The Break Up

The Break Up

Taemin P.O.V. 

It had started out so well. What happened to us? We share the same bed, yet completely different worlds. You got into bed; the smell of  women remained on your skin again. It was never the same woman, and that was a small comfort at least. To know that you had a rendezvous with the same woman all this time, I think that would kill me. We needed to talk. I couldn’t live like this anymore. We are strangers, I can’t even remember the last time you told me you loved me. 

Another morning arrived to find you gone. I could never catch you in the mornings now. I smiled bitterly at the thought that I couldn’t keep you anymore. A traitorous tear slipped out as I thought it was time to let you go. 

The door slammed closed you were home early for once. I steeled myself for the conversation. Grabbing the suitcase and went to place it by the front door. I breathed deeply and followed the sounds of rummaging food. It’s been a while since I cooked for you. I stopped because you were never home to eat it. 
“Minho-hyung,” I called out softly. 
He straightened from looking into the refrigerator, he didn’t smile. It’s been a while since you smiled at my sight. 
“Can we talk?” I asked walking closer to him. 
“Can it wait? I’m really hungry.” He continued to rummage around. 
“No, it can’t” I hadn’t intended my voice to come out that harsh. He must of noticed it too because he stopped what he was doing and paid attention. 
“Okay, what is it Taemin?” He asked in that cold voice that had become so familiar. 
“I-I think w-we…” I stopped trying to stop my emotions from taking over. I could feel the tears in my eyes. His eyebrows furrowed noticing my state. I could swear I saw him move toward me. I shook my head trying to clear my emotions. I sighed, looked him in the eyes and spoke, “we should break up. I think we both know it’s not working.” 
“What?” He said almost in whisper. 
“We’ve grown apart, it’s best to end it now before we damage each other more. You can keep the apartment. I’ll be leaving now, unless you want to say something.” I said giving him one chance to stop me. He didn’t say anything. I nodded, “goodbye Minho.” I walk away. 

Minho P.O.V. 

Another night at the same club with a different woman; I knew it was wrong, but I couldn’t be bothered by that right now. No, not with Jessica, -or was it Yuri- in my arms. I lost myself in the passion that was ignited in me. It was purely physical and we both knew it. My heart was with a certain boy waiting at home. Why was I doing this if I had someone I loved at home? Things haven’t been that great lately; we’ve both been busy living our own lives. I had to keep up with college and he had to study for his entrance exams. I didn’t want to disturb him at first so I would get home later. Then suddenly, I found myself with these women, and Taemin and I had become distant. A moan of pleasure brought me out of my own head. I stopped my ministrations. I could see she was panting and in need, but I couldn’t continue this. I had someone I loved. Standing up I apologized to her and left. Home that was the word that came to mind when I saw our apartment building and it made me smile. I went up trying not to make noise, unfortunately the front door had different ideas, and it slammed making me jump. I quickly went to the kitchen wanting to make something for Taemin. Maybe I could surprise him. I was too busy to notice he was standing behind me until his soft voice echoed through the kitchen. 
“Minho-hyung,”he said. 
I straightened from looking into the refrigerator. A frown on my face I would need to go shopping. 
“Can we talk?” he asked walking closer me. 
“Can it wait? I’m really hungry.” I continued to looking around for something useful. 
“No, it can’t” I froze at his tone of voice. I had never heard him speak this way. I listened. 
“Okay, what is it Taemin?” I asked controlling my voice so it wouldn’t waiver. 
“I-I think w-we…” He stuttered, and I realized I hadn’t seen him act this cute in a while. Wait, were those tears? Was he not feeling well? My body unconsciously moved toward him. He shook his head sighing, and locked eyes with me making me stop my movements. “We should break up. I think we both know it’s not working.” My mind blanked at his words. 
“What?” It came out a whisper, but he heard it. 
“We’ve grown apart, it’s best to end it now before we damage each other more. You can keep the apartment. I’ll be leaving now, unless you want to say something.” I couldn’t think or maybe I was thinking too much that my thoughts didn’t register. I had hurt him. I had been heartless to think that he wouldn’t find out about those women. looking at him I knew he knew yet, here he was breaking up with me and he wasn’t throwing it in my face. I looked to him again; what could I say to him to make him stay with me? He nodded, “goodbye Minho.” Those words were like a stab to my heart. He walked away, I couldn’t move. Did I dare to stop him? He would be better off without me, though I couldn’t say the same for my self as my body slumped to the floor. 
“Goodbye Taemin, I love you.” 

*Author's Note* Okay I was feeling bad so I wrote this. I think I'll probably make a part 2 because I'm a fan of happy endings. I don't know if I will write it, but I do know that it will be lighter than this. Remember to comment please~

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Chapter 1: THIS IS SO sad T^T
infinity_dreamLOL #2
Chapter 4: If its the author choice then i dont mind
infinity_dreamLOL #3
Chapter 4: Why must taemin be a kind boy a forgives minho easily...
Chapter 5: I'm so excited you're continuing this!!
I can't wait to see how the story unfolds.
I really like how Taemin has a backbone and isn't accepting Minho right away.
Chapter 4: Wahahaha!!! XD omg I thought it was over! Ahaha yes yes!!! x3 I like this story!
Chapter 3: But...but....why????????? Hufffffffffffff *sighs and kills myself* -___-
keygakeun #8
nooooooooooooo whyyyyyyy minhooooooo you cheating baaastaaard~~ seee what you've done now ;A;
No no no!!! T___T
Please write the 2nd part!!!! Please!!!!!!! :'(
Stupid Minho, poor Minnie :/

2nd part please :D