chapter vi.

Don't Say Goodbye { hiatus. }


“Hey,” A hushed voice greeted from behind Soojung. It’s none other than Jongin, of course.

“Don’t you have any training today? Don’t you have to go somewhere else?” Soojung sarcastically blurted out. She wondered why he met up with her so early, since Jongin never gets to be like this on regular days.

“Woah, woah. Easy.” Jongin dropped his bag under the table and sat beside Soojung. “Well, don’t you think I should be hanging out with my girlfriend?” He grinned.

“What do you want me to call you? Sweetheart, cupcake, princess—“ Soojung immediately interrupted him with a rather unpleasant face. “Please, Jongin, I don’t like endearments.”

Jongin gave her a look of surprise. “I thought 100% of the female specie like hearing those things.”

Soojung chuckled. “You’re wrong.”

“Then what will I call you now?” He asked with a tone of disappointment. “Calling you Soojung is just plain boring, it’s like we’re not even in a relationship, you know.”

She shrugged. “Call me whatever you want just not those things okay, or else I’ll bite you like how I bite cheesecake.” Jongin just giggles at Soojung’s ridiculous amount of love for pastry. (Food in general, actually.)

Jongin thought of a new one. “How about Soojungie then?” He asked, and she just sighed at the thought.

“That will do.”

“Okay, Soojungie.” He smiled widely, looking extra cheerful than before.

Jongin noticed Soojung sighed as she glanced at the cafeteria’s clock. “What’s wrong?”

“I should be with Jinri right now, but she doesn’t reply to my messages. I’ve been calling her and she doesn’t answer.” She worried. “I guess I have to wait longer.”

“I’m sure she’ll text you anytime soon. I’ll stay with you for now,” He said. “And besides, we haven’t spent time together for a while now.”

She nodded. “Yeah, sure.”

“By the way..” Jongin remembered. “My best friend likes your best friend.”

“Which one?” Soojung curiously asked.

“Chanyeol, of course.” Jongin beamed. “He asked me how to make a move. He was shy asking Jinri out.”

Soojung wanted to scream and call her best friend right at this moment, but she thought it’s better if Chanyeol himself tells it to her. And besides, her feelings for the co-captain should be kept a secret.

“Well, he just has to be himself. Keep it cool.” She advised.

“Like what I did?” Jongin said teasingly, and Soojung wanted to slap his tanned face for making her blush in broad daylight.

“Don’t you think that’s too much for your confidence, Mr. Kim Jongin?”

“Isn’t it true, miss?” He added.

“Well,” she smiled sheepishly. “Maybe.”

“By the way, we’re having a short training this afternoon. Come and watch us so you won’t get bored here.” Jongin said.

Just thinking about it brings Soojung frustration. “More like, ‘Hey, come watch us run around the field almost shirtless in all our glory.’”

Jongin smirked. “Psh, admit it. You want it too.”






5pm. She should be out of the classroom any minute now. Chanyeol pondered as he stood beside his locker.  He’s sure she’ll be passing by this corridor as she always did.

Good job in stalking, Park Chanyeol.

Not far from where he was standing, a slim girl slowly walked out of the classroom across the hall. Her straight brown hair swished on her back as she walked to where Chanyeol was. She was reading some paper that covered her face but her tall figure made it obvious enough to tell who she is.

His heart was beating in a steady rhythm just a minute ago, but now he doesn’t even know how he can handle it since it’s pumping louder and louder as she takes a step closer and closer. She stopped at a distance and opened her locker.

I can do this, I’m the co-captain of the football team and there’s nothing I can’t do! He screamed internally and hoped for the best.

He started walking towards Jinri and tapped her shoulder awkwardly. (It wouldn’t be Park Chanyeol if he hadn’t tapped like that.) Chanyeol gulped and mustered all of his courage when she turned around to face him, funny because it’s just like how he would face an enraged dragon or something.

“Oh, oppa!” she greets brightly. “Do you need something?” she asked, pinning her hair behind her ears.

“Ahh, nothing. I just wanted to have a chat with y-you.” Chanyeol said anxiously. Jinri wasn’t sure if she should be happy or nervous but either way, she doesn’t know what to do.

“Oh. Okay.”

What should I say?! He panicked as they strolled through the main corridor of the building.

“I noticed you’re really focused on what you’re reading, huh?” He finally managed to reply without fumbling his words.

“Oh, this?” Jinri grinned as she held up the paper. “I’m having a hard time on math, and since we’ll be having exams next week, I find extra time to study.”

“I’d just like to ask something but it seems like I’m disturbing you—“

“No, not really! It’s fine,” Jinri assured him. “What is it?”

This is it, no turning back now.

“I just want to ask.. if..” He wanted to jump off a building for stuttering so much. “If you’d like to go on a date with me? We could go see a movie o-or I could just help you with math since it’s my favorite subj—“

“Calm down, oppa!” Jinri can’t help but laugh. “Don’t worry, I’d like to do all of those with you.”

And there his heart came again, beating crazily like ten times the normal rate. “Really?!”

“Of course!” She replied, accompanied by her cute high-pitched giggles. Together, they walked to the gates of Yongsan High with cheerful smiles.






“The JV team is complete today,” Jongin approached Soojung by the bleachers. “Let’s eat dinner together, since I haven’t introduced you to some of them.”

Soojung thought it wasn’t really a bad idea. She’s got nothing to do this evening since her ever loyal bestfriend Jinri didn’t send her a single message.

“Complete? What about tall dude? Isn’t he coming?” She asked.

“Oh, yeah, I forgot,” Jongin brought his phone out. “He sent a text; he said he’s with Jinri…teaching her math.”

She knew it. The only time Jinri doesn’t reply to messages is when she’s with boys. Good-looking boys.

Jinri ditched me for Chanyeol, so he better be good to her, Soojung thought at the back of her mind. Jongin just finished packing his stuff. “So… are you coming with us?”

“I’m gonna spend a night with your dudes for a change.” She replied almost enthusiastically.






As soon as they arrived at the restaurant, Joonmyun ordered food and the rest of the team took their seats.

“Hyung, you ordered, so you’re going to pay for us too.” Sehun commented. Joonmyun just gave him a mean look. Nothing’s new, Joonmyun pays for their food all the freaking time.

“Jongin, why don’t you start introducing?” Kyungsoo, who was seated across Soojung suggested.

“Oh, yeah. Right. My friends, I present to you my girlfriend, Jung Soojung.” He gestured out to Soojung beside her like she was some kind of special recipe. Soojung instantly bursted out laughing.

“Don’t tell me I’ve done it wrong again?” Jongin said, ridiculously frustrated.

Soojung was running out of breaths, already hitting the table. “Really, Jongin? Really?”

“See, every time you introduce someone it’s got to be totally epic. Don’t do it again man.” Zitao advised while the rest laughed their hardest.

Soojung composed herself and happily greeted everyone. “Anyway, it’s nice to meet all of you!”

“You’ve got some cute girlfriend right here, captain.” Minseok, whom Soojung believed to be much cuter than her, remarked.

“Hey, a cute boy has got to have a cute girl.” He bragged as he threw an arm around Soojung’s shoulders. The latter was absolutely grossed out with the phrase and felt her face turning pink.

“Yep, you seriously need to eat right now,” Soojung said, staring at Jongin. “I’m gonna throw up with what you’re saying.”

“Now I’m getting jealous with these two.” Yixing announced just as the waiters came with their food.

Everybody eagerly loaded their plates and started chomping down. Jinri, you did a great job on giving us quality time, Jongin thought somewhat joyfully.






“Soojungiee,” Jongin poked her on the arm. “Ya, Jung Soojung.”


“Stop reading that book,” He said as he tried to grab the book off her hands. “Give your full attention to me.” They sat beside each other while Soojung prentended to annoy Kim Jongin.

“Why should I?” She tried hard not to laugh.

“Because… I’m your boyfriend?”

“Not valid enough.” She stated.

“Because… books aren’t handsome like me?”

Soojung kept a straight face despite Jongin’s annoying ego. “Not funny, Kim.”

The bus halted. The two hopped off and started walking to the Jung’s residence.

“Well, books can’t kiss you,” He suddenly gave a peck on Soojung’s lips which made her blush like beetroot. She turned and hit him with the book like crazy.

“Stop hitting me, will you?!”

“Then stop kissing me out of nowhere!” She retorted. This is what I get from asking reasons. Stupid me. He should be the one annoyed, not me. Stupid Jung Soojung.

Her redness showed even under the faint moon light. Jongin can’t help but laugh at her.

“Don’t laugh at me.”

“You’re so cute.” He said as he pinched her nose and gave another kiss on her cheek. “Sorry.”

“Whatever.” She pretended to be bugged out.

Don’t make me feel like this, Kim. Spare me, she thought. Jongin might be a liiiitle bit annoying, but he never fails to make Soojung’s stomach do somersaults with his actions.






The bonfire glowed blood red in the darkness. Soojung watched Jongin toss another piece of log onto it. He reclined on the huge driftwood log and threw his arms around his girlfriend’s shoulders.

“I still remember when we pulled pranks on Jongin during Taeyeon’s pool party.” Sunyoung started.

Everybody laughed. “Yeah, you nasty guys pushed me into the pool knowing I had no extra clothes.” Jongin recalled. “And to think, I’m the best prankster in Yongsan High.”

“It’s your fault,” Jongdae laughed at his misery. “It’s a party that involved water, of course we’ll get wet.”

Jongin had a swig of his soda. “But hey, me falling into the pool was the highlight of the party.” He boasted. Jongin tossed the empty can and rested his head onto Soojung’s shoulders.

Amber, who was quiet ever since their small gathering started, glanced at Soojung and flashed a big grin. “Hey, did you guys know,” She raised her voice a little bit higher. “That Soojung’s ballet teacher thinks she should apply to a school with a performing arts program? Or maybe even try out at Seoul Ballet?”

“No kidding,” Jinri had open. “That’s great!”

“The Seoul Ballet?” Luhan repeated. “You mean skip college?”

Jongin raised his head and turned to Soojung. “You didn’t tell me about that.” He accusingly said.

Soojung wished Amber hadn’t opened up ballet as their topic. “I’m not sure of taking it so I didn’t tell you yet,” She explained. “You know Miss Haejin. She praises me once in a blue moon, but most of the time she feels incredulous with my achievements. I’m sure I’ll have her calling me a complete klutz on my routines.”

“I believe you could get accepted at the school we’re talking about, don’t be such a pessimist.” Jinri scolded.

“Maybe, but—“Soojung began.

“But she doesn’t like to go to a school like that,” Jongin interrupted. “She’s going to Daeyeong College like what Sooyeon-noona plans to. Right, Soojung?”

Soojung stiffened for a moment. “I don’t know,” She murmured, “If I got in Daeyeong I’d—“

“Of course you’ll get in,” Jongin assured her. “You’re an A student, you’ve got that ballet thing going for you. You’ll get in.”

Jongin’s comprehensive statement ended the discussion. Their conversations automatically sheered; from ballet to football, and some other stuff. She was still bothered about Jongin’s comments on Daeyeong, the way he interrupted her, finished sentences for her, and assumed he knew what she had planned to say.

Soojung had inched away from Jongin while her thoughts wandered. She watched him as he talked to the rest. He’s definitely an entertaining storyteller, he kept his audience laughing. It was a familiar sight, since Jongin had always been the center of their social circle.

“I’m almost late for curfew,” Soojung said as she takes a look on her wristwatch. “I need to go.” She added, straightening out her sleeves and running her fingers through her silky hair.

Jongin glanced at his own watch. “There’s still a minute and thirty seconds on the clock.”

“I guess I got tired.” Soojung apologized. Jongin understood and they took a walk to Jongin’s car.

“Jongin..” Soojung started as they reached the car park.

“Hm?” He leaned forward as he murmured.

She pressed her back against the car door, avoiding his touch. “It’s about what we talked earlier. The ballet thing.”

“What about it?” Jongin replied with an irritated tone.

Soojung thought she’s too tired to argue with him, so better set it aside. “Forget it.”



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niss125 #1
Chapter 9: Update update
Chapter 9: I miss this story. Glad u r back :-)
xilovepeace #3
Chapter 9: Please continue writing this story. I really love this story. :D
Chapter 9: oh please.. can't wait for your newest chapter :D
Chapter 9: Omg This is one of my fave kaistal fic that i always look forward to reading :) take your time and thank you for deciding to continue writing this ❤i'll ve waiting :)
yoong_soojung #6
Chapter 9: I'd love it if you guys continue the story <33
Chapter 9: hi honey :)
fxwhuut #8
Chapter 8: you should update soon T_T dying to read the next chap...
ohgod update soon :D
Chapter 8: awwww, the jungs are really nice <3 and cute baekhyuun <3