Who Can It Be?

Love after Marriage

“Are you okay?” MyungSoo asks Ena.

Ena was sitting in bed staring off to space while JooEun was crawling around with toys around her. MyungSoo walks over to her and waves his hand in front of her.

“Huh?” Ena finally snapped out of her day dreaming.

MyungSoo leans in and planted a gentle kiss on her lips causing Ena’s cheeks to blush. “What are you thinking about?”


MyungSoo grins at Ena’s dumbfounded face and pulls away. “Nevermind. ” MyungSoo picks JooEun off the floor and headed out the door.

Ena stayed in her spot and touch her lips. It was their first kiss. She covers her face and leans back into the bed.

“Did that just really happen?” She thought to herself as she ran her index finger on her top lip. Ena smiled and rolled over to her stomach to bury her face into the mattress.


Just as she was about to scream into the mattress someone screamed from outside. Ena quickly got up and ran over to the window. She didn’t see anyone. Her heart started to race and her paranoia kicked in. She thought she saw a shadow in the mirror and turns around to find nothing. A couple of knocks were coming from the door and it open.


“Are you ready?” MyungSoo peeked in. “Why are you not dressed yet?”

“I heard a scream and”

“What scream?” MyungSoo walks over and look out the window. “I don’t see anyone. Are you sure you heard someone screaming?”

“…I’m not sure.” Ena hesitated. She wasn’t too sure. Was she just hearing things?

“Go get dress I’ll wait here for you.” MyungSoo pointed to the bathroom and commanded Ena.


At the park Ena sat down on a bench and watch as MyungSoo carried JooEun from the slide to the swings to the monkey bars and finally they settle down at the rocking horse. MyungSoo baby talked to JooEun earning barrels and barrels of laughs from her. During the past few months he had really developed into a great father. At first he wouldn't even touch her and now he couldn't let go of her. When he comes home he goes straight for her and picks her up. Even when he gets in late he would walk into the nursery and watch her sleep for a while before he went to sleep himself. Ena smiled at the father and daughter pair as unstoppable laughs kept coming.


Ena never thought that she could have a family like this. Parents that supported her, siblings that were there when ever you needed them but most importantly a husband and a daughter who she couldn't live without. MyungSoo turns over to her and took JooEun's little hand in his so he could wave hi to her. Ena waves back and smiled. Life was good and she didn't want anything or anyone to come and ruin it. She would do anything to stop YuHan if he comes for them. Even if she had to scarifies her life she would do it. Ena stood from her seat and walks over to the pair to join them. 




"Who do you think it is?" DooJoon walks around MyungSoo's desk as he thought about the person who threaten his little brother's family.

"I'm not sure but I know he will call again."

"What should we do?"

"For now not much but we have to find out who it is first. I ask father for some bodyguards already. Ena should be fine."

"What if you two get out of the country for a while? Just until things settle down."

"I suggested it to Ena but she didn't want to. She said it wouldn't help."

"Wait" DooJoon stops walking. "Does she know the person?"

"I...I'm not sure."




JiHyun came into the nursery with a bag behind her back and a big smile plaster on her face.

"Why are you so happy?" Ena asks.

"I got a little present for little miss JooEun." JiHyun came over to Ena and handed over the bag.

"I got it while shopping today. I saw it and couldn't take my eyes off of it so I bought it." JiHyun took out a cute little sailor outfit. "It even comes with a little hat and cute little baby booties." 

JiHyun slipped on the little booties on JooEun's two little feet. JooEun looked at the new shoes and started wiggling her legs. She never had on shoes before so this was a first. JooEun turns to Ena and started baby talking.

"Do you like your new shoes?" Ena ask a curious JooEun.

JooEun grab on a shoe and started pulling it. 

"You shouldn't do that JooEun. These are supposed to be for your feet." JiHyun took JooEun's hand away from her feet and held them.

JooEun gave aloud scream and continue wiggling her feet. 

"Yah what's up with all this screaming?" DooJoon walked into the nursery with MyungSoo following.

"Are you being a bad girl?" MyungSoo pointed at JooEun and she immediately put her arms up wanting to get picked up. 

DooJoon walks over to JiHyun and gave her kiss. Ena and MyungSoo looked at each other and quickly turn away. 






sorry sorry sorry for the lack of updates but i can't help it it's really hard thinking of what to write (writer's block )

i'll try to update more but there's no guaranties 

sorry again hopefully you guys enjoy this little update

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A lot of you asked for a sequel. What would it be about? Give me some ideas and I'll brainstorm it. Theres no promise that it will be written though


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So glad they're a happy family at the end! Such a lovely story!
Chapter 28: awwww so cute i love this fanfic
AhnXion #3
Chapter 28: So sweet omgee
Chapter 26: Some things are strange .. but it's a good story
I am a new reader and i am seriously in love with your story! But the ending... I want a sequel pleaseeee~~~
Chapter 28: Sequel please!! :)
Chapter 28: Aaawwwww....omo! It's just so cutteee!:> love it!!!
HannahJung #8
Chapter 1: I like this one and i think having a s
Second version will be too much. This is enough and that's what makes it beautiful.:))
Chapter 28: sequel again author-nim <3