
In the eyes of a Queen Bee

It's been a week since the incident and I still havnt gone back to school. Cho hee, Tiffany and yoona and still resting at the hospital. They had some serious injuries and broke a few bones. I on the other hand was aloud to leave the hospital easily since I had only broke my wrist and recovered I'm it pretty quickly, but I still had to wear a cast around it for another 2 months. 

I walked around the house lazily until someone knocked at the door. Who Could it be?... 

I walked over and opened the door slowly. I jumped back a little when I realised who it was. 

'yah! What are you doing here? You need to be at school!' 

'but can't I at least come say hi to my own girlfriend' he said outing a little.

'ugh Yongguk what am I gonna do with you' I opened the door wider to let him in...


Im his girlfriend... But it was still abit new to me. 


'you know you don't need to carry me, I can walk. I've only hurt my wrist' I told Yongguk but he ignored me. 

'fine' I said and gave up trying to get of. We checked into the surgery room. 

The surgery itself took about 4 hours. After The surgery I woke up with yongguks face right I front of mine.

He waved his hand in front of my face. 'nana?~'

i was about to move his hands away but a unbalevable amount of pain come with it.

He quickly stopped me and gently put my hand back down. 

'the doctor said not to move it, you broke your main wrist bone and pulled a ligament' he said looking worried. 

'ah fine im gonna sleep' he smiled and helped me lay back down.

I shut my eyes trying to fall asleep but the thrubbing pain in my wrist kept me up. But I didn't open my eyes, just pretended to fall asleepso Yongguk wouldn't worry. He already had panda-like bags under his eyes. 

Pit d been about 5 minutes since I was pretend sleeping when I felt Yongguk get up. 

'nana.. Don't hurt yoursel, stupid girl. I like you....' 

like could feel him slowly walking away,  I quickly got up and grabbed hold of his hand. Stupidly, with my broken wrist. He turned and looked at me with a shocked expression as tears filled my eyes. Soo.. Painfull... Why did I do that!?

'Yongguk- ' I took a deep breath as they pain was over whelming. 

'wait.. '

'no get back and rest.. Please.!' he said worriedly.

I nodded and layed back down but not letting go of his hand. 

'did you hear... That?'  he asked nervously. 

'Yongguk. I like you too...' I said looking down. 

He didn't answer so I looked up at him scared that I had just imagined him saying it. 

He suddenly pulled me onto a hug. It felt nice but I flinched back in pain from my wrist. 

'ah I'm sorry.. I forgot..' 

'aha it's alright.' I said and smiled.

'nana.. Will you-.. Eh be my girlfrie-' before he could finish, luhan came running in. 


'great timing baby bro' I sighed and noticed Yongguk laughed at himself when I said that. 

Yongguk was about to leave but I hit his hand with my leg to get his attention since my hand was like dead. 'Yongguk. Yes. I would love to' I said and smiled at him. He jumped up and down and punched the air with his fist. 'YES!' he shouted and ran out the building. 

'what is wrong with him?' luhan asked confused as he came over to hug me.

'your noona just got a boyfriend!~' I sang happily.

'wait what... Well I hope he's not like joon...' 

'dont worry, he's different. He's..nice' I smiled at myself. 







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Chapter 12: Update soon! ^^
iluvkpop28 #2
Oohh~!! sounds good!! ^^ gonna read it now!! ^^
JJforever96 #3
Chapter 12: jkasgdasdgasdgasdasdasdksadadnasdadnasdsnkskdfjaslasdas THAT,,, THAT... KAHI'S GONN' DIE TONIGHT FOR DOING THAT TO MY BABY BOO >:
nana4mir #4
Omg poor baby Zelo I hope he recovers :)) and Nana and Yongguk stay a couple :D
nana4mir #6
Omg cho hee is such a bad friend I hope Nana notices that pls update soon :))
Chohee that dumb____.
nana4mir #8
Awww I'm so happy they are back together pls make it last lol and I hope they find ou abt Kahis evil plan lol
Ugh it's always Hyuna.
nana4mir #10
Awww i hate this Kahi leave them alone I want them back together pls update soon !!! Lol at EXO