chapter viii.

Don't Say Goodbye { hiatus. }


“Oh.. Really?” Mr. Jung replied, his gaze met Jongin then darted to his daughter Soojung, “I hope Mr. Jongin you can visit our home today? So I can talk to you.”

“Dad...” Soojung muttered, her arms gently crossed as she rolled her eyes. “Myungsoo’s with us...”

“That’s not a problem,” Mr. Jung offered as he laughed. “Myungsoo can join us. I think it would be better if we’ll all hang out together.”

“It’s alright Mr. Jung. I’m fine,” Myungsoo gave Jongin and Soojung a shy smile. “And besides, I’m quite busy. I just went here to watch Soojung, that’s all.” Myungsoo assured them. He bid goodbye, smiled at them, and left.



“Dad, do you really have to do this?” Soojung asked with her tight voice. “I mean, Jongin might be really exhausted. He just came from practice, I don’t want to be a bother to him.” She said it as he continued to glare at Jongin.

He was obviously the one Soojung was looking for earlier, since he did promise he’d catch up. And here he is, arriving just after the recital ended. Soojung is surely furious about this, and Jongin is just sensitive enough to know this.

Jongin’s eyes narrowed at her. He just shook his head and uttered, “It’s alright, Soojung. I’m fine, I can go.” He assured her, his coarse voice cracking. It wasn’t too hard to guess that he’s pissed off.

“Ah, really?” Soojung rolled her eyes and added, “Why didn't you just practice the whole night with your friends?”

Jongin bit his lips and kept and glared at her. He decided not to answer anymore, since talking back would look just so bad, especially in front of Soojung’s father. He wanted to sincerely apologize and explain things to Soojung without accidentally shouting at her.

“Is there some kind of problem here?” Mr. Jung decided to interrupt their growing argument. He was wondering why Soojung acted that way.

Slowly, their expressions softened. “None, let’s get going.” Soojung suggested. The three of them walked to the parking lot in silence.



“Hyung!” Baekhyun called out as he started to sprint his way to him. “I’ve been waiting for you for too long.”

He barely noticed the cute little guy. Jongin’s eyes were almost fixed at Soojung’s, waiting for her to look at his direction.

He knelt down and leaned in so close and started to pat his head. “I’m sorry, I was... busy lately.” He gazed through Baekhyun’s eyes then darted his look to his girlfriend, as if trying to convey messages. “I promise, I’ll come here often.”

“Cool!” Baekhyun exclaimed.

“Good evening Mrs. Jung! Hello Sooyeon-noona!” He greeted. “Long time no see. I’ve been trying to see you guys but I... we have an upcoming game. And it’s important.”

Yeah, right the big game. Soojung seated right next to her sister on the couch as she carelessly turned the pages of a magazine.

Big game?! The thought continuously echoed on Sooyeon’s mind. They have another game?! She stood up and ran towards him. Jongin chuckled with Sooyeon’s mischievous little acts.

“Game? What game? When? Where?” Her eyes were glittering with excitement, anticipating his immediate answer.

“Well,” he started. “The game’s scheduled next Friday, 2pm. This time it’s in Yongsan High. You want to come?”

“What do you mean? Of course I would love to come!” Jessica grinned widely as she laughed mischievously. “Finally, I can watch you guys – “

“But you need a student from Yongsan High to come with you so you can watch us.” Jongin interrupted as he rubbed his temples. “If you won’t find one, you can’t watch.”

Sooyeon sighed, “Yeah...” She frantically lifted her head and uttered, “Soojung can come! I mean you guys go to the same school.”

Soojung shook her head. “No.. I’m not coming.” She said. Sooyeon kept staring at her, refusing to look away. The older was bewildered because of the “Come with me Soojung, please?”

“No.” She replied firmly. It’s a bad idea, now that they’re not in good terms. “I can’t.”



Sooyeon started dragging her sister away to the kitchen. Jongin heaved a big sigh and just chatted with Baekhyun and Mr. Jung. He tried not to fume because of Soojung’s stubbornness.

Soojung was obviously still mad of what had happened. She treated her ballet performances like precious stones, and she couldn’t really get in good terms with her boyfriend right now.

“Look, I’m a huge fan and you have to come with me.” She glared at her sister’s eyes deeply. “What’s your cost?”

“Nothing. I won’t. Never.”

She started pouting her lips. “I don’t really go this low but I have no choice.” Soojung had wide open as Sooyeon started kneeling and kept her pitiful face on. “Please? I will do everything that you want me to do.”

“Still no.”

“Come on, please?” Her eyes almost looked lit from within and her lips formed a sweet smile perfectly.

“Everything?” Sooyeon smiled as Soojung tried to reconsider. Of course, Soojung was smart enough to have something planned. The older nodded her head and said, “Everything that you desire.”

“I guess I can come.” She replied, evil grin was plastered across her face.




“Let’s eat everybody!” Mrs. Jung called out. She prepared the meals for hours and she’s definitely exhausted with her long work.

All of them gathered at the dining table and started chatting a little bit. “So, what do you play, Mr. Jongin?” Mr. Jung said, as he reached out for a meal to place on his plate.

“Please, sir, just call me Jongin.” He said, a smile formed on his lips and he added, “I’m a football player.”

“Impressive.” Mr. Jung said. “You know, when I was young, I’m also part of the team. I’m one of the guys, you know what I mean? I’m pretty popular too when I was in high school.”

“Please dad, stop fantasizing.” Sooyeon pointed out. She definitely sounded tired of her dad’s embarrassing stories. “You were the water boy back then,” Everyone giggled. “He’s captain. And you’re totally not one of the guys.”

“Well,” Jongin interrupted, “The team can’t play without a water boy. I mean, we can’t run on the fields without water. Water boys really help out the team...”

“See what I mean Sooyeon.” Mr. Jung smirked at his daughter. “Anyway, since when did you start playing football?”

“I started ever since I was a little kid. My father was the one who taught me every weekend.” He suddenly halted as his gaze went deep. “But it wasn’t until he died and left us.”

“Oh,” Mr. Jung said. Jongin regretted opening that up. He hated this kind of silence. “It’s alright. I mean, I know he’s so proud of you by now. I mean, look at what you’ve become. You’re a successful player now. And I think with my princess Sooyeon’s reaction, you’re pretty popular.”

“Not really, sir.” He humbly replied.  “There are surely other bigger and better football players than me. That’s why I’m really working hard to help my mother, get a university scholarship and to prove my father that our times together in the field paid off.”

They all sat in silence, admiring Jongin’s experiences. Soojung stared at his eyes, and he seemed close to crying. She waited for him to break down in front of the table, but he didn’t.

“I know you proved him wrong for leaving you.” Mr. Jung said. “I can see that you’re a great man Jongin. And I know that you’re a great boyfriend to my daughter. I like you. I think you’re great together.”

 “Thank you sir.” Jongin flashed a wide grin, feeling bright and relieved. Soojung didn’t talk much and avoided his gazes. Her eyes were fixed on her plate, pretending to be busy.

“Do you think I’m a bad person?” She recalled Jongin’s lines when they first went out. Something keeps telling her that he might be telling the truth, that he is indeed a “mean, heartless human being.”

But all of this is proving her w­­rong.



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niss125 #1
Chapter 9: Update update
Chapter 9: I miss this story. Glad u r back :-)
xilovepeace #3
Chapter 9: Please continue writing this story. I really love this story. :D
Chapter 9: oh please.. can't wait for your newest chapter :D
Chapter 9: Omg This is one of my fave kaistal fic that i always look forward to reading :) take your time and thank you for deciding to continue writing this ❤i'll ve waiting :)
yoong_soojung #6
Chapter 9: I'd love it if you guys continue the story <33
Chapter 9: hi honey :)
fxwhuut #8
Chapter 8: you should update soon T_T dying to read the next chap...
ohgod update soon :D
Chapter 8: awwww, the jungs are really nice <3 and cute baekhyuun <3