
Love after Marriage

****Story is not edit so sorry for the spelling****


“It has been done sir.”

“Good…very good.”


Ena quickly stuff her bag with whatever EunJoo needed and wrap her in her favorite blanket. She wasn’t sure what she was doing was right but she had to get away. She couldn’t hang on to Myungsoo any longer. She was afraid. Ena change into her clothes she had worne when she first came to this house and place her expensive clothes on the floor. Ena waited for her in laws to leave for their party and for the maids to finish cleaning then she quietly sneaks out of the house and ran. Not sure of where to run to but she just ran. This was the right thing to do.


MyungSoo came into the house with all the lights off. He was happy that the company was doing well again and that he finally has time to spend with his two favorite girls. He took off his jacket and walked to his bedroom. He the lights in the room and didn’t see anyone.

“Are they in the nursery?”

He looks at the nursery door. It was closed. That was strange, usually it was open never closed.

“Ena?” He opens the nursery and saw the mess Ena had made earlier. Clothes everywhere, bottles tipped over and diapers all on the floor.

He pulls out his phone and dials Ena’s number but it went straight to voicemail. He calls DooJoon and JiHyun. Maybe they knew where Ena was.

“MyungSoo?” It was JiHyun. “Is something wrong? Why are you calling so late?”

“Noona, have you seen Ena?”

“Ena? She was at the house earlier. Why?”

“I can’t seem to get a hold of her.”

“Maybe she’s with mom and dad?”

“I’ll go look.”

MyungSoo hung up and ran downstairs.

“Mom. Dad.” He ran to their room but it was also empty.

He came out of their room and heard the front door being open. He ran over to it hoping it was Ena.

“I’m so tired.” His mother complained.

“I told you not to wear those heels.” His father scolds his mother.

“Mom, dad.” MyungSoo opens the door scaring them.

“What is it?” His father asks holding onto the door frighten.

“Is Ena with you guys?”

“Ena? She was in your room when we left.”

“She’s gone.”

“Did you two fight?” His mother asks.


“Maybe she just went out.” His father tries to calm him down.

“She has no friends. Why would she be out this late anyways?”

“Did she ran away?” His mother gasp.

“Why?” MyungSoo asks confused. “Nothing happened between us. We didn’t fight.”

Mrs. Kim woke up the whole house looking for Ena and EunJoo. The maids and servants all got up and helped. One of the maids walked up to MyungSoo.

“I…have something to tell you.”

“Do you know where they went?”

She shook her head no. “Miss has been very strange. She always goes out secretly. Today she went out and came back very strange. Like she was scared. She wouldn’t let us hold EunJoo and skipped dinner. She was in her room since noon.”

“What? Why is she doing that?”

Ena’s personal driver walks over to MyungSoo. “I don’t know what is going on but when I was out to drive the car into the garage I saw Miss run out of the house with the baby. She ran very fast out of the house carrying a bag.”

“Which way did she go? When did it happen?” MyungSoo asks worried.

“She made a left. It was about nine. I always take the car to the garage at the same time.”

MyungSoo grab his keys but the driver stops him. “Let me drive. You are too emotional to drive something bad can happen. Please let me drive.”

MyungSoo agreed and they took off.


“Last bus to KongJu.”  The announcer announce the last bus.

The older couple next to Ena stood up and looked at Ena worried. The older lady stop and look at EunJoo.

“Are you running away?” She asks Ena.

“I…I don’t know.”

“If you and your husband had a disagreement then it is no use in running away. Go back home and work things out. Think of your daughter too. It will be hard raising her by yourself and she won’t have a father anymore if you leave. Think about her and her future before you get on the bus young lady.”

Ena thank the lady and watch as the old couple got on the bus. Was she going or not? She couldn’t make up her mind. She was so sure when she ran out of the house that she was going to run away but now she wasn’t sure. Ena heard the last call for the bus and she stood up.

“STOP!” MyungSoo yell running towards her. “Where are you going?” He stops in front of her. “Where are you going?” He asks again.

Ena couldn’t answer him.

“What did I do? Tell me! Why are you running away?”

Ena just stood there.

MyungSoo took EunJoo from Ena and hugged her cold body. “Why are you doing this! She’s so cold! She can get really sick you know!” MyungSoo tightly held EunJoon to give her warmth.

Ena felt the guilt kicking in and she knew she was wrong.

MyungSoo looked at Ena. “If you are going to run off go by yourself. Don’t take her with you. How will you raise her? She’s mine too you know. If you want to leave go by yourself!” he turned and walked away.

Ena just stood there and watch him leave. She should have left EunJoo she thought to herself. MyungSoo was right. She couldn’t raise her by herself. She watch MyungSoo get in the car and still she didn’t move. Her driver got out of the car and ran towards her. He took her bag and smiled at her glad to see her.

“Miss lets go. The young master is waiting.”

“Can…I really go back?”

“Of course. Everyone at home is worried about you two.”

“What if I’m not welcome? I did something horrible.” Tears came out of Ena’s eyes.

“That’s nonsense they will always welcome you no matter what. They are family.”

Her driver escorted Ena to the car. MyungSoo was holding onto EunJoo instead of putting her in her car seat. He didn’t say anything to her.

MyungSoo walked in and everyone got up to go get EunJoo. They were happy to see her safe and home. Mr. Kim walked over to Ena and hugged her.

“I’m glad you decided to come back too. What ever happen you can tell me and I won’t tell anyone else. I’m your father I will take care of it.”

Ena silently cried in his embrace and he wiped her tears away so no one saw. After EunJoon got passed around she came back to Ena and Mr. Kim dismissed everyone back to bed.

MyungSoo got out of the shower and saw the bed still empty. He look into the nursery and saw Ena sleeping on the rocking chair. He walks over to her and gently picks her up. He carried her to their room slowly trying not to wake her up. He was glad she didn’t listen to him earlier and came home. He was really angry earlier so he had told her to leave but not with EunJoo. He should have told her to not leave at all but he was too angry to think straight. He places her on the bed and tuck her in trying his hardest not to wake her but she moved and her eyes open.

He sat next to her and removes the hair in her face away. He whispers “Pabo, why did you run away? Did I do something wrong? I’m sorry for whatever I did…”

Ena shook her head and sat up. “It wasn’t you. I…I did something.” Ena started crying. “I…I did something horrible.”

MyungSoo could see the fear in her and hugged her. “Whatever it is I’ll forgive you.”

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A lot of you asked for a sequel. What would it be about? Give me some ideas and I'll brainstorm it. Theres no promise that it will be written though


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So glad they're a happy family at the end! Such a lovely story!
Chapter 28: awwww so cute i love this fanfic
AhnXion #3
Chapter 28: So sweet omgee
Chapter 26: Some things are strange .. but it's a good story
I am a new reader and i am seriously in love with your story! But the ending... I want a sequel pleaseeee~~~
Chapter 28: Sequel please!! :)
Chapter 28: Aaawwwww....omo! It's just so cutteee!:> love it!!!
HannahJung #8
Chapter 1: I like this one and i think having a s
Second version will be too much. This is enough and that's what makes it beautiful.:))
Chapter 28: sequel again author-nim <3