Flash Back



"Eunhyuk, I'm-"

“Let’s just break up”


That was the last thing Donghae expected to hear. Of course he was mad at Eunhyuk for ignoring him, but who said anything about breaking up? His gaze was focused on the man leaning on the door, looking nervously at his feet.

Well the truth was, even Eunhyuk was shocked from what just came out of his mouth. He never planned on breaking up with Donghae, he loved him. He was kind of sad that he loved him more than Donghae did, but he said he would wait. He was going to wait. It was the rush of his emotions that spoke up for him.

Sadly, it was already said and he couldn’t take it back. The main problem of the EunHae couple was their pride.

Eunhyuk could feel Donghae’s tears starting to run down even without looking at him. He didn’t know he would be this hurt. He thought that was what he wanted. After all, Donghae didn’t seem to even try talking to him these last weeks.

Why is he crying? I thought that’s what he wanted. He hadn’t even tried to make up with me! Does he still care about me? ,why is my mouth always works faster than my brain?

Eunhyuk was lost in thoughts until he was pushed from the door and a crying Donghae rushed out of the room. He slid against the wall, sitting on the floor, bringing his knees to his chest and wrapping his arms around them, as tears started falling down his face.


Donghae was really hurt, the last thing he expected was for Eunhyuk to break up with him.

What did I do wrong? Does he not love me anymore?  Eunhyuk, you said you would always be by my side! How could you do this to me?

After storming out of the room, Donghae couldn’t stay in the dorms. He drove to the beach, to an isolate place, and started crying again. Memories of him and Eunhyuk started flashing through his mind.

Of course Donghae was opposed to the whole being gay thing at first, but it all changed once he got closer to Eunhyuk. As much as he wanted to suppress his feelings, he couldn’t deny the rush and the happiness he felt whenever he was around the older.

Donghae always thought that his happiest moment was the day he got together with Hyukjae.

Flash Back

Donghae’s POV

It was yet another tiring day full of schedules. We were in the van heading to the dorms, and since we are thirteen members, we had three vans. Just to my luck, I had to be in the one Eunhyuk was in.

It had been a month since he told me he loved me, and that was the last words we said to each other. I couldn’t deal with his feelings at that moment, it was too much for me to handle. True, it had been a while since I last had a girlfriend, and it was true that I’ve never been in love with any of my ex’s, but that doesn't mean I’m gay. Does it?

Damn you Hyukjae, did you HAVE to confess? ... But looking at you right now, why does my heart beat fast? Aiiich, what am I thinking, it’s just because I’m tired. I need some sleep. Yeah, sleep.

Just when I turned my head to rest before we arrive to the dorms, I heard some noises coming from behind me. So I looked back only to find Siwon about to swallow Kyuhyun’s mouth in his. They just started dating and now they can’t take their hands off of each other.

“Yah, you too are disgusting! Get a room, would ya?” I was only messing with the two and they both knew it, but why is Eunhyuk glaring at me? Wait, are those tears? What did I say? Did I hurt him? But I never meant to!

I didn’t know what my feelings were at that moment, but when Siwon and Kyuhyun told us they were dating, I was so happy for them. It felt weird at first, but when I saw how happy they were around each other, I felt happy too.

But now, Eunhyuk was clearly hurt. He turned his face to the side window but I can see his reflection on the glass. His tears won’t stop. Is he that hurt? Do I need to tell him that I didn’t mean it that way? Why do I feel this sting in my heart? I want to go to him, wipe his tears. I want to hug him… Hyukkie, please don’t cry, I can’t take it.

I was cut off when the van stopped and Teukkie hyung opened the door. Eunhyuk was the first to rush down from the van. I thought I should follow him but my legs already reacted before my brain did and now I’m running after him.

He’s not heading to his room. Oh right, we share the same room. Clearly he didn't want to see me or talk to me.

I kept following him until he reached the roof. Before I stepped in, I heard sobs. Eunhyuk was crying. His back was facing me, but his sobs were too loud that I felt them stabbing right through my heart. In a fast flash, my legs moved towards him. I was standing behind him and hugging him by the waist.

He jumped because he was startled but I held him even tighter. I didn't know what it was, but I just didn't want to see him crying. He's too precious to me. Does that mean I love him? Of course I love him, but as a friend? Or is it as a man?

“What are you doing Hae?” I missed how he says my name ...

“Say it again … Please” I didn't know what's happening to me, but I couldn't move. The hug felt so warm. I left a few kisses here and there on his back. I can feel my heartbeat against his chest. It was beating fast like my heart would explode from joy.

“Say what?”

“My name” For a second there, I lost all my senses in the scent of the man in front of me. I wasn't even aware of what I was saying. Eunhyuk was taking aback by my request but he said it anyway.

“Donghae? Hae?”

“Yeah that’s it. I missed that, I missed you. Just let me stay like this a while longer, please”

My hug tightened even more and clearly he was confused, but I could feel him relax as his hands rested on mine. We stayed like that for what it felt like hours, but we had to break it up eventually.

He squeezed my hands and untangled himself from my embrace. I felt a cold air running through my body because of the lost heat, but it soon disappeared as he lifted my chin up gently so our gaze would meet.

The look on his face was priceless, he wanted to smile, but he was afraid of my reaction. It felt like his brain was in deep thoughts trying to figure out if this was a dream. A smile escaped my lips and I put my index finger between his frowning eyebrows

“You’re thinking too much”

“H-Hae … Wh-at are doing?”

“Tell me again”

“Tell you what? Your name?”

“No monkey. Tell me how you feel”

“I-I love you?”

“Is that a fact, or a question?”

“No no. I mean I love you, I do. Yes, yes, I love you”

“I love you too, Hyukkie” I wrapped my hands around his neck and kissed him. It felt good. No, more than good. It felt perfect. 

That night we had our first kiss, but it didn't stop there... Let's just say the roof's floor is not that comfortable ... but still, it was mind blowing. 

Damn you Monkey...

This is to make it up for the break up thing. So how was it?
I don't know what's my deal with the roof lol I made WonKyu also confess on the roof xD
Thank you for all the comments & the subscribers <3
See you in the next chapter ^^ 

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EunHaeLove42 #1
Chapter 5: Always Hyukjae's fault...
Thanks for sharing!
Chapter 5: Here the thing I was really bored and I didn't know what to do so I said to my self why don't search for anice fic to read so I go to your page and I find my fic (misunderstanding) but then I read your note saids I have to read (love and guilt ) first to understand what happened between the eunhae couple so I jumped to to know what happened first and I thought in my self after I finish L&G I will be back to misunderstanding but I was so damn wrong because ones I finsh I find a mother one (Yes,to someday) so I start reading the new fic and now I m back to the first line the first fic and the only question pop in my head why in the name of all fics I ever read I didn't read those three beautiful fics . WOW thank you so much for it I really enjoyed it very much ♥ ♥
Chapter 5: i love this story too ^^
i love it when u write about the character feelings towards each other ^^
love L&G and 'misunderstanding' too...
thanks so much... ^^
awwws pabo monkey & pabo fishy xD both so cheesy kekeke
asdfghjjo~~ I wnated to read the make out ___ *-*
ok just kidding..it was beautiful & cheesy xD
Trololo14 #6
asdfghjklöäölkjhgfdsdfghjk ;______________________________________________;

this chapter was sooooooo cheesy and I loved it :'D zhey´re just to cute together , I´m so happy for them (and wonkyu)~

thanks for writting this :3 ♥
nice story
Yay happy ending!
I like this story <3
It's really nice >_<
rossy80 #9
at last.....they are together again for real.........haehyuk jjang...