
Love after Marriage


It has been a month since the last time Ena heard from YuHan. She had came back to her normal self and was enjoying life. She wasn’t scared of the dark anymore. She was only concentrating on JooEun and nothing else.

“Miss you have a telephone call.” One of the house maids came into the nursery where Ena was putting JooEun to sleep.

“Me?” Ena didn’t know anyone who would call her why was there a phone call for her? “Hello”

“Hi my sweetie. It’s been a while.”

Ena’s heart sink and she felt like she couldn’t breathe. “Wh-wh-what”

“Is that how you greet your brother?”

“You are not my BROTHER!” Ena saw JooEun twitch and she ran into her room so JooEun wouldn’t wake up. “What do you want?”

“How many times do I have to tell you that answer.”

“I..I can’t come to you.”

“It’s so easy though Ena. You come to me and everyone will be safe. If you get selfish and don’t listen then I have no other choice but to make you come to me.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I can’t tell you.”

“Is it money? Do you need money? I can give you money just leave.”

She heard him laugh into the phone. “Sweetie money doesn’t mean a thing to me. In ten minutes met me in front of the Paris Café.”

“Why should I?”

“Do you want to keep your family safe or what? See you in ten.” He hung up.


Ena went into the nursery and saw JooEun still sound asleep. Ena didn’t notice but she was breathing hard and her heart was jumping uncontrollability inside her chest. She was scared but she was more afraid of what he might do to JooEun or MyungSoo so she grab her jacket and ran out.


In front of the café she sat on the bench facing the giant window looking into the café. The weather was chilly but she wasn’t shaking from the coldness. Truth be told she couldn’t even feel the cold.  A pair of hands landed on her shoulders. Her heart jumped and at that moment she couldn’t make herself face the person behind her.


YuHan whispers into her ear. “Have you waited long?”

Ena’s heart raced as she heard him. A frightening chill ran down her body. She stood up getting away from him.

“Why are you so scared?” YuHan walks in front of her.

Ena was still unable to look at him, her eyes were fixed on the ground. She didn’t dare to look.

YuHan squeeze her cheeks with on hand and lift up her face to look at him. “I want to see this pretty face of yours.”

Ena hit his hand away. “Don’t touch me. What do you want? I don’t have time for this, hurry up.”

He smirks at her. “You’ve gotten feisty. I don’t remember you ever standing up for yourself. You always had SungJong do it.”

“If you have nothing important to say I’m leaving.”

YuHan grabs her arm and pulls her back before she could escape. “Think about it, you coming to me. Think about it. I’ll give you three days to make your decision.”

“I told you, I’m not leaving my family for you.” Ena push YuHan’s hand away from her arm and ran off into the crowed cross walk.


YuHan watch as Ena made her way to the other side. He smirks at her running off.


“I have no choice then.”


Two blocks away the driver was waiting outside of the car for Ena. Ena ran up to him.


“Sorry, I couldn’t find the dress I wanted the other day. Maybe it was sold already.”

“It’s ok. You must be cold get in the car.”


Ena nodded and got into the car. It was warm inside like the driver had said but Ena was still shaking.


Ena walks into the house and found JooEun and MyungSoo in the living room. They were watching some kind of learning program for kids.


“Where have you been?” MyungSoo stood up with JooEun. She was peacefully sleeping in his arms.

“I just went into town. I needed a dress for the fall dinner party your father is throwing.” Ena took off her jacket and hung it on the coat rack.

“Why are you so pale? Looks like you’ve just seen a ghost.”

“I’m just cold.”

“Have you eaten?”

Ena shook her head.

“Should I call them up to make something?”

“No” Ena stops MyungSoo from waking up the maids. “I’ll make something. Unless you don’t want to eat my cooking.”

“I-I-I didn’t mean it like that. I don’t mind.” MyungSoo stutter.

Ena smiles and nodded before heading into the kitchen.


MyungSoo took JooEun to her nursery and lay her down before walking back downstairs. Ena was in the kitchen looking at the pot.


“Do you need help?” MyungSoo stood next to her and join her in watching the pot.

Ena look at him looking into the empty pot and turn back. “No.” She had this weird feeling in her stomach. She’s been feeling it since he stole a kiss from her.

“Are you still cold?” He places his hands on her cheeks to warm them up and turn her face to look at him.

Ena felt herself blush and turn away. “I’m okay. I’m just waiting for the water to boil.”

“Don’t tell me you’re going to make ramen.”


“Didn’t you know the rich can’t eat this?”

“What?” Ena looks at him confused.

“I’m just kidding. I like ramen.” MyungSoo laughs.

“That’s not funny I actually thought you never had ramen before.”

MyungSoo chuckles. “Babo, you haven’t eaten ramen before. It’s everywhere.”

“Babo?” Ena asks pointing at herself.

“Yes babo.” MyungSoo points to her.

Ena pouts. “Yah, you make ramen yourself then.”

“Fine, I make some kick ramen by the way.” MyungSoo lightly push Ena out of his way.

“You’re really going to make it?”

“Umm” MyungSoo nodded. “What how the pro does it.”

“When did you become a pro?”

“Just go sit.” MyungSoo push Ena to the other side and sat her down.


Ena sat down and watch as MyungSoo carefully start from scratch. He pours out the water that was already in the pot and measures the water. After turning on the stove he searches the fridge and found some left over steak. He pulls out some green onions and some green pepper.


“What are you cooking?” Ena asks.

“Ramen…wealthy ramen.” MyungSoo jokes.

Ena laughs and continues to look at his movements.


After ten minutes MyungSoo put a bowl in front of Ena. It surely was wealthy ramen. The expensive Korean beef on top of the ramen made it different.


“Trust me it’ll be the best ramen you’ve ever eaten.”

“I’ve eaten some pretty good ramen in my life time.” Ena picks up her chopsticks and stir her bowl. She picks up the noodles with her chopsticks and blow on it. She looks up in front of her and saw MyungSoo concentrating very hard on her. “What? Are you going to watch me eat only?”

“I want your opinion on it.”


“You’re the first to eat it besides me of course.”

Ena took a bite and swallow. She nods her head.

“Good?” MyungSoo was curious.

“It’s okay.”

MyungSoo glares at her. “Babo if something is not good say it.” He snatches the bowl away.

Ena stops him. “I didn’t say it was horrible.” She snatch it back. “It’s good okay.” She took another bite. “Are you just going to watch me eat?”

“I only made one bowl.”

“You’re the babo.” Ena grabs another pair of chopstick and hands it over. “Let’s share.”


Ena place the bowl in the middle and both of them lean forward meting each other half way slurping on the ramen. After a few bites the ramen was gone even the soup. MyungSoo lift up the bowl and drink the last drop of the soup. Ena saw his oily lips and brought her hand up to wipe his lips but retreat. He was looking at her and it made her scared. What if he thought it was dirty? She reaches for the paper towel with her right hand. MyungSoo held her left hand and wipe his lips with them. Ena was surprised. He lets go of her hand and turns his head.


“Wait.” She reaches for his lips and wipes it with her thumb. There was still something on his lips. She could feel him looking at her closely and she blushes. She moves her hand away shyly. “Sorry”

MyungSoo grabs her hand. “Don’t be.” He pulls her forward holding onto her hand tightly and kiss her.


There was that feeling again in Ena’s stomach, a tingling sensation that made her weak every time she’s near him. She felt his tongue touch her lips asking for permission in but just as she was about to give in she heard someone walk into the kitchen. Ena pulls away.


“Don’t mind me, I just want some water.” It was his mother. She walks over to the fridge and pours herself a cup of water. She walks back towards her room. Before she steps out of the kitchen she looks back in. “Continue, I don’t mind another grandchild. Myungsoo you know how hard it is for our family to conceive, break that curse will you.” She waves to them and left.


Ena and MyungSoo were still in their position the whole time his mother was in the kitchen. Ena covers her face in embarrassment. He smiles at her.


“Wasn’t that embarrassing?”

Ena laughs. “I don’t think I can face her tomorrow morning.”

“Why? It’s not like we were doing it on the kitchen table.”

Ena uncovers her face and glares at MyungSoo.

MyungSoo covers his mouth realizing what he just said. “I should go take a shower.” He ran off leaving her by herself in the awkward situation.

“I’ll…clean up.” 

After cleaning up the kitchen Ena headed to their room and found him asleep in the bed.

"Didn't even wait for me." Ena glares at him.

She wash up and came back into the room seeing him still sound asleep. The nursery door was open so she went over to check up on JooEun. She was sleeping soundly in her crib. She kiss JooEun on the forehead and went back to her room. She sat at her vanity and apply on her night cream. Under her night cream bottle was a note. 

"Did he leave me a note?" Ena look back toMyungSoo. She smiles and open the note. What she saw brought her back to reality. YuHan. MyungSoo made her forget all about him.

"Having fun? It'll be much more fun when we are finally together. Until then, I'll just imagine it in my head. But don't worry, we'll be together soon. All we need to do is get rid of him first then we can be together."

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A lot of you asked for a sequel. What would it be about? Give me some ideas and I'll brainstorm it. Theres no promise that it will be written though


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So glad they're a happy family at the end! Such a lovely story!
Chapter 28: awwww so cute i love this fanfic
AhnXion #3
Chapter 28: So sweet omgee
Chapter 26: Some things are strange .. but it's a good story
I am a new reader and i am seriously in love with your story! But the ending... I want a sequel pleaseeee~~~
Chapter 28: Sequel please!! :)
Chapter 28: Aaawwwww....omo! It's just so cutteee!:> love it!!!
HannahJung #8
Chapter 1: I like this one and i think having a s
Second version will be too much. This is enough and that's what makes it beautiful.:))
Chapter 28: sequel again author-nim <3