chapter iv.

Don't Say Goodbye { hiatus. }

          "Jinri, wait up!"

Chanyeol’s mere voice sent chills down her spine. The clamor in the hallway lowered down as they heard the deep huffs coming from him.

          "Neh?" Jinri, who was dashing through the crowd, managed to stop and wait.

          "Ah," He came quickly, still panting. Chanyeol was still wearing his helmet and heavy gears, which practically bumped into everyone.

          "Why are you in a hurry?" Jinri asked, keeping her calm as she opened her locker.

          He handed 2 yellow stubs. “I just wanted to give you these.”

          "What are these for?”

          "Hyochang Stadium's going to hold the last game for the junior varsities tomorrow. Those tickets are for you."

          “Really?!  Good job you guys!” She awkwardly cheered, her milky face easily turning red. She just cannot learn how to contain her feels. “But woah, these are expensive.”

          "No biggie. We decided to treat some of our friends since we got in for the finals this year.” The tall guy beamed as he wiped face, dripping with sweat. He was about to leave when Jinri remembered.

          "Oh wait, Chanyeol-oppa.. can I bring Soojung along?"

          “Yes. The other one's for her, actually. Jongin just forgot to give it earlier.”

          “I'll hand it to her then.” She was gawking at how gorgeous he was even with that much sweat, which made her mind a little bit blank. Jinri thought of a response as she tucked her hair behind her ears. “And.. see you tomorrow. Good luck!”

Chanyeol gave her a grin before he hurriedly left.

Jinri pouted. I forgot to say goodbye.

She had wanted to talk to him longer, but it seems it didn't go likewise.

Jinri searched for her bestfriend, and found her at the cafeteria staring into nowhere, mentally unconscious.  She waved the stubs to her face, but Jinri guessed her mind was still wandering off somewhere.


          “Hellooo? Earth to Jung Soojung!”

Jinri gave a shake on her arms. Finally, the insensible girl was startled.


          “What happened? Why are you mentally dead again?” Jinri bit onto her sandwich she bought earlier.

          "I don't really know, but the last thing I remember is running from insane fangirls who tried to kill me.”

          “So that explains your hair which totally looks like a bird nest from a tree.” Jinri mocked, laughing at her sulky bestfriend. “Come here, you poor girl.” She ruffled it a bit before she brushed out the brown strands which stood on top.

          “What did you do again, huh?”

          “Ya, why do you sound like I’m at fault?” Soojung complained as she combed the last bits of tangles at the end. “Anyways, I was about to dispose the flowers Myungsoo when the nasty cheerleaders spotted me again. They had mistaken Myungsoo’s gifts for Jongin’s. And they think we are kind of ‘together’ already. So yeah, they chased me.”

          “Myungsoo.. the handsome one at your ballet class?”

          “You really like stalking on my good-looking friends, huh?” She sneered. “But yeah.. he’s pretty much attractive too. He’s my partner, actually.”

          “And.. he likes you?” Jinri the excess sauce on her pink lips as Soojung grabbed her sandwich.

          “Probably.” They sat side by side once they were done with Soojung’s hair. “I don’t know, I mean.. he sends me something every week.”

          “Do you like him?” Jinri teased.

          “What? Of course not!” She promptly told her.

          “Okay, sorry. I was just messing up with you.” Jinri laughed while the other just stuck her tongue out. She was about to inform Soojung about the tickets when she asked.

          “What’s that for?” She pointed at the yellow stubs that had a big familiar Hyochang Stadium imprinted on it.

          “We’re going somewhere tomorrow.”




Sunlight was peeking through the windows, and it just seemed like the perfect weather for today. Soojung took a bath, prepping up for today’s event. She headed to the kitchen and stuffed with pepero sticks Baekhyun had saved for himself, which she thought wasn't a bad idea after all since Baekhyun wouldn't really min--



          "Nooonaaa! What are you doing?!"




Uh oh.




          "I'm just eating.. ehm.. your-" She told 8-year-old Baekhyun, who was already fuming as he stared at the empty box. Soojung thought of running away, but then Baekhyun wasn't the type who would let go easily.

          "Of all the food in this house, why would you eat that?! Ah, really!" He slammed the counter, shocking Soojung a little bit. He's obviously enraged.

          "Where are you going, anyway?" The kid questioned, blocking her sister's way.

          "Uh.. I'm just going somewhere, with.. Jinri." Soojung grinned, hoping her dongsaeng would buy her excuse. She did not want to tell anyone where she was going, knowing her Sooyeon-unnie would also tag along since Jongin's pretty much the love of her life too. Not really though, not like how Soojung likes him. It's.. more of a fangirl thing. You get the point.

          "Did you even ask for permission?" He grumbled, acting like Soojung's older brother. She often forgets she's older, so she complies to Baekhyun's orders sometimes.

          “Uhm.. No.” Soojung confessed. This girl just can't lie, alright. "I promise I'm gonna buy you a lot of food later when I come back, so please, let me out of the house Baekhyunniee." The noona pleaded, and gladly her dongsaeng finally cooperated.

          “Just this time, alright!” His small voice squeaked.

          “Yaaaay!” Soojung squished and hugged him before she rushed out.






          "Have you seen her?" Jongin asked, walking back and forth as he stretched his arms.

          "I told you, I haven't." Yixing was getting irritated, doubting Jongin's concentration. "Calm down, alright, Soojung’s coming. We can't afford to have our quarterback distracted, okay?" He patted Jongin's shoulder and walked to Sehun and Kyungsoo who were preparing their gears.

Sejong High's JV team, their greatest opponent, was on the other side of the field. When Jongin shifted his gaze, he spotted Choi Minho, their quarterback, instructing his teammates like a stupid king. They haven't really talked without insulting each other ever since their first face-off a few weeks ago, in which Jongin was enraged more than anyone because of Minho insisting they won even though it was evident that Yongsan High deserved the crown. Unfortunately, Sejong High somehow managed to bribe the commission or something, Jongin didn't know. All he knew was they're all filthy, worthless cheaters.

Finally, Jinri and Soojung arrived at the stadium. They neared the rim of the field, with the latter easily spotting Jongin who was sitting on the bench, looking tensed. Chanyeol patted his captain and pointed at the two which had Jongin easing up a bit. They shyly waved at each other, as the two walked back to the lobby to buy their snacks. Clumsy Soojung wasn't looking, so she bumped into someone and had a lady yelling at her.

          "Come on, watch where you're going!"

As soon as Soojung heard the familiar voice, she cringed. She looked up, and It’s Sooyeon, the last person Soojung would ever want to see in this stadium.

          “Unnie!?” Before she could even ask what she was doing here, Soojung noticed another terribly familiar lady behind her.

          “Y-you brought.. Mom?!”

          “What’s your problem? What, can’t we watch this game too?!” The older girl exclaimed.

          “Of course you can! She was just shocked..” Jinri reasoned out as the two of them awkwardly faked their grins.

           Nah-uh. Definitely not okay.

She obviously didn’t tell Sooyeon she and Jongin are kind of ‘together’ already since the younger was sure her sister would strangle her to death.

          “How did you know they had a game?” Soojung tried to keep calm and interrogated while they waited for Mrs. Jung to buy the two of them tickets.

          “What the hell, Jung Soojung. We attend the same school; I just stay in the other building.” The cranky girl reminded.

          “Oh, yeah. Sorry, I forgot.”

Soojung felt a hand shaking her arms, which was Jinri’s, looking all tensed.

          “What’s wrong?” She whispered, not wanting Sooyeon to hear.

          “Jongin’s going here.” Jinri pointed at the tall, tanned guy who was running towards their direction.





Sooyeon heard him, and just like what every normal fangirl would do, she squealed like crazy and got all of her football stuff and a pen out of her bag. She composed herself a few seconds later before Jongin got close to them. Just as he arrived on their spot, Mrs. Jung finished buying their tickets and approached the four teenagers standing by the lobby.

          “Oh, annyeonghaseyo!” He bowed at Mrs. Jung and she smiled back. He waved at the three young ladies standing beside him. Sooyeon instantly grinned back and handed him another shirt to be signed, and gladly, Jongin took it. Meanwhile, Soojung’s thoughts were just messy as hell.

          “Soojung.. do you mind introducing this man here?” Mrs. Jung snapped at her.

          “He’s friend.” She wanted to say they’re dating, but ‘friend’ was all she could think of. Jongin casted a dissatisfied look. “Kim Jongin. Our school’s junior varsity football captain.”

          “I thought you’re going out?” Sooyeon butted in and gave an evil grin, much to Soojung’s annoyance. She quickly glared at her, brushing it off seconds later.

          “Really?” Mrs. Jung asked, quite surprised.

          “Yes.” Jongin shyly volunteered to answer, which had Soojung staring at him in shock.


She just felt like jumping off a cliff.


Soojung immediately imagined her mom getting enraged or something. This will be the end of my life, perhaps.


           “Why didn’t you tell me you’re going out with this handsome young man right here? We should’ve invited him for dinner last time!”


          “Jinjja?!”  Soojung retorted in shock while Jinri gave her arms a squeeze. She turned to Jongin, who was already intently staring at her. They exchanged giggles after they noticed Sooyeon rolling her eyes as she clenched her fists.

          “Of course, dear. Why not?” Mrs. Jung patted and ruffled Jongin’s dark brown hair playfully. “You should really go to our house with us later. And Jinri too.”

They went on to their seats while Mrs. Jung chatted about how her eldest daughter always talked about Jongin at home. Sooyeon, who literally wanted to slap her palms on her face but she intended not to since she cared about it more than any part of her body, went to Soojung and said the most unexpected thing ever.

          “Fine, Soojung, I give up.”

          “What do you mean you give up?”

          “I hate to admit this but, I haven’t seen a couple as perfect as you two.”

Soojung wanted to chuckle but she thought it was kind of offending to Sooyeon, but the younger managed to nod and gave her sister a comforting pat on the shoulder.

          “Thanks, really.”


          “Jongin, meet Baekhyun. Baekhyun, Jongin.” Soojung introduced.

          The game finished at around two in the afternoon, so they went straightly to the Jung’s residence to spend the rest of the day there.

          “Hi.” Baekhyun stiffly greeted. The other gave a big wave as soon as he saw the cute kid.

          “I didn’t know you had a little brother.” Jongin told Soojung while he watched little Baekhyun ran towards Jinri.

          “I missed you noona!” He hugged her like his own sister, while his eyes which resembled Sooyeon’s twinkled.

          “Aww. I missed you too Baekhyunnie.” Jinri replied and handed him a box of pepero sticks. He quickly went back to the living room to play his video game.

          “You guys have fun there while I prepare our dinner. And Sooyeon, help me out!” Mrs. Jung announced.

          “What?! Why me?!” She complained.

          “Who else is going to help me? Your younger sister?”

          “She should be! You know I don’t cook!” Sooyeon exclaimed, rolling her eyes on Soojung who was sitting on the couch with Jinri.

          “What, so you can fully have Jongin’s attention? She has a guest!” Mrs. Jung had Jongin cracking up.

          “Mom!” She stomped her way to the kitchen with a grimace.

Jongin shifted his attention to the little boy. “Baekhyun-ah. Wanna play with me? I play a lot of video games too, you know.” Baekhyun immediately nodded, much to the girls’ surprise.

          “Well, that’s a start.” Jinri remarked.

          “What do you mean?” Jongin asked as Baekhyun set up another controller for his hyung.

          “He hates interacting with people. Looks like you’re an exception.” Soojung explained.

Baekhyun doesn’t really go out that much, although he has playmates, he likes staying inside the house and play with his console.

          “Am I that great?” Jongin giggled.

The session started with Tekken 6. Jongin had much confidence since he never loses in a game of Tekken ever since he was a kid. But no, he never won a single round against Baekhyun.

They played a Star Wars game, which is Jongin’s favorite. They had Soojung and Jinri join their match, too. Baekhyun had 2 consecutive wins, while Jongin had none. Apparently, they got bored so the four spent an hour or so playing along with whatever the talkative kid wanted. And, who said Jongin's a mean, heartless human being? How can he be that bad when all she sees is an adorably perfect gentleman?

          “Wow, my skills are rusting already. I lost every game I had today.”

          “Even the championship earlier?” Baekhyun asked.

          “Yes.” Jongin admitted. Yes, they lost against Sejong High, just because Minho the idiotic football prince once again played dirty.

          “Oh, really? I thought you’re the best!” He exclaimed, while he fixed the controllers with his tiny hands just as Sooyeon called for dinner.

          Jongin gave a pat on his back before he stood. “That’s life, Baekhyunnie. You win some, you lose some.”




After an hour of Mrs. Jung’s embarrassing stories and Soojung’s flustered face on the dining table, Jongin finally decided to return home.

          “Neh, thank you and goodbye Mrs. Jung!”

The cool autumn night breeze hugged his skin him as he shut the door close, leaving him and Soojung alone outside. They started walking. He slid closer, and Soojung wondered if he could feel her heart beating fast.



          “Do you not feel upset or anything?”

          “Why?” He turned to her. “What’s there to be upset about?”

          “You lost against Sejong High. That jerk Minho once again embarrassed you, in front of the whole stadium this time.” She reminded.

          “It’s cool. Anyway, I don’t give a about him anymore.” Jongin coldly replied, kicking the scattered rocks on the ground.

          “I never hear you say things like these. Are you really Kim Jongin?” She chuckled. They reached the bus stop and sat under the shed. “I actually expected you’d beat the hell out of him earlier.”

          “Nah.” He slid even closer and stared into Soojung’s brown eyes. “Remember what I told Baekhyun earlier?”

          “You win some, you lose some.” Soojung repeated.

          “I lied. I won today. The prize was you.”

          She wanted to laugh. “You’re getting cheesier and chee—“

Soojung got cut off and immobilized once she felt Jongin’s thick lips pressed on her cheeks. Before she could even mutter a word, a bus came, and Jongin hopped on.

          “I love you.” He softly said just before the door closed, leaving Soojung alone.

Soojung pouted. I forgot to say ‘I love you more.’

She happily stood and strolled her way home, thinking about the many fun-filled tomorrows she’ll surely spend with Jongin.



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niss125 #1
Chapter 9: Update update
Chapter 9: I miss this story. Glad u r back :-)
xilovepeace #3
Chapter 9: Please continue writing this story. I really love this story. :D
Chapter 9: oh please.. can't wait for your newest chapter :D
Chapter 9: Omg This is one of my fave kaistal fic that i always look forward to reading :) take your time and thank you for deciding to continue writing this ❤i'll ve waiting :)
yoong_soojung #6
Chapter 9: I'd love it if you guys continue the story <33
Chapter 9: hi honey :)
fxwhuut #8
Chapter 8: you should update soon T_T dying to read the next chap...
ohgod update soon :D
Chapter 8: awwww, the jungs are really nice <3 and cute baekhyuun <3