


> Hellp? Hyung, how have you been? <

“Siwon-ah, I'm fine. How about you?”

> I’ve been okay. I miss you guys <

“We miss you too, Simba!”

> I’ll be back soon. Only a week left. So … did you call to ask me about something? Or should I say someone? <

“Ah? I-I …”

> You want to ask me about Donghae hyung? <

“Y-yes how did you know?”

> Well, Kyuhyun-ah called… <

“That evil maknae told you, I see”

> Come on hyung, he only wanted to ask me if I knew about it from Donghae hyung <


> Well, you know that you’re at fault, right? I mean Donghae hyung doesn’t even know what he did wrong! And from what Kyunnie told me … You’re a pabo! <

“Yaah I already got scolded by your boyfriend, I don’t need another one scolding me. And Yes, I’m a pabo I know that, just tell me … Does Hae hate me now?”

> You’re kidding, right? Do you have any idea how much that man loves you? He hasn’t been the same since we came back to Taiwan. He’s always lost in thoughts and he’s not the cheerful hyung I know anymore <

“He must be really sad. It’s not like I have been myself lately… I miss him and I know I shouldn’t have broken up with him. It’s just … I got insecure for a moment”

> Well here’s your chance to fix it. When are you going to be here? <

“Kyuhyun sure told you everything”

> Dangyonhaji! Anyway, we finish our schedule at noon and we’re free after that. You know the hotel we’re staying at, right? <

“Yeah, I know. Well, my flight lands at 1pm, you think he’ll be at the hotel?”

> Wait a second... Donghae hyung, what are you planning to do this afternoon? <

“Yah Siwon-ah! I don’t want him to know I’m calling”

> Relax he’s over there fixing his makeup. Listen, he said he’s tired and he’ll just head to the hotel after the shoot <

“Thanks Siwon-ah”

> Just fix things up so you could give me some hope for my messed up situation with Kyunnie <

“You know Kyun-ah can’t live without you. He just needs some time off”

> Yeah well that’s what I’m giving him right now. He better not take too long though <

“Don't worry. You always come back to each other. Siwon-ah, I’m about to board, thanks again”

> No problem hyukkie. Well, I don’t think I’ll be seeing you today since you’ll be busy <


> Haha arasso. Talk to you later, bye <

“Take care, Bye”


2pm, at the Hotel

Eunhyuk was standing in front of Donghae’s hotel room, his hand ready to knock at the door, but just when he was about to do so, he heard weeping coming from inside the room and a sudden stab went through his heart. He could recognize Donghae’s voice, so he felt his heart break into million pieces. Tears didn’t take long to stream down his cheeks as he kept listening to the voice inside the room. He didn’t dare to knock because he could never see the person he loves the most crying, besides he felt responsible for it.

One part of Eunhyuk wanted to knock the door out and rush to hug Donghae, and the other part told him it was best to leave it alone. His legs froze and he was a mess with the tears that kept flowing from his eyes. He slid to the floor with his back resting on the wall. He drew his knees up to his chest and locked one arm around them, while the other one on his mouth as to stop the sobs from being heard.

He didn’t know exactly how long he sat there, but it felt like forever because it was a torture to hear Donghae crying and not being able to console him. He hated the wall that was putting space between them.

Eunhyuk was lost, he knew he couldn’t just sit there and do nothing. He came all this way to get his boyfriend back. He kept rewinding Kyuhyun’s words in his mind and finally decided to just get it over with. Just when he was about to stand, his phone rang.

He reached his pocket to pull it out and his eyes widened at his phone screen as the caller ID showed that it was Donghae calling.

Eunhyuk didn’t quite know what to do. Should he answer? Or should he just knock and talk to him. Maybe he could answer then tell him he was outside his room?

He hesitated for a while and probably forgot that his ringtone was quite loud enough for people to hear, not to mention that he had a specific ringtone only for Donghae. . He tried to put it on silence mode but it was too late because a click was heard from the room door and Donghae came out of the room.

They stayed like that, staring at each other for quite a few seconds. Eunhyuk, who was still sitting on the floor, was avoiding Donghae’s stare and the latter, mouth slightly agape, was just shocked that Eunhyuk was right there in front of him.

“W-What are you doing here?” Donghae decided to broke the silence

“I-I’m here to see you” His eyes were still locked on the floor.

“Let’s head inside first” Donghae stratched his arm to help Eunhyuk stand up, and once their hands touched, their gazes immediately locked together. 


They were sitting facing each other, Eunhyuk on the couch and Donghae on the edge of the bed. There was quite a big space separating them.

Eunhyuk was staring at the bathroom door like it was the most important thing in the room. He knew he was at fault for breaking up with Donghae so he wanted to apologize, he just didn’t know how.

”I-Im …”

“Hyukkie …”

They said at the same time

“Let me go first” Donghae said “Well I called you a few minutes ago, because I realized I don’t like the way I left and I sure hell don’t like where we left things off. Maybe if I talked to you at first and told you that I was leaving for Taiwan none of this would've happen. Maybe I should’ve made you tell me what was wrong. So in a way, it was my fau—“

“NO, it wasn’t” Eunhyuk knew he was responsible for the whole thing, so he didn’t like seeing Donghae blaming himself for something he didn’t even know what it was about. His legs were faster than his mind as he was standing in the middle of the room, hesitating whether he should approach Donghae or not.

“It was NOT your fault … It was mine. I should’ve talk to you before. I should’ve told you what was bothering me. I shouldn’t have broken up with you. That was not what I wanted. I’m sorry Hae, I really am. I don’t know if you can forgive me but I hope you will, because I love you and I miss you” Tears were flowing with each word that came out of his mouth but he didn’t care to wipe them. He just wanted Donghae to see how sincere he was about his apology. He was standing still in the middle of the room, his eyes never left Donghae’s, and he was silently praying for the man in front of him to forgive him.

“Just tell me what was bothering you, because I kept rewinding everything that happened in the past month and I don’t quite understand what happened”

“It was stupid. I was stupid. I-I saw your picture in the jewerely store buying a ring … I thought it was for me but apparently it was for your fake wife” The last sentence was said in a whisper but even so, Donghae heard it clearly.

Eunhyuk thought Donghae must be really angry with him. He searched his eyes for some reaction but Donghae soon turned his face and reached for a little box that was put on the bed side table.

“You mean this?” He opened the box and showed it to Eunhyuk. It was a ring. The one he bought that day to be precise.

“Y-Yes. I thought it was for me but …“ Eunhyuk, who was staring at his feet, couldn’t finish his sentence as Donghae was standing in front of him, his hand held Eunhyuk’s and lifted it up so he could put the ring on the latter's finger.

“It fits perfectly”

“W-what are you doing? Wasn’t this the ring you gave to her? How is it my finger size?”

Donghae chuckled at his lover’s expression. He cupped Eunhyuk’s face and pressed his lips against the latter’s.

Eunhyuk didn’t react at first as his mind was trying to process what just happened, but he gave up soon enough and melted in the kiss that he missed so much. It was sweet yet gentle, just playing and nibbling each other's lips.

“Remind me why I love you?” Donghae said after pulling away a bit 

“I keep asking myself the same question. Why DO you love me?”

“Well, you did confess first which made me eventually fall in love with you too. You’re a great dancer and a great friend, but you can be dumb sometimes. You are stupid to think that I’ll personally buy a ring for another person but you. You are so mean for breaking up with me. But … You are my stupid monkey and no one can replace the love I have for you, not in a million years. And now if you would stop crying, I would enlighten you about this whole misunderstanding that got us apart for waaay too long”

Eunhyuk was lost for words, so he just nodded and let Donghae pull him to sit on bed.

“Well as you can see this ring WAS for you. I was planning on giving it to you on our anniversary, but then you started avoiding me, and Siwon and Kyuhyun got into an accident so I thought I should wait. I didn’t know you would break up with me before I even give you a promise ring”


“Let me finish. The day I bought the ring, Eun Seo-ssi saw it and she liked it. I told her it was for a special someone and the director accidentally heard us and was fond of the idea of me giving her a promise ring during the show. So they bought another one so I could give to her. If I knew it would end up like this, I wouldn’t have agreed. I just didn’t know then that you would be this upset”

Eunhyuk was distracted by the sudden self-hate that bloomed inside him. The whole thing was just a big, fat misunderstanding. He had overreacted and took conclusions on his own. His face went red from the embarrassment and he covered his face with his hands “I-I’m sorry”

Hyukjae felt relieved but at the same time he felt like the worst boyfriend ever. He kept muttering sorry’s behind his hands while Donghae just chuckled at his cute boyfriend.

Donghae peeled Eunhyuk’s hands off his face and attacked the latter’s lips with a sudden kiss. Eunhyuk responded immediately, feeling the mutual longing. Donghae Eunhyuk’s bottom lip asking for entrance which the latter gladly permitted, allowing the hot tongue to circle his mouth in a dominating way, claiming him as his.


The next morning, Eunhyuk woke up in Donghae’s embrace...

“I miss this” He said as he inhaled the scent of Donghae’s bare chest. Then he started planting butterfly kisses on the latter’s neck and abdomen.

“Hyukkie … I need to go. I have a shoot this morning” It wasn’t like Donghae wasn’t liking what Hyukjae was doing to him because he did. He missed his boyfriend so much and he didn’t want nothing more than cuddle with him the whole day in bed, and yeah maybe more than cuddle.

“Can’t you call out sick or something?”

“I can’t. We’re already late because of Siwon’s accident”

“But I have to get back to Seoul this afternoon” Eunhyuk was pouting, looking all innocent to convince Donghae of staying with him.

“Aiiich Hyukkie! I gave you a ring, now can I go to work pleaaaaase” Donghae’s aeygo is nothing compared to Hyukjae’s and the latter knew he can never resist it so he just gave up.

“Fine, fine. Just go ahead and leave me alone here”

Donghae climbed off bed and went to take a shower. Once he got out, he caught Eunhyuk holding his hand to the air and smiling foolishly at the ring on his finger. He couldn’t help but to laugh at how childish his boyfriend is

“If I knew you would be this happy over a ring I would’ve bought it for you sooner”

“You don’t understand” Eunhyuk's goofy smile turned into a sad expression, and Donghae was puzzled as to what he had said wrong. He sat on the edge of bed next to him, One hand was caressing Hyukjae’s  cheek and the other resting on the latter’s hand.

“Hey, what is it? Did I say something wrong?” 

“It’s not the fact that I wanted a ring because obviously I could buy it myself. It’s just that I was the first to confess, and you were so opposed to it in the beginning. So when you told me you loved me too I was happy but I wasn’t that convinced. I know you love me, but in time as our relationship progressed, I always hoped one day you would love me as much as I love you. I just thought you giving me a promise ring would make me realize how much you love me. I know it’s stupid but I couldn’t help feeling that way. I was always afraid that one day you would realize that you don’t love me and that you deserve better, which you do by the way”

“Hey, hey where is this coming from? I don’t deserve better because you are the best. You are my destiny and I love you so much. You have no idea how much I’m grateful for you who fell in love with me. Because of you, I got to learn about being loved and how to love. I want nothing else than wake up and sleep next to you everyday” He cupped both sides of Eunhyuk’s face and wiped with his thumb the single tear that fell from the corner of his lover’s eye “I only want you”

“I love you Hae. Always have, always will”

“I love you too Hyukkie. Always and Forever. Don’t you ever forget that”


> What is it Monkey? <

“Guess what?”

> I may be evil but I’m not a psychic <

“Always snarky … Anywho, turns out the ring WAS for me”

> And you’re telling me this because...<

“Yah maknae, how can you say that! I thought you’re my friend”

> Sorry hyung. Go on… <

“Well the director saw the ring, and thought it was a good idea for Hae to give one like it to Eun Seo-ssi, so that was it”

> So it was a misunderstanding like I said <

“Yes, it was. But you know what the best part was?”

> You, being stupid? <

“No! It’s the make up ”

> eew eew, I don’t wanna hear about that monkey! <

“haha it’s not like I will tell you the details. Well, I know you’re kind of deprived from that at the moment”

> Do you think I wanna talk to you about my life, now or ever? <

“Brat. I’ll be heading to Seoul this afternoon. The dorm will be empty without you, you know”

> … <

“Just don’t take long, arasso?”

> Arasso <

“And Kyun-ah …”

> ne? <

“Thank you”

> I’m happy for you... really. Bye monkey <

“Bye evil”


“Siwon-ah, guess what?”

“Finally! Now my cheerful friend is back. It took you two long enough”

“Wait, you knew?”

“Well of course I did. He called me to ask about your schedule”

“Oh, well thanks”

“It’s not me you should be thanking”


“My poor baby had to suffer and coax your boyfriend. You know how Kyu doesn’t like too much emotions! He was the one that knocked some sense into your boyfriend’s stupid head”

“Jinja? I should thank Kyun-ah then!”


What now? Seriously guys? Can’t someone play Starcraft without your disturbing relationships problems? Aiiiich! Siwonnie you really really really should be proud of me! I just hope he wouldn't be talking about his make up !

Kyuhyun thought out loud before answering his phone. This time it was Donghae.


Here you go guys, sorry for the late update,
AFF was under maintenance and they swallowed the last chapter so I had to wait until it's fixed >_<

Much thanks for all of your support 

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EunHaeLove42 #1
Chapter 5: Always Hyukjae's fault...
Thanks for sharing!
Chapter 5: Here the thing I was really bored and I didn't know what to do so I said to my self why don't search for anice fic to read so I go to your page and I find my fic (misunderstanding) but then I read your note saids I have to read (love and guilt ) first to understand what happened between the eunhae couple so I jumped to to know what happened first and I thought in my self after I finish L&G I will be back to misunderstanding but I was so damn wrong because ones I finsh I find a mother one (Yes,to someday) so I start reading the new fic and now I m back to the first line the first fic and the only question pop in my head why in the name of all fics I ever read I didn't read those three beautiful fics . WOW thank you so much for it I really enjoyed it very much ♥ ♥
Chapter 5: i love this story too ^^
i love it when u write about the character feelings towards each other ^^
love L&G and 'misunderstanding' too...
thanks so much... ^^
awwws pabo monkey & pabo fishy xD both so cheesy kekeke
asdfghjjo~~ I wnated to read the make out ___ *-*
ok just was beautiful & cheesy xD
Trololo14 #6
asdfghjklöäölkjhgfdsdfghjk ;______________________________________________;

this chapter was sooooooo cheesy and I loved it :'D zhey´re just to cute together , I´m so happy for them (and wonkyu)~

thanks for writting this :3 ♥
nice story
Yay happy ending!
I like this story <3
It's really nice >_<
rossy80 #9
at last.....they are together again for real.........haehyuk jjang...