Third Encounter

The Break Up


"Oh you have got to be kidding me!" I groaned sliding down in my seat.
"Don't slouched you'll ruin your posture." Key chastised.
"What's wrong?" Onew asked as if Key hadn't spoken.
"Minho." was all I was willing to say. Looking at Key I realized I should have kept quiet. Key's gaze sharpened and he stood heading toward Minho and his friend Jonghyun. This was going to be bad.
I stood quickly following Key, Onew on my heels leaving his chicken dinner with a forlorn look.
"-- type of man are you?" Key asked poking at Minho. "I should kick your for what you did."
"Wait, hold on" Jonghyun cut in between Minho and Key.
"Listen, I agree wholeheartedly with what you said but this is neither the time nor place to be settling this." Jonghyun said trying to calm the irate blonde. Key glared at him in that manner that would kill anyone ten times over.
"Listen dino boy your friend is a douch and he needs to hear this." Key said rounding on Jonghyun.
"I know but not here- dino boy?" Jonghyun shook his head really looking at Key.
"But if you want I could call you when he has time though. So how about I get your number?" He smiled winking at Key his whole posture changed.

"I've suddenly lost my appetite." Key announced pushing past Jonghyun. Onew and I went to follow him when Minho caught my arm.
"I hate it when you do that" I said and Minho immediately let go.
"Please, can we talk for a moment?" I wanted to say no, I wanted to just leave and make him hurt but looking at the desperation in his face I couldn't. I sighed, I had to admit I may have needed to hear what he had to say as much as he needed to say it.
"I'll be right there." I called after my friends. I could tell Key wasn't happy but Onew pulled him away or tried to. It wasn't until Jonghyun walked up to them that Key no longer looked as if he would drag me away.
Minho pulled me aside and seemed to be collecting himself.

"The day you left I had decided that things would be different. No, listen" he said when I made to turn away.
"I realized that what I was doing was wrong that the only person I wanted and would ever want to be with is you. I messed up. I lost sight of it, of us. But I love you and as long as I can remember I always have. I don't want to lose what we have so I want to fight for it. Please just give me a chance to prove it. I love you Taemin."

"I don't know." I was confused. I was glad so glad he still loved me because god knows I still love him. But I was scared. Then again could I really give him up?
"I... I want to know that I can trust you again." I whispered "It would take a long time." Minho's face lit up and he laughed in relief.
"I promise I will work on this as long as it takes!" He hugged me and loath as I am to admit it for the first time in a long time I felt complete.
"We will work on it."


*Author's Note: Aw man, Minho's getting all sappy. That must only mean one thing! It's all coming to an end. Last chapter coming next week! Don't forget to comment please~ ^^

P.S. Did anyone noticed that OnTaeKey basically dined and dashed? ㅋㅋㅋ


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Chapter 1: THIS IS SO sad T^T
infinity_dreamLOL #2
Chapter 4: If its the author choice then i dont mind
infinity_dreamLOL #3
Chapter 4: Why must taemin be a kind boy a forgives minho easily...
Chapter 5: I'm so excited you're continuing this!!
I can't wait to see how the story unfolds.
I really like how Taemin has a backbone and isn't accepting Minho right away.
Chapter 4: Wahahaha!!! XD omg I thought it was over! Ahaha yes yes!!! x3 I like this story!
Chapter 3: But...but....why????????? Hufffffffffffff *sighs and kills myself* -___-
keygakeun #8
nooooooooooooo whyyyyyyy minhooooooo you cheating baaastaaard~~ seee what you've done now ;A;
No no no!!! T___T
Please write the 2nd part!!!! Please!!!!!!! :'(
Stupid Minho, poor Minnie :/

2nd part please :D