I'm Soojin

Married Life with Kris Wu ~



Ayo wassup?! I go by the name of Kim Soojin. 20 years of age and I’m currently studying at an exclusive school here in Seoul. Blah Blah.

In all honesty…

To be quite honest…. LOL

I have nothing much to say about myself nor my life cause I consider it plain…and completely boring.

I go to school 4 times a week. Yes, 4 times, envy me. Bleh.

After school, I stay at home and lock myself inside my room.

It’s asdfghjkl boring.

My parents hired special tutors for me to learn stuffs like playing piano, guitar, anything but HECK NO!

That’s just not my style, ohkay?

My family is not really that rich. It’s just that my father owns a big company here in Korea and my mom runs a clothing shop both in Korea and France. Heehee .One more thing, I can buy anything I want.

So… Need I say more about how wealthy my family is?

Oh no, narcissist spotted. Beware.


But one thing I learned in this boring life of mine is that money is not anything.

Money cannot buy happiness.

My parents can provide me material things but what I long for is their love and affection.

Oho so dramatic.. Stop it, Jin. Huhu


I am the only child in the family.

I guess my parents were so selfish and didn’t want the beautiful bloodline to run on. Meh.

Or perhaps my parents were too busy with their work. Awww. Eww O.O


My mom always wanted to have a sweet, shy and a cutie patootie daughter. But what she got is a stubborn, kewl and not pretty but a gorgeous daughter. I am not like those girls who acts shyly around boys.

That’s just eww .___.

Stoopid bananas acting like cuties.


I am a badass lass, I suppose.


I am going to change this boring life of mine when I get married.

I will make sure I’ll be a loving wifey to my hubby and will make tons of babies with him..

Every day and every night.

Jgcuisdhfsbdf. I sound horneeh, my apology. But really, I will be an understanding wife and will be a good mother to my children. Got it? Childreeeeenn. Heehee


My birthday is just a few days away. Sigh. I am turning 21 and I’m so old already huhu. Looking inside my white room, my phone suddenly beeped.

It was a text from halmoni.

Kidding. It’s from my mom.


From : Momma Dear
“ Soojin sweetie, birthday planning later. Come here in ______, okay? Your dad is also coming. See you”

And another one..

“ by the way, please wear a dress. A cute one, please? Love you sweetie.”


I shoved my phone into my queen sized bed. Arrgghh. I have nothing against the planning. In fact, I am somehow excited about planning for my upcoming birthday….. which is something new for myself, LOL.

But the thing is, I am not in the mood to wear a cute dress as suggested by my mom.

Neevvaaaahhh ;A;

Maybe one day, when I meet my husband.

Oh erase that, I’m a badass, remember?

I am tough and hard as a rock. Hohoho

6:30 PM. I arrived at the shop earlier than expected. I entered this grand looking resto and looked for my parents. Looking through the wealthy pips eating and chatting, I finally spotted my parents. I kissed their cheeks and sat in the empty chair beside them. My mom shook her head upon seeing my outfit. She scrunched her nose up.


“ Soojin, you seriously need to change your way of clothing”

I nodded as if I really listened. What’s wiff my clothes? It’s xaaay and comfy.

We started planning and I was quite surprised they let me decide on my own. First time, cool!

Way to go, mom and dad. :))))

I didn’t like it to be that grand. I just want a simple party.

I was busy munching my yummy beef steak when dad opened a new topic.

“ Uh Soojin, your mother and I have to tell you something”

His tone was kinda serious and I couldn’t care less. Jokies.

“G-oho ah-fheadth buhll-eease” I spoke while chewing the meat.

I looked gross and uncivilized. I saw my parents shook their head in disappointment.

“ Uh dear, remember our agreement?”

My eyes popped all of a sudden upon hearing my dad’s question. O_O

You shook your head.

“ The 21st birthday agreement, dear?” my dad asked.


My mind went crazy my heart started to beat really fast.

Badump badump.

About the agreement, I’ll be marrying a lad chosen by them.. Like an arranged marriage. ><

This was the reason why I never liked anyone else before, for I know it would be useless.

This is what I call a sad life.

I finally got back to reality when my mom spoke, lifting the awkward atmosphere.

“Don’t worry, dear. You won’t be marrying a stranger. In fact, you guys have known each other for a long time already.”

Orly ._.’

I have no friend. Zero. Oh wait, I guess I have one but ugh nevermind. I thought of Kris Beyach Wu butI don’t think I could consider him as my friend.

“ Then who’s it? Kris Beyach Wu?” I mumbled playfully without second thinking.

I noticed their mouth forming into a smile. There were my parents, smiling like a total retards.

“ Oh no! This can’t be, don’t tell me it’s him” I begged in a disgusted manner.

Sadly… They nodded and said yes, it’s him.


Sh*t. SeriousLAY?!! This can’t be happening.

That conceited, narcissits, two-faced beyach? Curse.

Everyone, please prepare your graves. I’m careless and heartless.

*shoots a naughty moose*




baekki_'s note: Hi guys~ Hope you like the first chappy ~ 

Please leave a comment or something ~ Laff yah all. Heehee


Beware of Soojin OHOHOHO

See you next time, fellas!


Here's my hubby, by the way :))))))))))



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I cant update T^T The "Add Chapter" thingy's npt working ;__;


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Chapter 15: plss update
Chapter 15: yes yes yes yes! YES! ONE BIG LOUD SCREAM OF YES from me. Please do update, this is nice! :)
Chapter 14: Please update jebal! ^_^
Nicanicnics #4
Chapter 14: Update soon author-nim *does aegyo*
Chapter 14: Update soon! *.*
Chapter 14: update soon
iloveBfamily #7
Chapter 14: Woah great story!!! Author-nim please update ..please.... :)
Chapter 14: New reader here ^^ please update soon :) Can't wait!
seungrat #9
Awesome story!^^
ade_nl2 #10
Chapter 13: please release next chapter quickly :-)