The Maknae To The Rescue



Donghae didn’t want to see Eunhyuk that night, not after the latter had broken up with him, but he had to get back to the dorms to take his stuff. He was thinking of spending the night at Siwon’s apartment, but he remembered that Kyuhyun would be spending the night with him and he wouldn’t want them to catch his gloomy mood.

It was late when he drove back to the dorms, and he was glad that no one was at the living room. Apparently, they all went to sleep already. He headed to his room hoping he wouldn’t run into Eunhyuk.

He opened the door slowly and peeked inside the room, to his luck, Eunhyuk was asleep. 

Donghae thought Eunhyuk looked very peaceful, but as he approached him, he could see traces of dry tears on his face. Were you crying Hyukkie? Then why did you break up with me?

Donghae was hoping Eunhyuk wouldn’t wake up because he had no idea how to face him or what to tell him. Moreover, he was afraid that Eunhyuk would confirm their break up and he wouldn’t want that. Donghae was going to give him time to cool off and then he would talk to him. It was a good opportunity that he was going out of town, well not that he wasn't going to miss his Hyukkie.

Donghae took his luggage that he already packed before Eunhyuk barged in to the room earlier. He took one last glance at his boyfriend and gave him a quick peck on the forehead before leaving the room. He spent that night at Yesung’s room because he was the only one he knew wouldn’t ask questions.

The next morning, he woke up earlier that usual. Although Euhyunk’s image didn’t quite leave his mind, but he didn’t want to risk talking to him. So he took his bags and left for the airport.


When Eunhyuk woke up the next morning, the room felt empty and he felt cold. Surprisingly however, his forehead felt warm.

His eyes, half closed, were scanning the room looking for the sight of his boyfriend (or should he say ex-boyfriend), but unfortunately, there was no sight of him. He got off bed and walked to the bathroom, eyes still half closed since he didn’t got much sleep and to add to that the hours he spent crying after Donghae rushed out of the dorms. He lifted his hand to reach his toothbrush but only to notice that there was only one when usually there were two, his and Donghae’s. He rushed out of the bathroom and walked back to the room. He opened the closet but there were only his clothes… That was when it hit him. Donghae left.

Sure Eunhyuk knew Donghae had a schedule and was leaving for the shoot, but what hurt the most was how they left things off. Eunhyuk asking for a break up and Donghae crying was the last thing the two said to each other and Eunhyuk regretted that. That was why the night before he waited for Donghae to be back so they can talk, unfortunately, his eyelid felt heavy from the crying and he couldn’t help not falling asleep.

Clearly, Donghae was back since he took his luggage, and Eunhyuk was angry not only at Donghae because he didn’t wake him up, but also at himself for not being able to suppress his sleep. Soon, tears found their way back to his eyes, but he held them back because he wasn’t ready to talk to the members about his problem with Donghae, nor he wanted them to see how weak he was. He thought they had enough with the WonKyu situation they were in, so he decided to just pack his bags as they were heading to China for SJM schedules.


Three days later, Kyuhyun who just got back from visiting Siwon in Taiwan, was heading to his room but he heard something coming out of one of the other rooms beside his, so he went to check it out. 

Kyuhyun’s POV

I heared crying and it was coming from Eunhyuk’s room. The door was slightly open so I took a peek and Eunhyuk was sitting on the bed facing the window and back facing me, but I could see how his body was shaking because of his sobs. I didn’t know if I should approach him or not but I wanted to help him. So I took a few steps towards him and he clearly didn’t notice me because when I touched his shoulder, his body flinched. He started wiping his tears and I gave him an assuring smile because I wanted to comfort him and let him know everything was gonna be okay even though I didn't really know what happened. Well, I had a small clue and I was pretty sure it had to do with Donghae.

“What’s wrong?” I tried to sound as delicate as I could. Eunhyuk was a good friend of mine and he was the second one, after Teukkie hyung, that understood me when I was going to take a break from Super Junior. So I kind of wanted to return the favour.

“Nothing’s wrong Kyuhyun-ah, I’m just tired” He tried to smile but his lips stayed as a thin line. I sat next to him and put one hand on his knee.

“You know you can tell me anything, right?” His eyes were fixed on the window but he soon broke down in tears and collapsed his head on my shoulder.

“Ssh, it’s okay. It’s gonna be okay” I put my hand on his back to try to sooth him while his face was buried in the crook of my neck and his hand clenching on my shirt.

After he managed to stop his tears, he could finally speak “I miss Hae”

“I’m sure he misses too, hyung” It had been a week since Donghae left, but all this crying wasn’t just about Eunhyuk missing his boyfriend, was it?

“No he doesn’t. He hates me” He managed to say between his sobs. I lifted his head and made him look at me

“Hey Hey, where is this coming from? You know Donghae can never hate you!” I could see hurt in his eyes. What happened to the perfect EunHae?

“But he does Kyuhyun-ah, w-we broke up” That came as a shock! They broke up? How could that be?

“What? When? Why?” I moved away a bit so I can look at him more clearly

“The night before he went to Taiwan ... We had a fight and I asked for a break up”

“Eunhyuk, how can you do that? What did Donghae say? Of course he wouldn’t agree!” I didn't know what I said wrong but Eunhyuk was crying again and this time he buried his face in his hands. I felt tears forming at the corner of my eyes as well, faith is so tricky. Just a few days ago, I was the one crying and Eunhyuk coaxing me. I felt helpless because I wanted to help him too.

“Okay, let’s start from the beginning. Tell me exactly what happened” I removed his hands from his face and turned his body so he would be facing me as I climbed on bed and crossed my legs.

“I’m just stupid. I knew from the start that I loved him more than he did. I just hoped he would soon feel for me as strong as I feel for him. Recently I thought he did, but he keeps doing things that make me doubt how much he loves me” I didn’t know it was this serious but I’m still confused.

“What do you mean by doing things that make you doubt his love? What kind of things?” I could sense him hesitating before answering.

“I-I saw him buying a ring, a promise ring, and I thought it was for me. I was so happy but then he gave it to his fake wife instead”

”This is why you broke up? I thought you were more mature than this! What did Donghae say about this?”

“…” He didn’t answer me. He just kept on playing with his entwined hands on his lap and avoiding my gaze.

“Hyukjae! You didn’t tell him, did you?”

“I didn’t want to make it a big deal, so I just let it go”

“And how did that work out for you, ha?”

“B-but …” I was so furious with him that I couldn’t here any more explanation.

“No buts” I cupped his face and looked him straight in the eyes “I KNOW Donghae loves you. I know you think he doesn’t love you enough but he does! Do you know that he keeps a diary about you two?” The way he winded his eyes told me he didn’t know “Yes he does, I found it when I was at the hospital with Siwon. It has your picture in the front page and it’s full of doodles and your stupid name in it”

“I-I didn’t know…”

“Of course you didn’t, stupid” Don’t get me wrong I love Eunhyuk, he’s my hyung. But sometimes, he can be so dumb. I admit he helped me with Siwon, but how could he give me an advice and not being able to apply it on himself?

I took my hands off his face and rose up from bed. Both my hands on my hips and trying hard to look as serious as possible

“Do you remember what you told me when I got my memory back? When I was avoiding Siwon”

“I told you a lot that day”

I closed my eyes and sighed “When I told you I have to tell Siwon about me wanting to have a break from Super Junior”

“Oh yes, go tell him?”

“Exactly and what did I do after that?”

“You hugged me?” That got him a smack on the head

"Ouch ... it hurts"

“I also called you monkey remember?”

“Yes, yes, that I remember. Now I don’t see the point”

“Pabo … The point is, you told me to go tell him. As in fly to Taiwan … Do you understand now?”

“You mean I should … go to him?”

“Do you NOT understand what I say or what?” I was gonna give him another witty comment but I decided not to, seeing the sad look that appeared on his face

“What if he doesn’t want to see me? What if he thinks I’m stupid?”

“Oh, I think he already knows that” I was trying to cheer him up so I started laughing and I could see his lips pricking a smile too. I felt bad for him so I sat back next to him and patted his shoulder

“He won’t. He loves you. Trust me”

“They say you can’t trust a devil … Ouch that hurts”

“Serves you right … Aaah What are you going to do without me” I said, dramatically flunging my hands in the air

”I think we’ll manage”

“Stupid monkey”

“Evil brat”

This will be Donghae's diary cover ^^ 

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EunHaeLove42 #1
Chapter 5: Always Hyukjae's fault...
Thanks for sharing!
Chapter 5: Here the thing I was really bored and I didn't know what to do so I said to my self why don't search for anice fic to read so I go to your page and I find my fic (misunderstanding) but then I read your note saids I have to read (love and guilt ) first to understand what happened between the eunhae couple so I jumped to to know what happened first and I thought in my self after I finish L&G I will be back to misunderstanding but I was so damn wrong because ones I finsh I find a mother one (Yes,to someday) so I start reading the new fic and now I m back to the first line the first fic and the only question pop in my head why in the name of all fics I ever read I didn't read those three beautiful fics . WOW thank you so much for it I really enjoyed it very much ♥ ♥
Chapter 5: i love this story too ^^
i love it when u write about the character feelings towards each other ^^
love L&G and 'misunderstanding' too...
thanks so much... ^^
awwws pabo monkey & pabo fishy xD both so cheesy kekeke
asdfghjjo~~ I wnated to read the make out ___ *-*
ok just was beautiful & cheesy xD
Trololo14 #6
asdfghjklöäölkjhgfdsdfghjk ;______________________________________________;

this chapter was sooooooo cheesy and I loved it :'D zhey´re just to cute together , I´m so happy for them (and wonkyu)~

thanks for writting this :3 ♥
nice story
Yay happy ending!
I like this story <3
It's really nice >_<
rossy80 #9
at last.....they are together again for real.........haehyuk jjang...