
In the eyes of a Queen Bee

I went to school the next morning but cho hee, yoona and Tiffany wernt at the cafe we usually meet at before school.  I looked around a bit but couldn't find them. They hadnt called or texted me aswell. So I decided to walk to school. I was turning round a corner then someone grabbed me frm the back. I tried to fight free but I was too weak. They dragge me into an ally where I say cho hee, Tiffany and yoona there on the floor with cuts and bruses. 

They pushed me on the floor when I landed hard on my wrist with a click. that's painful. I turned and saw Kahi and her gang.

'what the do you want!?' I screemed holding my wrist in pain. 

'well... You shouldn't have embarrassed me yesterday now.. It's payback'

I opened my jaw wide

'is this how low your gonna go just cuz you were heated by me yesterday!?' 

'yep. Now grab her!' she shout as 2 boys grabbed me from the back.

'now..' and with that she slapped me across the face.

I couldn't move my hands or anything. Cho hee tried to get up but was kicked back down by Kahi. 

'dont fukcing touch her!' I shouted. This was all because of me right? When Kahi wasn't looking, I kicked her on the side with my free leg as she fell over. 'ING !' she shouted and punched me on my rib cage. Hard.

I gasped in pain as blood flowed out of my mouth. I coughed and choked on the blood abit. I couldn't do anything else so I spat as much blood out as I could on Kahi. Earning another lunch to the face from her. 

I was about to Scream help but Kahi grabbed my face and brought it close to hers. 

'this is why you should mess with me. Oh and stay the away from Yongguk. I herd his rich and I could really do with a boyfriend rigt now' she said and signalled the boys that were holding me to let go. They were waking away when someone came from the corner into the same ally. I couldn't see who it was but he was tall. Before I knew what was happening, the tall boy beat the crap out of te 2 boys that were with Kahi. He then grabbed Kahi by the hair and pushed her against the wall.

'hey you can't just do that to my noona' it was a familier voice. 

'zelo?' I asked. 

'oh sup noona. I herd some screaming so yeah' he said and went back to Kahi.

He grabbed a pain of scissors out of his pocket and held them against Kahi.

'oh I'm sorry but you were bad to my noona soo...' he chopped kahis long lush hair off and it slowly driffted to the ground. I opened my jaw wide. Wow he was good. He chopped more of until fianlly letting her go. She ran out with tears running down her face. Then zelo ran over to us. Cho hee, yoona and Tiffany were hurt really bad. 

'hey do you have yongguks number?' 

'why noona?'

'cho hee, Tiffany and yoona need to go to the hospital NOW! And we can't do it ourselves. We're to week. Now hand me your phone.' he nodded and handed me his phone. I quickly told Yongguk the situation and within minutes Yongguk was there in his car at the end othe ally. 

He ran over to us. 'you guise okay?' he asked as he helped pick the girls up. 

'just hurry and take them to the hospital. Please' I said tears streaming down my face. 

I tired to help tiffany up but fell back in pain remembering I had injured my wrist. 'noona are you okay?' zelo asked worriedly. 

'yeah I'm fine. Take them to the hospital okay?' 

'yeah sure noona. He hopped into the car and waited for Yongguk.

'we need to take you to the hospital aswell. Look at the state of you. And you've hurt your wrist you bad lier.' yongguk said 

'nah I'm fine-..' 

he suddenly lifted me up bridal style and took me over to the car

'bull. And No you are not ing okay' 

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Chapter 12: Update soon! ^^
iluvkpop28 #2
Oohh~!! sounds good!! ^^ gonna read it now!! ^^
JJforever96 #3
Chapter 12: jkasgdasdgasdgasdasdasdksadadnasdadnasdsnkskdfjaslasdas THAT,,, THAT... KAHI'S GONN' DIE TONIGHT FOR DOING THAT TO MY BABY BOO >:
nana4mir #4
Omg poor baby Zelo I hope he recovers :)) and Nana and Yongguk stay a couple :D
nana4mir #6
Omg cho hee is such a bad friend I hope Nana notices that pls update soon :))
Chohee that dumb____.
nana4mir #8
Awww I'm so happy they are back together pls make it last lol and I hope they find ou abt Kahis evil plan lol
Ugh it's always Hyuna.
nana4mir #10
Awww i hate this Kahi leave them alone I want them back together pls update soon !!! Lol at EXO