure the tears won’t fall...

“Everybody else is inside. What are you doing out here Intae sshi?” Someone suddenly spoke up from behind him.

He choked on the finger sandwich he just stuffed in his mouth and turned around, his expression guilty. He swallowed the food and smiled at the owner of the voice, who happened to be a very beautiful lady. “Uhh... you know me?”

She laughed. “Who doesn’t know the leader of Dalmatian? By the way, congratulations on your comeback. The song is amazing!”

“Aww... thanks.” Intae replied while reaching for a piece of scones to offer to her. “You should try this. It’s really good.”

“I’m glad you like it.” She replied with a smile.

Intae’s eyes widened in surprise. “You made this? You catered for the party?”

“You should try my infamous cheesecake. Unfortunately, you’ll have to wait for the newlyweds to cut it first.”

“Oh.” Intae said, not realizing that she had seen the change in his facial expression.

“What’s wrong?” She asked, concerned. “You looked... upset when I mentioned the newlyweds.”

“Nothing, I’m fine.” Intae shrugged it off.

“Wait let me guess. Either the bride is your ex girlfriend or you’re gay.” She grinned.

“What? What? No!” Intae exclaimed before his shoulders dropped dejectedly. “Well, you’re partially right.”

She raised her eyebrow at him. “I am? Not the gay part I hope.”

“The bride is my ex girlfriend. The groom... is my best friend.” Intae explained quietly.

“Ouch.” She winced in pity. “I’m so sorry. If it hurts for you to be here, why did you come?”

Deciding to liven up the mood, he really should not burst into tears in front of her, he chuckled. “Well, if I didn't come, I would’ve missed out on this entire delicious, mouth watering feast you prepared.”

“Please...” She said, gesturing to the other trays that were filled with food. “Feel free to indulge on anything you want.”

“Thanks.” Intae grinned. She was about to walk away when he stopped her. “Wait! I never got your name.”

She turned around and smiled. “I’m Jo. I’ll see you around Intae sshi.”

He was a big eater. He could eat and eat and still wouldn’t be able to tell if he had had enough or not. He was especially in the mood now. Before long, he had finished 2 trays of scones and finger sandwiches. Maybe it was the fact that he was feeling sad today. He had made sure not to be visible to either the bride or groom, always just lurking in the background, stuffing more food into his mouth. Or maybe it was the fact that he met Jo... who might probably just be the love of his life. He smiled as he watched her from afar. He liked the way her short hair blows about her face, and the way she interacted with the guests. She was definitely wife material. He was never one to fall in love at first sight. Heck, he didn't even know what it meant until he met her...


He snapped out of his deep thoughts and looked up to meet the eyes of the rest of his band members. A frown made its way onto his face. “What are you guys doing here? I thought I told you not to come.”

“I know hyung.” Simon replied apologetically. “But we decided that we couldn't let you go through this alone. We’re a team. We’re supposed to look out for each other...”

“And it doesn’t matter how much older you are from me, you can cry if you want to.” Daniel said with a grin.

“Thanks Daniel, really. That’s very helpful of you.” Intae replied sarcastically.

“Aww hyung, you know I love you right? We all do.” Daniel replied.

“But you seemed to be doing just fine.” Jeesu said, eyeing the mountain of plates on the table. “How much have you eaten hyung?” He asked in amazement.

Intae shrugged, his eyes unknowingly searching for Jo, something that did not go unnoticed by the other members.

“Are you looking for someone?” Youngwon teased.

“Huh? Oh erm... no.” Intae shook his head. “Guys, go home before the other guests know you’re here.”

“Uh-oh. Too late now.” Jeesu said as the crowd began to shift towards them.

“Urgh, guys! Just get away from me. I really don't want to be surrounded by any more fans.” Intae exclaimed in frustration.

“C’mon guys, let’s leave Intae hyung alone now.” Simon said, ushering the rest of his dongsaengs away.

“You wanna get out of here?” Jo said, suddenly appearing in front of him.

He blinked rapidly, surprised at her sudden appearance. “I’m sorry, what?”

“Let’s get out of here. I mean, you look like you’re struggling to even be here and I... I’ve been to way too much weddings.” Jo said with a shake of her head. “C’mon, let’s go.”

“But I haven’t even had your cheesecake yet!” Intae pouted.

Jo laughed. “Let’s go to my bakery. You can have one all to yourself, I promise.”

“Really? Let’s go then!” Intae said. He smiled at her and stood up from his seat. Making sure no one was looking at him, he grabbed her hand and they ran as fast they could out the tightly packed lawn.

They breathed a sigh of relief and stopped once they were far from the ceremony, Intae feeling like he was on top of the world. He haven’t had this much fun since forever. His manager would kill him though if he finds out. He shrugged. Well, he was much too happy right now to care...

“Here it is.” Jo said once they arrived at her bakery.

Intae’s eyes widened in surprise as he stepped in. “I always come here!”

“I know.”

“You know?” Intae furrowed his brow. “How did you know? How come I never saw you before?”

“I’m usually at the back, baking.” Jo replied with a smile. “But my cashier girl tells me you come by every day.”

“Then you must know that I buy...”

“Cinnamon rolls every time you come by? Yes, I know.” Jo cut in. She made her way to the kitchen at the back and came out with a whole cake in hand. “Strawberry cheesecake. My personal favourite. Enjoy Intae sshi.”

“Really?” Intae asked in disbelieve.

Jo nodded her head, the smile still on her face.  “Yes. Don't worry, it’s on me.”

“It’s not right if I eat it on my own. You have to join me.” Intae insisted.

“Oh alright. Fine.” Jo said before reaching for another spoon. She watched as he took a bite out of her cheesecake, the expression on his face dreamy. She beamed at him. Was it that good?

“This is... heavenly.” Intae said after swallowing his first bite. “It’s... delicious. You, Jo sshi, are an excellent baker.”

Jo blushed at his compliments. “Thank you. I’ve never heard a compliment quite as sincere as yours.”

“Goodness, I wish you can cook for me for the rest of my life.” Intae blurted without thinking. He looked at her horrified when the sentence finally registered in his head. “I’m sorry. I didn't mean to say that. Did I scare you? I’m so sorry.”

Jo giggled and shook her head. “No, no. It’s fine. I’m... flattered.”

“It’s just... I’m already in my thirties. I’m supposed to settle down by now... but...”

“You haven’t found the right one...” Jo interjected.

Intae gazed at Jo for a long time, wondering if he should say what was on his mind. “Jo sshi, this is crazy. But if we had met a long time ago, would you have dated me? Despite my celebrity status...”

Jo coughed in shock. “Uhh, what?”

“Just answer me.” Intae persisted.

“Ahh... ermm... Can I let you in on a secret?”

“What’s that?” Intae said softly.

“I’m a big fan of Dalmatian. And... I have the biggest crush on you, ever since you guys first debuted.” Jo replied shyly.

“Ahh... then I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t mind if I do this...” Intae whispered before standing on his tiptoes and leaning against the counter to place a kiss on her lips. He grinned at her when he pulled apart.

“What was that for?” Jo asked, still in shock.

“I just... I don't know. I... felt like doing that.” Intae replied before shoving another spoonful of cake into his mouth. “Do you believe in love at first sight Jo sshi?”

She smiled shyly at him, the blush on her cheeks deepening by the second. “Uhh... depends on who my first sight is. As of this moment though, yeah... I think I do.”

“What kind of guy are you looking for? Wait, you don't have a boyfriend or anything right?”

Jo shook her head. “No, none.”

“Ok, good. Then answer me...”

Jo tapped her finger on the counter thoughtfully before replying. “I want someone who can appreciate me. I want someone who understands me. Most importantly, I want someone who can love me just the way I am. I know I’m not perfect or anything. But I want him to see passed that, and see what kind of girl I really am...”

“Hmm... I see.”

“Why are you asking me all this Intae sshi?” Jo asked after a while of silence.

Intae stared deep into her eyes before he reached over and caressed her cheek. “Just wondering if I can be that kind of guy for you...”

“Intae sshi...” Jo breathed, at a loss of for words. “Why are you saying all this? You don't know me...”

“I do know you. You have a bakery, you have a catering business, you make delicious food, you’re good with people, you love Dalmatian, you’re my fan, and you have the prettiest smile I’ve ever seen.” Intae stated.

“I’m... impressed Intae sshi.” Jo said with a laugh.

“I can do so much more if you give me the chance.” Intae said with a wink. “Go out with me this weekend. The weather’s nice and I’ve always wanted to go to a picnic with a girl.”

“Was that an indirect way of asking me to bring food?” Jo said teasingly.

“Erm, maybe?” Intae smiled sheepishly.

“Will it be ok though Intae sshi? The other fans...” Jo said worriedly.

“I’m old enough to go out with whoever I want Jo sshi. And besides, they’ve been asking me to date. I’m pretty sure it’s ok. I don't need their permission. All I want is a ‘yes’ from you.” Intae replied earnestly.

“Then... a ‘yes’ is what you’re going to get!” Jo grinned. “I’ll prepare our picnic basket.”

“Great, then I’ll pick you up here at 4 on Saturday?”

“Yeah. Sounds good.”

Intae stood up from the stool and fixed his jacket. “I have to go now. But I’ll see you this weekend.”

“Can’t wait.” Jo replied.

Intae was about to walk out the door when he suddenly turned around. “You wanna know what I think of love at first sight?”

“What’s that?”

Intae smiled, his hand holding the door open. “I started to believe in it... when I saw you.”


Chapter Posted on: Aug. 12. 2012

Here it is! Our leader's love story! Hahaha... sorry it's a bit late. >.< Been soo busy! But i hope you guys like it though! =D As usual, don't forget to comment and subscribe if you haven't! ^^


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nanacho #1
Chapter 2: this... all-cute-story >< and I always giggling to daniel's pick-up line, what a cheesy kkk~
nanacho #2
Chapter 1: ayyy~ so fluffy >< what a sweet story author-nim~
jokane #3
Chapter 6: *claps* thanks dee for the wonderful stories enjoyed every one
nerdyrider #4
Chapter 6: My heart almost stopped at the almost mention of the names.... hahahaha. Thx dee !!!!!!
Chapter 6: bwhahaha how cute~
i miss dari and this one totally fits!!
and yeah... i second what Jeemon said.
possible for a DayDay one too?
Jeemon #6
Ah, I really love your stories^__^ - I read all your Dalmatian storys kekeke ^^ Can wait for Dari's story ^^ Just a little question: awh, can you do this with DayDay too? How he met his Love? please :3
Chapter 5: omg, that was sooooooooooo sweet!!
haha, met at a flower shop~
hit it off~
and and.... they are in love. <3
i love it!!
jokane #8
Chapter 5: love how they met in the flower shop liz was working in, really enjoyed reading the fic ^^
K-poprocker #9
Chapter 5: Aww that was so sweet!
Jeesu Oppa! <3_<3