The Break Up



That night, Siwon and Kyuhyun were in an accident. So the next week was hectic because of it since Super Junior members were all in hiatus. They were glad Kyuhyun was okay, but Siwon's condition was very bad. He was in a coma.

During the whole mess and the days they spent at the hospital watching over their Maknae and Siwon, Eunhyuk was trying his best to avoid Donghae. Well not that the latter tried to talk to him, but he didn’t say anything either. Whenever the two of them were alone, they would only talk about the accident, Siwon or Kyuhyun. It was like they were both afraid of talking about other things that concerned their relationship.

Donghae was either busy with one of his schedules, or busy coaxing his friend Kyuhyun. He noticed something was different about Eunhyuk, but he thought he just needed some time to cool off. Besides, he thought their problem is not that important comparing to the whole situation with Siwon being in a coma and Kyuhyun having a short memory loss.


Another week passed at the same rhythm. Eunhyuk ignoring Donghae, leaving the latter more and more confused at to what he did wrong.

On cameras, Eunhyuk would be the normal funny anchovy that tease the other members. But once the cameras were off, he would return to be the ignorant boyfriend who can’t stand being around Donghae, or as the latter thought.

By the end of the second week, it was time for Donghae to go to Taiwan for his drama with Siwon. The shooting was already cut off because of the accident. So once Siwon got better, they had to leave Korea, which only meant Donghae leaving Eunhyuk for a couple of weeks or so. 


The latter was packing his stuff in his room. His face may not show it, he may act normal around the other members, and he may smile at their jokes, but deep inside, he was sad. He missed his Hyukkie.

Donghae really didn’t want to leave without talking to Eunhyuk, but he wouldn’t know what to say. It had been two weeks since they started acting weird around each other, and as much as he wanted that to change, he didn’t know how, because honestly he had no idea what he had done wrong in the first place. Sure he could go ask the guy, but every time he wanted to do so, Eunhyuk would ignore him or shot him a glare that Donghae interpreted it as 'Don’t you dare come near me'

Hyukkie, what happened to us?

With that last thought, someone barged in to the room and harshly slammed the door shut.

“Are you ing kidding me?!”

“Hyukkie, what’s wrong?” As much as Donghae was startled, but these words were the first that he heard from Eunhyuk after a whole two weeks. Well, words that were directed to him.

“What’s wrong? Are you seriously asking me what’s wrong?”

“Hyukjae, calm down”

“I can’t believe you’re acting like this! Am I the last one to know that you’re leaving for Taiwan tomorrow? If I didn’t hear it from Teukkie Hyung, you would’ve left without saying anything, right?”

Eunhyuk was furious to say the least. He wanted to hit something to release his anger. How can his Donghae do that to him?!

On the other hand, Donghae was shocked. He rarely had seen this side of Eunhyuk before. The man in front of him was very angry that if looks could kill, Donghae would be dead by then.

Well Donghae knew he should’ve talked to his boyfirned before, or he should’ve at least told him about him leaving for the shoot, but how could he, when Eunhyuk didn’t give him a slight chance to talk to him? So technically, it wasn’t his fault. 

”Why do you care, ha?” Uh-oh that came out wrong!

“What? The last time I checked, I’m still your boyfriend!”

Donghae’s hurt turned into anger that he, apparently, didn’t even know he was feeling. He tried to hold it back by clenching his hands into fists.

“My boyfriend? Really? And where was my boyfriend these past weeks, ha? I don’t even remember the last time we had a descent conversation, hell I don’t even recall the last time we kissed or even touched for that matter!”

“As I remember, it was YOU who put us in this situation in the first place!”

Eunhyuk’s POV

How can he blame me for this? 

I saw you Donghae. I was so happy when I saw your picture in the tabloid going out of a jewelry store, and the look on your face was so beautiful that I couldn’t wait to see you after that. But, you had a schedule for “We Got Married” and so I waited and waited for you to come home.

I was lying on the couch waiting for the door knob to be opened. I kept looking at my hand and imagining you putting that ring on my finger. It would've had been the most romantic thing you would had ever done for me.

The other members were dumbfounded looking at the goofy smile that never left my face, but I didn’t care about the tease or the comments that they gave me because I was happy.

You were always insecure about our relationship. The fact that you loved me was sometimes a burden for you, but not for me. Since the first day I confessed to you, I never even once doubted my feelings or regretted them.

Even though you were scared of how you felt for me, what the management would say, what your parents would think, how the fans would react … You didn’t let go of my hand and you didn’t shut down your feelings that were telling you that you felt the same way I felt. It took you a while to say I love you back but I waited for you.

Our relationship was the best thing that ever happened to me, and that day you were going to give me a ring, a promise ring. I was so excited about it that I fell asleep on the couch.

The next morning, I found myself on our bed. I was so upset that I didn’t hear you coming home the night before and unfortunately, that morning you left early for another shoot. You left me a note saying that you missed me and that you’ll be thinking of me. 

Recalling about the first days of our relationship, you never could’ve said those words to me.

I took a shower and headed downstairs for breakfast. I was sitting on the living room and switching the channels until I stumbled on your show “We Got Married”. I was so opposed to the idea of you acting all lovey dovey with some fake wife, but you convinced me that it was all for the ratings.

There was a scene of you and her sitting on a bench outside the house. You were talking and laughing, and suddenly out of nowhere, you went down on one knee and gave her a ring! The ring I thought you were going to give me! How could you?

My eyes were fixed on the way you knelt, the way you put the ring on her finger, the way you smiled at her … It wasn’t fair Hae. You have no idea how hurt I was.

I turned off the TV and went straight to my room, not minding the worried questions from the other members. I locked myself in our room and tears flew instantly on my face.

When you came home in the evening whistling, you found me lying on bed pretending to be asleep. You kissed my forehead and went to take a shower. When you got out, you climbed on bed and snuggled against my back. You wrapped your arms around my waist and whispered ‘sweet dreams’ in my ear. You weren’t aware of the tears that flew back down my face, because you were too happy that you instantly fell asleep.

I stayed up the whole night watching you sleep. I decided that I’ll wait again. I’ll always wait for you Donghae.

Unfortunatly, I guess i was too upset to treat you the same way. I couldn't hide my disappointment...


Eunhyuk didn’t appreciate the fact that Donghae was putting the blame on him. Sure he didn’t tell him about the ring thing, the real reason he was mad, but that shouldn’t have stopped him from trying to talk to him.

Donghae was starting to get confused. Why was it his fault? How was he supposed to talk to him when he didn’t even know what he did?

He sat on the edge of the bed and tried to calm himself down before speaking ...

“Hyukkie, I’m…”

“Let’s just break up”

Here you go ^^
What do you think *nervous*? I'm not confident because this is my first EH fic
So I hope this was good enough

There're still one or two chapters left. Wait for it, okay?
Thank you for all the comments & subscribers :)

As for the new readers, check out Love & Guilt if you got confused ^^


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EunHaeLove42 #1
Chapter 5: Always Hyukjae's fault...
Thanks for sharing!
Chapter 5: Here the thing I was really bored and I didn't know what to do so I said to my self why don't search for anice fic to read so I go to your page and I find my fic (misunderstanding) but then I read your note saids I have to read (love and guilt ) first to understand what happened between the eunhae couple so I jumped to to know what happened first and I thought in my self after I finish L&G I will be back to misunderstanding but I was so damn wrong because ones I finsh I find a mother one (Yes,to someday) so I start reading the new fic and now I m back to the first line the first fic and the only question pop in my head why in the name of all fics I ever read I didn't read those three beautiful fics . WOW thank you so much for it I really enjoyed it very much ♥ ♥
Chapter 5: i love this story too ^^
i love it when u write about the character feelings towards each other ^^
love L&G and 'misunderstanding' too...
thanks so much... ^^
awwws pabo monkey & pabo fishy xD both so cheesy kekeke
asdfghjjo~~ I wnated to read the make out ___ *-*
ok just was beautiful & cheesy xD
Trololo14 #6
asdfghjklöäölkjhgfdsdfghjk ;______________________________________________;

this chapter was sooooooo cheesy and I loved it :'D zhey´re just to cute together , I´m so happy for them (and wonkyu)~

thanks for writting this :3 ♥
nice story
Yay happy ending!
I like this story <3
It's really nice >_<
rossy80 #9
at last.....they are together again for real.........haehyuk jjang...