DANIEL: “Uh no. You’re too beautiful I actually forgot my pick up line.”

Destination: LOVE

“Danny, wake up.”

“Mhmmm...” Daniel mumbled, flipping to his side and shielding his eyes with his bolster. “Go away Sharon. It’s freaking Saturday! Let me sleep.”

“Uhh, no. You can’t sleep. Babysitting remember? You promised Mrs. Thomas you’ll help her babysit!” Sharon yelled from somewhere above his head. She continued to prod his shoulders until he heaved a loud sigh.

He rubbed his eyes groggily and sat up in irritation. “Goodness, you’re so annoying!”

“Just get up and go shower. Lia’s already waiting for me downstairs. I have to go help her with her project.” Sharon said, throwing his curtains open.

“Wait wait!” Daniel said as he quickly stood up from his bed. He flashed his sister a grin and wriggled his eyebrow cheekily. “Who’s Lia? I’ve never heard of her before.”

Sharon raised her eyebrow at him and shook her head. “And you’re not going to.”

“Aww, c’mon noona. Tell me, is she cute?” Daniel asked. “Who’s she? Who’s she?”

“Daniel! Your breath stinks! Go shower!” Sharon reprimanded him. “And don’t come down until you hear me bang the front door. I am NOT, under any circumstances, going to let Lia see you.”

“Ahh noona.” Daniel smirked, grabbing his towel from the chair. “Let’s not speak too soon ok?”

He took exactly five minutes in the shower. He can shower again later, but he might not see Lia again... He scoffed as he put on his shirt. His sister was crazy. He was good with the ladies. He always had, and he always will. His ultimate weapon? Cheesy pick-up lines. Yes, he received a slap once or twice, but he was successful 89% of the time. And who knows, maybe he’ll succeed again with this Lia girl. Satisfied with his look at last, he made his way downstairs and stopped at the foot of the stairs, staring at the back of what he assumed was a beautiful girl. He stared at her long brown hair, mesmerised by the way it swished about her back. He coughed to get her attention and almost fell when he noticed her turning around, a smile on her face. His eyes widened in surprise. He had never seen anyone quite like her before. She was breathtakingly beautiful, and he was at a loss for words. Never, has any girl managed to take away his breath before... This was definitely a first.

“Hi... you must be Daniel!” She said, her smile intact. “Your sister told me a lot about you.”

Daniel cleared his throat and tried to smile back. What was happening to him? “What did she say? She didn't tell you to stay away from me did she?”

Lia laughed, the sound filling his ears. He wanted her to laugh forever. His knees shook and he cursed under his breath. At this rate, he was never going to be able to use his pick-up lines.

“Actually she did. She said you’re very cheesy.” Lia grinned. “I told her I’d see it for myself before I judge you.”

“Ahh... smart answer.” Daniel smirked, regaining his confidence. “So erm, did you know Hershey’s out of business?”

“Out of business? Why?” Lia asked.

“Because they couldn't compete with your sweetness.” Daniel smiled flirtatiously.

Lia chuckled, and tapped her feet. “Was that a pick up line? Did you just try a pick up line on me?”

“Uh no. You’re too beautiful I actually forgot my pick up line.” Daniel replied with a wink.

Lia threw her head back and laughed. She shook her head at him before rummaging through her bag for a piece of paper and pen. She scribbled something and handed him the paper. “I don't usually do this. I just met you, and this is so crazy... But uhh, here’s my number. Call me maybe?” She said shyly.

Daniel took the paper, grazing her hand in the process and flashed his widest grin. “Sweet. I’ll call you tonight.”

3 months later

“I’ll miss you...”

Daniel sighed and cupped her face lovingly. “I don't have to go you know. Just say it, and I won’t go.”

Lia shook her head. “No no. You’ve always wanted to be a singer. I can’t stop you. Go ok? Have fun, but don't you dare forget me.”

Daniel gave her a small smile before kissing her tenderly. He pulled apart minutes later and wiped away the tears that had fallen from her eyes. “I promise you I won’t. I’ll probably miss you more than you miss me.”

“I’ll come visit you in the summer...” Lia said softly.

“You better. And stay away from L.” Daniel warned, his eyes twinkling mischievously. “That boy has some weird crush on you.”

“Oppa, it’s me that should be worried! You’re such a flirt! And you’re going to be surrounded by beautiful Korean girls. I can’t compete with that.” Lia replied.

“Yes, but they don't have my heart.” Daniel said, grabbing her hand and putting it on his chest. “This, right here, will always be yours.”

Lia couldn't help the blush that crept up her cheeks and she shifted her gaze, too embarrassed to even look at her boyfriend. There were times that he would say stuff so sweet even her teeth couldn't handle it. But she knew he meant well, and truthfully, she secretly loved every single one of them anyway.  Yes, he was a flirt, Sharon never forgot to mention that, but at the end of the day, it was she he sought for. It was she that he talked to until sunrise; it was she he looked for when he was in need of someone to talk to. She trusted him, for his loyalty to her never ceased to amaze her. She smiled at him before placing a kiss on his cheek.

“You’re going to miss your flight if you don't go now.” Lia whispered.

“Ok, but before I go, there’s something I need to tell you.” Daniel said, leaning his forehead on hers.

“What’s that?”

“I love you...” He breathed softly as he gazed into her eyes. “I know we’ve only dated for a short while, but I can’t deny my feelings for you. I loved you from the moment I saw you. And I’ll continue to love you, even though we’re miles apart.”

Her eyes brimmed with more tears as she stared at him, feeling like she owned the world. This was one guy she was willing to do anything for. She grabbed hold of his hand and gazed into his eyes before she uttered the words Daniel longed to hear, a response to his statement. “I love you too...”

2 years later

“Wow, isn’t someone happy?” Inati said, peering at Daniel from above the newspaper.

Daniel merely grinned at him before grabbing a carton of milk from the fridge. Youngwon chirped in. “Of course he is hyung. Lia’s coming today, remember?”

“Seriously? Again? Didn't she like, just come 3 months ago?”

“Lia? Who’s Lia?” Simon asked, confused. Being a new member to the group, he had loads to learn. One thing was for sure, he didn't know Daniel had a girlfriend.

“His girlfriend, from the States.” Jeesu replied, his mouth full with cereal.

“Not girlfriend Jeesu hyung, soul mate.” Daniel replied with a dreamy smile.

Simon raised his eyebrow. “Aren’t you a bit too young to have a ‘soul mate’?” Simon asked, putting air quotations around the word soul mate.

“Weren’t you my age when you met Dee?” Daniel shot back.

Simon shrugged. “Ok, fair enough. Can’t wait to meet this Lia girl. She must be one hell of a girl. Must ask her how she put up with your cheesiness.”

Daniel laughed as he wrapped his arm around the older man’s shoulder. “That’s what she loves about me most.”

6 hours later

“Daniel oppa!”

Daniel stopped in his tracks, a smile already on his face. Spinning on his heels, he stretched his arms wide open as Lia ran into his embrace. He could recognize her voice anywhere.

“Baby! I’ve missed you!” Daniel murmured as he took in the strawberry scent of her hair.

“Surprise!” Lia said with a laugh. “I’ve missed you too!”

“You told me you were gonna arrive at night?” Daniel asked, holding her at arm’s length. He studied her features carefully, and smiled to himself. Still the same, beautiful Lia... His Lia... He liked the light sprinkle of freckles on her nose, he liked the brightness of her eyes, but most importantly, he liked the way she smiled at him. It was a special smile, a smile that she reserved only for him... He knew, because he had never seen her flash it to anyone else...

Lia shook her head, the smile on her face so wide it almost blinded Daniel. “Nope. I lied. I wanted to surprise you.”

“Well then, since you’re here early, let’s not wait until tomorrow for our date. Dinner tonight? And a romantic walk along Han River? We need to catch up.”

Lia nodded her head in excitement, and grabbed his hand. “Ahh... cheesy Daniel is at it again.”

Daniel smirked as he wrapped his arms around her. “You know you can’t resist me.”

Later that night, they had the date they both were waiting for. Daniel was beyond ecstatic, so much so that the members were irritated with his behaviour. He on the other hand, couldn't care less. He was going to go out with the love of his life, and there was nothing they could say or do that could ruin his mood. It was like an adrenaline rush, an exhilaration that only Lia can bring out in him.

The date was just as he promised, romantic and full of fun. By the way they never let go of each other’s hands; it was obvious to anyone that they had missed their significant other terribly. People often say that times apart would drift couples away from one another, but they were an exception. Their love grew stronger every day, and they were willing to sacrifice their lives for each other, if need be. 

“Good morning beautiful...” Daniel said the next day. He was standing by her hotel door, breakfast in one hand, wearing a smile that melted Lia’s heart the first time she saw him.

Lia frowned, a reaction that Daniel was not expecting. “What are you doing oppa?”

“Ok... that wasn’t the greeting I was hoping for.” Daniel said with a furrow of his brow. He peered over her shoulder and noticed her luggage packed. “Are you going somewhere?”

Lia fiddled her fingers, not looking at him as she spoke. “I... I’m going back.”

“What? Why?” Daniel asked frantically. “You just got here yesterday!”

“Something happened. I have to go oppa.” Lia said. She grabbed the handle of her bag and wheeled it out the door, not bothering to throw Daniel another glance.

Daniel gaped at her, confusion clouding his mind. What was going on? She was just fine yesterday! In fact, they had a lovely time. So something must’ve happened from the time he sent her back to her room until now. But what? Wanting to do a little investigation, he stepped into her room and looked around. Nothing seemed to be out of place except... He made his way to the table by the corner and snatched the papers from the table, reading it one by one. His frown deepened by the time he read the last one and he fled from the room. He scanned the lobby and saw that she was no longer in sight.

He called for a taxi and told the driver to drive as fast as he could towards the airport. There was no way he was going to let her leave him like this. He let out an incredulous laugh at her behaviour. She was being stupid. Didn't she know that he could easily just get into a flight and fly back home? What was the point of running away if they could just solve it right here, right now?

“Found you.” Daniel said after searching her for nearly half hour. He grabbed her hand and turned her around, so he could look at her.

Lia sighed, her eyes travelling wildly across the hall. “Let go of me oppa. Dalmates might see us.”

“So?” Daniel shrugged. “They already saw us, didn't they? Last night. That’s why you’re trying to run away...”


“I saw those letters Lia.” Daniel interrupted. “Why didn't you tell me they threatened you?”

“They didn't threaten me. They just can’t bear to see someone they love with another person. They don’t like it.” Lia said quietly.

Daniel scoffed. “Well then, they can go to hell.”

“Oppa! That’s not very nice! They love you! They’re your fans!”

“No, I don't want nor do I need fans that threaten my girlfriend. And if they really do love me, then they’ll support me, with or without girlfriend.” Daniel said, his voice serious. “Lia, what the hell were you thinking?”

Lia sighed, and shook her head. “I don't know oppa. I got scared. They said they’ll bring you down, if you ever dated. I don't want that...”

“But I LOVE you...”

“I know. But you also love your career. I know how much it means to you.” Lia replied,

“Ok stop it. I’m going to post a message on the fan-cafe tonight. I’m going to tell them that I have a girlfriend. They can deal with it however way they want.”

“Do you really think that’ll help?” Lia sighed.

“Maybe after a while.” Daniel shrugged before grabbing her hand. “What I do know though, is that I don't want you to leave me...”

“But the Dalmates...”

“Trust me, they’ll get over it. They love me enough that they’ll accept us in the end. Don't worry about it.” Daniel reassured.

A smile formed on Lia’s face, and she shook her head. “How can you be so sure?”

“Lia, it’s cheesy Daniel you’re talking to. Everyone loves cheesy Daniel.” Daniel grinned.

“I don’t!” Lia said, slapping his arm playfully. “You leave me speechless sometimes when you say those lines.”

“What lines?” Daniel asked as he led the way back towards Seoul city. “Something like, what does it feel like to be the most beautiful girl in this airport?”

“Oppa!” Lia blushed. “Stop it.”

“C’mon... you gotta love that one.”

“No, I don't.” Lia chuckled. “But I love you though...”

“Aww... baby, you know I love you too right?” 



Chapter Posted on: Aug. 2. 2012

Here it is again! I don't know what happened last time but AFF deleted this chapter. *sob sob* anyways, enjoy! ^^ Special dedication to a lovely girl, u know who u r! ^^  

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nanacho #1
Chapter 2: this... all-cute-story >< and I always giggling to daniel's pick-up line, what a cheesy kkk~
nanacho #2
Chapter 1: ayyy~ so fluffy >< what a sweet story author-nim~
jokane #3
Chapter 6: *claps* thanks dee for the wonderful stories enjoyed every one
nerdyrider #4
Chapter 6: My heart almost stopped at the almost mention of the names.... hahahaha. Thx dee !!!!!!
Chapter 6: bwhahaha how cute~
i miss dari and this one totally fits!!
and yeah... i second what Jeemon said.
possible for a DayDay one too?
Jeemon #6
Ah, I really love your stories^__^ - I read all your Dalmatian storys kekeke ^^ Can wait for Dari's story ^^ Just a little question: awh, can you do this with DayDay too? How he met his Love? please :3
Chapter 5: omg, that was sooooooooooo sweet!!
haha, met at a flower shop~
hit it off~
and and.... they are in love. <3
i love it!!
jokane #8
Chapter 5: love how they met in the flower shop liz was working in, really enjoyed reading the fic ^^
K-poprocker #9
Chapter 5: Aww that was so sweet!
Jeesu Oppa! <3_<3