chapter ii.

Don't Say Goodbye { hiatus. }

          Soojung stomped her way out of the bathroom as she heard her phone ring. "Ya, Jinri! another prank call and I'll really punch--"

          "Hello, Soojung?" She was interrupted by a husky voice. Oh no, it's definitely not Jinri.

         Soojung was quite embarrassed as soon as she realized who it was.  "Oh, Jongin. Sorry about that," She nervously responded, her voice cracking. "I thought it's Jinri."

          "It's okay," Soojung heard him chuckling. "Good to hear your lovely voice again," Jongin said. "How are you?"

          "I'm good," she placed her phone on her shoulders while she fixed her wet hair and sat on the bed. "What's up?"

          "Nothing much, really. Uh.. How about I pick you up tomorrow morning? We can come to school together.. If you'd like," Soojung almost dropped her phone.  It's a bright afternoon, am I imagining things? Kim Jongin, Yongsan High's JV football team's captain, is going to pick me up? She thought. Soojung felt like her heart's going to explode.

          "Oh. You don't need to, but yeah, sure. I'd love to." Soojung managed to answer calmly. She just can't believe it's all coming out from .

          "Then see you tomorrow, sweetheart," Jongin's deep voice made her knees buckle again.

          "Wait," Before Jongin could hang up, Soojung remembered. "Do you know where I live?"

          He laughed. "Let's just say.. I did some research about you?"

          "Oh." She said awkwardly.

          "Am I creeping you out? I'm not stalking you, though. Sorry, I just wanted to know you better and--"

          "No, it's fine, really. I don't find it creepy, I was just surprised," Soojung explained.

          "So.. yeah," Soojung can hear his deep breaths, which she finds y. "I'll see you tomorrow."

          "Bye."  As soon as the phone call ended, Soojung dialled Jinri's number.






          Before she could even talk, Jinri was interrupted by Soojung's defeaning squeals.

          "Choi Jinri! JONGIN CALLED ME JUST NOW!" Soojung was jumping up and down in her room, still in her bathrobe.

          "OMG! I told you, he really likes you!" Jinri shouted back.

          "Maybe. Let's not expect too much." Soojung reminded.

          Soojung didn't want to think like that, although she hopes that he really has interest in her. You know, too much expectations can really bring you down, Soojung thought.

          "And oh, you don't have to pick me up tomorrow morning." she added.

          "What?! No! It's our routine, Soojung." her friend insisted. "Don't tell me you're going with some other friend?" She didn't know Jinri can be a bit jealous sometimes.

          "Psh. I am not. You know I only go with you," Soojung assured. "But Jongin and I will come to school together, Jinri."

          "Okay, that's it, Kim Jongin is in love with you!" Jinri excitedly announced. Soojung has finished dressing up and combing her dark brown hair. "But hey, I'll only approve if it's him, alright?" Jinri added.

          "Yeah, I know."

          Their conversation continued with Jinri talking about Park Chanyeol, and how she got his interest at the beach party. There came another set of squeals when Jinri told Soojung about the JV's next football event, which made Jung Sooyeon bursting into Soojung's room.

          "Ya, Soojung! Why are you shouting like a crazy dog there?! I'm sleeping!" It was so loud even Jinri can hear it on the other line. The two just laughed, knowing Sooyeon as the lazy sister who considers disturbing her sleep a mortal sin.

          "Wait up, Jinri, I'll call you next time. I just have to deal with something." Soojung bid goodbye, still giggling.

          "Hey, why are you so mad?" Soojung turned to her sister who is now completely irritated.

          "You know why," The older girl rolled eyes. "Why are you screaming like a fool there, huh?"

          "Ah, nothing. I don't know, I feel like my life's about to change." Soojung replied with a soft, dreamy voice.



          "Are you ready?"

          The tall, dark-skinned, brown-eyed Kim Jongin in uniform was standing in front of their house. Soojung was quite dazed, he looked so good in it.

          "Yep, all set." Soojung answered, her eyes still focused on him.

          "You seem a little bit surprised," Jongin noticed.

          "It's just that I rarely see you in your school uniform," Soojung said.  "It looks perfect on you." There it is. It slipped from . Soojung can't help but admire Jongin. She was so tensed. Soojung wondered if he can sense it.

          "A lot of people tell me that." he smirked.

          "What did your mom say? Did they ask who I was?" Jongin questioned.

          "I told them you're my new friend."

          Jongin smiled. They walked, since the Jung's residence was only a few kilometers away from the school. And Jongin really wanted them to have a peaceful and quiet talk. This was the perfect time.

          "By the way," Jongin was intensely staring at Soojung, and she's hoping her face hasn't turned red yet. "Why did you ask me to go with you this morning?" she asked.

          "You know, last time at the beach party," He moved closer, their arms now touching. "I haven't finished my question."


          "I wanted to ask you personally." Soojung can feel her heart, pounding. The cool morning breeze was slightly blowing her hair. What is he going to ask me now? Soojung wondered.

          "Do you think.." Jongin turned to her. "Do you think I'm a bad person?"

          It wasn't what she expected at all. Why is he asking this all of a sudden? Jongin brushed the strands of hair covering Soojung's eyes. She didn't realize Jongin's eyes were fixed on her all the time.

          "What? Of course not," Soojung told him.

          "Why would I think so?"  she continued.

          Soojung's chest already lightened. Conversing with him isn't hard at all, Soojung realized. She had developed comfort in talking with Jongin.

          "I don't know," he shrugged. "A lot of people tell me that, too."

          "That you're bad?"

          "That I'm a mean, heartless human being."

          Soojung was surprised. People call him heartless? 

          "I don't think so," she said. "You're way too far from that."

          Jongin gave another one of those weakening stares. "Then what do you think of me?"

          "I think you're.." Soojung paused.


          "I think you're sweet."

          "Really?" Soojung had Jongin's eyes focused on him, shining brightly. He has the most gorgeous eyes, she thought.

          "Yes, really."

          A shy smile formed on his face.

          "Then..." Jongin leaned in a little bit closer.

          "Would it be okay if.. I ask you out?"

          Soojung's puffy cheeks were burning. The cool wind was of no help at all. No words were coming out from .

          "What?" she replied. It was not a 'what' like she didn't hear. She just couldn't believe. She was waiting for this line, and now she heard it, straight from Kim Jongin.

          Soojung was paralyzed. She's screaming internally. It took her a few seconds to realize Jongin was snapping in front of her. Panic came. Think of something, she ordered herself. It felt like her brain didn't function.

          "I'm too fast, huh?" Jongin broke the silence. "It's okay. I knew you'd be like this."

          Soojung nodded. It was all she could respond.

          "You know, you can always give me the answer later." he whispered into her ears.





          The rest of the walk was utterly awkward. Jongin tried to talk about baseball and music again, but obviously Soojung wasn't focused.

          They reached school in just a few minutes. As the two of them entered, with Jongin leading her, all Soojung can hear were murmurs, questioning her existence. She knew this was going to happen.

"Are they going out?!"
"Who is she?"
"Why is she with Jongin?"

          Groups of girls who looked like managers of his fanclubs were ridiculously trying to catch his attention, although Jongin doesn't seem to give much care.

          "Good morning, oppa!" They monotonously greeted. One smile from him and they almost faint. No, they die. No doubt, his mere presence can really be the cause of your heart attack. Soojung has proved that.

          They reached the end of the hallway, still being talked about by the other students. She noticed Jongin eyeing some of them. The JV football team, including Chanyeol, were waiting for him.

          "So.. which way's your first class?" Jongin asked. Soojung pointed at her right.

          "Mine's the other way." he told her. "So.. yeah. Thanks for your time earlier and.." he patted her shoulder. "I'll see you later." Jongin winked and gave his famous smirk, leaving Soojung completely stunned.

          As soon as Jongin and everybody else were out of earshot, she jumped and giggled on her way to the classroom. Luckily, she bumped into Jinri, who was heading to the same room.

          "Oh, Soojung!"

          They hugged as if they haven't seen each other for years.

          "How's your day, Kim Soojung-ssi?" Jinri teased. Soojung can't help but scream her excitement out. She was dancing cutely, feeling like her mind has gone floating somewhere else.

          "Ya, Soojung, you can be really crazy sometimes, huh."

          "I know!" She was massively happy. "I've been wanting to tell you this, hun."


          "Jongin finally asked me out this morning!"  Soojung blurted it all out.

          "AAAAAAHHH!!!!" Jinri's eyes widened. They were leaping and laughing, holding each other's hands like playmates in a park.

          "So, what did you tell him?"

          "I'll answer him later. I was completely paralyzed earlier, you know. I couldn't move," Soojung explained. "If you saw my face earlier, you would have laughed at me."

          "Ahh, I knew it. Good luck on you two, girl! You are now officially Mrs. Kim Soojung, no kidding."

          "Ah, I still prefer being Jung Soojung," she insisted. "Nonetheless, this is such a wonderful day." Jinri linked her arms onto Soojung's and walked into the classroom.

          Walking to school isn't as bad as I thought, Soojung concluded.



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niss125 #1
Chapter 9: Update update
Chapter 9: I miss this story. Glad u r back :-)
xilovepeace #3
Chapter 9: Please continue writing this story. I really love this story. :D
Chapter 9: oh please.. can't wait for your newest chapter :D
Chapter 9: Omg This is one of my fave kaistal fic that i always look forward to reading :) take your time and thank you for deciding to continue writing this ❤i'll ve waiting :)
yoong_soojung #6
Chapter 9: I'd love it if you guys continue the story <33
Chapter 9: hi honey :)
fxwhuut #8
Chapter 8: you should update soon T_T dying to read the next chap...
ohgod update soon :D
Chapter 8: awwww, the jungs are really nice <3 and cute baekhyuun <3