
In the eyes of a Queen Bee

Another day of school. I sighed as I combed my hair. I had just got it dyed blonde yesterday because yellow was my mothers favourite colour, and she passed away exactly one year ago yesterday. 

I got changed and went down stairs. I always skipped breakfast. I wasn't really bothered about my health. 

'oh you look so pretty noona!' luhan shouted across the kitchen. Luhan was by younger brother. He dropped out of school when mom passed away, he said there was too much stress. Now we have this step mother that only married my father because of his money. I hate her and so dose luhan. 

I said goodbye to luhan and walked out the door. As I walked out I got a text on my phone. 

Lit was from Cho hee telling me to meet her outside the school gate. I wonder why. I walked to school normally as I herd people whisper about me. But it was normal so I just ignored them. I reached the front gate and met cho hee who had a face full of dark makeup. It made her standout a lot more then usual. 

'whats the special occasion?' I asked as I inspected her from head to toe. 

Her skirt was incredibly short today and there were a few buttons undone at the top of her blouse. Her face lit up as she looked at me excitedly. 'there's a transfer student coming in our class today. I herd he lived in Japan for a couple of years but his mother passed away so he came back to Seoul to live with his dad and step mom.' 

'hmm I see' I said as I pulled her along into school before we got told off for being late.

My skirt was short per usual, everyone did theirs short and I was expected to aswell since I was a queen bee. I found it very uncomfortable but I had to. 

I walked into class where the teacher was already taking the register. 'Nana, cho hee. Late again I see. And nana is that nail polish I see?' . I forgot to take it off yesterday night. 'principles office now! Get it removed aswell!' mrs Kim shouted like a bird as usual. Ugh why is cho hee not getting told of for the amount of make up she stabbed on her face today? Unbelievable.

'sure miss' I said as I headed for the principles office. 

Good thing the principle is a close friend to my dad and stepmom. I opened his office door as there were two boys staring int he room aready. 'ah miss nana. What brings you here?' he asked me sweetly. I had known him for years so he was never mean to me.

'nails' I said uninterested and ignored the two boys that were there.

'ah did you visit ur eomma yesterday?' he asked me as I took the bottle of nail varnish remover from him.

'neh mr park.' he smiled.

'aigoo nana you take after your mother very well' he said and laughed. I gave him a smile and handed the bottle of nail varnish remove back. 

'oh nana, these are the new transfer students. Bang Yongguk and choi junhong. They are close cousins and are both in your class. Sine your already here, please could you give them a tour of our school and look after them thought the hole day.' 

'hehe neh mr park' I gave him a smile and nodded.  Mr park gave me a sheet of paper with their names, ages and what lessons they had. 

I bowed and thanked him. 

'erm follow me' I said to the two boys as we left the principles office. 

I looked at the paper and saw that the three of us had the same lessons all day. Infact all year round. 

I looked to the boys and looked at them head to toe.

'hi I'm nana' I gave them a smile. ' I'll be showing you around the school, first we'll go to the library. Okay?' they both nodded and followd closely behind me. 

I could hear them whisper. ''Hyung, nana is so pretty. And her body is so amazing' I herd junhong say as I smiled to myself. Most peopl say that but I dont really believe any of them. But it feels like I can trust these two since I don't really know them. 

I stopped suddenly as the girl I hated was walking this way. Kahi.

I gritted my teeth and unconsciously ripped the piece of paper in my hand. She came closer and closer until she was right in front of me. 'aw dose little nana have to give a tour to them handsome boys.'  she touched my hair and intertwined it with her fingers. I slapped her hands off. 'wtf do you want kahi?' I asked in an annoyed voice. 'hmm nothing really, just maybe these handsome boys. 

She walked past me and started flirting with Yongguk and junhong. They just stood there awkwardly as Kahi touched their facese and flirted. I couldn't stand it anymore, I grabbed yongguks and junhongs hand and pulled them along. 'let's go' I said angrily. I pulled themuntil e reached the school library. 'woah what was that about?' Yongguk asked. 

'number one rule. NEVER, ever befriend Kahi. She will break and humiliate you and play around with you. She may be beautiful and have the perfect body and everything, but she would be horrifyingly ugly if we all looked like out personalitlies.' 

They both nodded in unison. 'oh yeah and that's the library. The canteen is just over there' I pointed to the left side of the library and the boys followed my finger. 'the swimming pool is outside next to the gym, and that's about all you really need to know. Oh yeah the tolets are next to our home room. And all the teachers are horrible. Just to warn you.' 

they laughed and I laughed with them. Aw Yongguk was really cute when he laughed. 

'oh and the kingka of the school is lee joon. I don't really like him, don't befriend him aswell. He's a totall weirdo. All he wants is girls and ' 

'whos the queen bees then? Should be stay away from them too?' Yongguk asked. 

I laughed. 'well if you really wanna stay away from em you can.'

'wait your the queen bee?' junhong asked. I nodded, aw he was so cute. 'wow no wonder, your so pretty' I smiled at his compliment.

'but never think like that, good looks won't get you very far in life, never judge people based on their looks. Who knows, I could be an evil but you would like me cuz of my looks. Never go for looks. Understood?' I asked. 'Neh' he replied. 

'oh yeah. Kahi is also another queen be. We were tied in the voting.' they both made an 'O' with their mouth. 


'oh that's the bell for lunch. Tarawaah~ (follow me)' I said and headed towards the canteen. 

At least they weren't total lie, most of the people in this school...

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Chapter 12: Update soon! ^^
iluvkpop28 #2
Oohh~!! sounds good!! ^^ gonna read it now!! ^^
JJforever96 #3
Chapter 12: jkasgdasdgasdgasdasdasdksadadnasdadnasdsnkskdfjaslasdas THAT,,, THAT... KAHI'S GONN' DIE TONIGHT FOR DOING THAT TO MY BABY BOO >:
nana4mir #4
Omg poor baby Zelo I hope he recovers :)) and Nana and Yongguk stay a couple :D
nana4mir #6
Omg cho hee is such a bad friend I hope Nana notices that pls update soon :))
Chohee that dumb____.
nana4mir #8
Awww I'm so happy they are back together pls make it last lol and I hope they find ou abt Kahis evil plan lol
Ugh it's always Hyuna.
nana4mir #10
Awww i hate this Kahi leave them alone I want them back together pls update soon !!! Lol at EXO