Surprises and Changes

Married Life with Kris Wu ~


Soojin’s POV






Wait. What?!! Proper thoughts couldn’t enter my “innocent” mind right now.

I gulped really hard after Kris told me that I looked so wet.

He smirked and leaned closer to me. Huwat. Huwaii. Ohmay.

He snickered while getting a hanky from his pocket.

“Wet…tsk tsk”


“Hng?? You’re sweating. You’re face’s sweating hard.”

“Owwww” I mouthed.

Ohkkkaaayyy. I mentally slapped myself. OTL

He wiped my forehead removing the sweat forming.

He headed to the washroom to throws his hanky on the bin.

I took the chance to absorb what was happening. Sigh.

I sat on his desk chair and looked at his clean and organize stuffs.

I still couldn’t believe that my mind’s getting…. Y’know?

Where’s my innocent mind? :(

“ Excited much eh? “ He asked exiting the washroom.

“ Meh “

“ Ohhh c’mon. By the way, what would you like as a present for your birthday? “

For real, Kris? OMO OMO

Are. You. Serious?

However, I just hid my excitement.

“ Errmm, anything would be fine “ I answered plainly.”

Kris stood up from his bed “ really? Okay then. 4PM tomorrow. Sharp”

“ What? Wait! What do you mean? “

“ Don’t be late “ he ignored my question then grinned.

“ Ugh, okay ?! “

Can’t help it. Dragonflies were partying hard inside my stomach.


My birthday’s tomorrow but Kris preferred to give his present today.

Look who’s excited! Teehee


I didn’t know what to wear. Grrr. I asked my mom to help me since she’s more than willing to help. The expression plastered on her face the whole time she was helping me was priceless. She always wanted to do this.

This day felt so special. I don’t know why but it’s proly because in my 20 years of existence, this was the first time a guy asked me out and I’m so glad it happened to be Kris.

Wanna know why? Mehe. I’ll tell you on the wedding day.

I walked down to our living room. Dad greeted me with his big oldie smile.

“ You take care, dear “

“ Yeseu commander “ I replied as I salute at him.

We started laughing like retards. Awww. These moments, I miss.

Kris arrived after a few minutes then we headed somewhere after.

We entered his car.


I’m forever amazed by this guy’s cleanliness.

Astonishingggg. LOL

The mood inside his car was pretty awkward. Couldn’t avoid it since it’s our first date.

We would look at each other but both of us were both shy to prolong the eye contacts.

LOL. Just imagine two bananas in their twenties acting shyly. Loveeeyy doveeeyyy.

Ewww. Awww. Yesseeuu.

You know how much I hate being cutie patootie but today was different. It’s KRIS! Hnggg…Anggg. Waaahhh.

Excuse me while I asdfghjklkjhgfdsa!

I may be badass but I’m still a girl, ohkay?

I still have feelings for these stuffs . owo

I the music player to lighten up the mood.

This day’s indeed special! My favorite song’s playing.

I saw my reflection on the side mirror. I was smiling while humming to the song.

“ Favorite song?” Kris asked .

“ Yes “ I nodded happily.

 He smirked before replying “ Ditto “

What? Whut? Cool!

“ Really? Greeeaaaattt!” I beamed.

The supposedly bad mood caused by traffic was gone when we ended up singing the song together.

I’ll be your sheltuurrr.

But something’s making me sad. HUHUHU. Kris didn’t even notice that I wore a dress for him. Frustrations’s killing me.


Finally, we arrived in a cake house near Myeongdung. The place wsa big and it’s adorned with cute stuffs.

Ohhh I see couples everywhere.

“ Shall we order? “ he asked.

I nodded and walked to the cake section. It was hard to resist those yummay looking cakes. I looked at Kris who’s beside me but he seemed to be a having a hard time as well.

“ Choose for me please “ he asked then placed his hand on my waist yanking me.

Gulp. I looked at him in confusion but he just gave me a grin.

Pabo :* :’’)

I tried to look for the perfect cake. Ugh. I ended up choosing a red velvet cake ‘cause in a small note beside it, ‘twas written that it symbolizes surprises and changes.

Surprises and changes.

Kris gave me tons of those.

I was about to sit in front of Kris but he suddenly stopped me.

“That’s not your place”

“ Eh? Where will I sit then? “ I rolled my eyes.

He tapped the empty space beside him.

Ohhh I see.

Hence, I sat beside him feeling happy and still sad.

Happy because I’m getting to know more about him and sad..

Because he still didn’t notice my dress.

Yes, I’m shallow like that.


We ate and talked ‘bout many things. Silly me for making a move.

I was trying really hard to make a move for him to notice my outfit.

I would try to poser here, pose there, pose everywhere.

So embarrassing. Ugh.

But this tall creature beside me didn’t seem to care.


“ Feed me “





“ No “

“ Jagi, feed me juseyo “


Eww. Belive it or not, I just asked this tall creature to feed me. However, he’s being hard to get.


Let me be a girl girl today, ohkay? *flips hair*

I pouted as he refused to feed me. I ended up eating it myself instead.

When I was about to shove a large amount of the cake into my mouth, Kris grabbed my hand and shoved the cake to his mouth.

“It must be the wifey who’s feeding the hubby. Now feed me” he commanded.

I rolled my eyes as I let out a soft chuckle.

Greasy Krease.

I prepared a spoonful of the cake and motioned myself to feed him.

“ Ahh “ I said with no expression.

LOL. Best actress!

“ Add some emotion “ he demanded.

“ What the?! Okay! Jagi, say “ ahh “ “

He happily opened his mouth when I did this childish airplane feeding action.

I added another one…and another one ‘till his mouth was already full.

Go and choke my lovely bish. Heehe.

That’s for not taking notice about my outfit.

He furrowed his brows as he continued to cough.

“ You didn’t have to do that, you know “ He asked with a little disappointment.

I swallowed from his statement.

I felt guilty. o.e

“ S-sorry “

Kris however, didn’t hear me.

He tilted his head then squinted his eyes.

“ You deserve this “

He got the icing of the cake then poke it to my nose.

Seriously, how childish can you get?


We continued to the icing battle. Really, it’s so greasy of him to start these cheesy stuffs.

“ Greasy “ I teased.

He smirked “ Hmph. Really? “

“ Yes :p “ I replied.

He remained silent for a while but then spoke after which made my legs jelly but my upper body completely frozen.

“ Orly. Then who in the world would make a move just to notice that she wore a dress “

“ not for her birthday but for a special someone “

he smirked.


-- END -- 


baekki_'s note: How are you guys? :))))) Thanks for subbing ^_^



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I cant update T^T The "Add Chapter" thingy's npt working ;__;


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Chapter 15: plss update
Chapter 15: yes yes yes yes! YES! ONE BIG LOUD SCREAM OF YES from me. Please do update, this is nice! :)
Chapter 14: Please update jebal! ^_^
Nicanicnics #4
Chapter 14: Update soon author-nim *does aegyo*
Chapter 14: Update soon! *.*
Chapter 14: update soon
iloveBfamily #7
Chapter 14: Woah great story!!! Author-nim please update ..please.... :)
Chapter 14: New reader here ^^ please update soon :) Can't wait!
seungrat #9
Awesome story!^^
ade_nl2 #10
Chapter 13: please release next chapter quickly :-)