
Love after Marriage

Chapter four: Free

“I will make you smile, I will turn you into gold…so stop looking at him. Look at me.”

Do…you like me? Why did you say those words to me? It must have been the alcohol talking or maybe it must have been just a weird dream. I open my eyes, where am I? I stretch out my arms but quickly brought my arms back. I spotted MyungSoo next to me topless. I looked under the covers, why am I ? I wrap the cover around me. What happened? I slip out of bed and grab what ever I found on the ground and slip them on.

I put my hands on my head “What happened yesterday?”

I look over at MyungSoo. He moans and rolled over pulling the covers to reviled red stains on my side of the bed, a sign that my innocents was taken away. Why are we even sharing a bed? I grab my shoes and ran out, this can’t be happening. In the hall way WooHyun stops me.

“Ena did you MyungSoo? He’s not in his room.”

I look at him terrified. “I-I-I have to go.” I ran down the hall.

“Are you okay?” He yells after me.

WooHyun pov

What’s wrong with her? She looks like she just saw a ghost. He can’t be in her room can he? I push the door open and saw a big lump on the bed.

“MyungSoo?” I walked over and pull the covers. “OMG EWWW” I cover him back up.

MyungSoo opened his eyes “Yah shut up I’m trying to sleep.”


He opens his eyes “WHAT?” MyungSoo sat up and peeked under the blanket. “OMG WHAT HAPPENED?”



DongWoo knocks on the door and came in “What’s with all the screaming?”


MyungSoo push my pointing figure away “I’M JUST AS CLUELESS AS YOU!”

Dong Woo walks over “Where’s Ena?”

I pointed to the door “She ran out of here terrified.”

DongWoo looks at the still in a sleepy stage, confused MyungSoo “Dude, I know you like her and I was trying to help you two get together but I didn’t want you to take advantage of her.”

MyungSoo sighs “I don’t want to take advantage of her either. I don’t know, remember what happened yesterday.” He covers himself with the cover and tries to put on a pair of pants. “Why are these so small? Did they shrink?”

I pull them off his feet “These are Ena’s.”

MyungSoo looks around “Where’s my boxers!”

DongWoo looks around “I have a clean one I’ll give it to you. Hurry up and get up go after her.”

MyungSoo threw a fit “WHY?”

DongWoo went to his room and brought over a clean boxer “Because you did it to her now go see if she’s okay.”

MyungSoo pulled on the boxer with the rest of his clothes. “Fine”

I hand him Ena’s pants “Return this to her too.”

He snatch it from my hand and storm out.

Ena pov

On the ride home I held in my tears. This can’t be happening, this must be a bad dream. How did I let this happen to me? I ran into the apartment without thinking.


OMG YuHan. I kept walking to my room and he followed me. I ran in and shut the door but he was stronger then me so he easily pushed in.

“Where have you been? Where did you spend the night?”

I kept my eyes on the floor “I…was at a friend’s house.”

He grabs a hold of my neck “DON’T LIE TO ME!” He looks at my clothes “WHY ARE YOU WEARING CLOTHES LIKE THESE?”

My hands held on to his hand that was choking me I tried to loosen his grip but his grip became tighter.



He threw me onto my bed. I tried to escape but he held on to my leg and pulled me back. He pin me down to the bed and lift up my long tunic. What he saw next made him more furious.


His hands travel up to the waist band and he tried to take them off. I took the chance and slap him. He backed away and I brought up my feet to kick him in his man area. I got off the bed and ran out of my room. He was still after me. In the kitchen area he caught up to me. He pushes me against the fridge.

“Don’t you know I’ve been saving you? You are mine no one else’s. How could you go do this? I thought if I let you grow up a little more you and I we can be-”

“I’m not yours…what makes you think that I was yours? All this time I only saw you as an older brother.”

“But I see you differently.”

He pushes himself on me.


MyungSoo pov

Ena? Why was she screaming? I took out her keys in her pant pocket and open the door.

“What are you doing?”

Her creepy older brother had her pin against the fridge. It was disgusting. Ena had tears streaming down her face, she opened .

“Save me”

I drop her pants and YuHan pushed Ena to the ground.

He walks over “So you’re the little punk who slept with her huh.”

“So what if I am better me then you.”  He charge over and swing his fist but I stop him by grabbing his fist. “What kind of brother are you?” I punch him once, twice and he was on the floor.

“Stay out of our business”

“Ena is my business.” I kicked him in the stomach. “You stay away from her.”

Ena pov

I ran to my room again. I had enough I don’t want to stay any longer. I grab my backpack and search through my clothes looking for my stash of money. I’ve been saving my money for this day. Today I’m going to get away, I’m going to be free from this. I open my window and threw my bag out to the street.

I heard things falling and being thrown in the kitchen. I ran out to MyungSoo. He was kicking YuHan who was on the floor.

“MyungSoo” I held onto his arm “Enough let’s go”

He looks at me then YuHan “You sure you don’t want me to kill him.”

“Let’s just go.”

YuHan looks at us “You know that you don’t belong in his world, you can never be part of his world Ena. No matter what you do you can try all you want to fit in but you can’t.”

I look at him then MyungSoo “I don’t care as long as I’m out of this place and away from you I don’t care. I’ll make myself fit in.”

MyungSoo pulls me into his chest “Let’s go”

MyungSoo pov

When we got out she pushed away and picked up a bag on the ground. She dusts it and started walking away.

I caught up to her “Where are you going?”

“Don’t worry about it.” She tries to go around me.

I block her way “But I am.”

She looks up at me “Why”

I took her bag and pull on her tunic. Part of it was stuck on the waist band of my boxers and exposing it. She looks down and finally notices.

“So this is where my boxers are.” I grab her hand and pull her along with me to the car. “You are still close to here he might come after you again. I will take you to where ever you’re going.” I open the door for her “You asked me to save you, I’m saving you.”

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A lot of you asked for a sequel. What would it be about? Give me some ideas and I'll brainstorm it. Theres no promise that it will be written though


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So glad they're a happy family at the end! Such a lovely story!
Chapter 28: awwww so cute i love this fanfic
AhnXion #3
Chapter 28: So sweet omgee
Chapter 26: Some things are strange .. but it's a good story
I am a new reader and i am seriously in love with your story! But the ending... I want a sequel pleaseeee~~~
Chapter 28: Sequel please!! :)
Chapter 28: Aaawwwww....omo! It's just so cutteee!:> love it!!!
HannahJung #8
Chapter 1: I like this one and i think having a s
Second version will be too much. This is enough and that's what makes it beautiful.:))
Chapter 28: sequel again author-nim <3