Lu Han: Great

The Boyfriend Chronicles

Making her smile while she's still got tears in her eyes.






"Don't worry so much about what people say about you, jagiya," Lu Han sighed, setting you down in his lap once you've reached his apartment. You two lounged comfortably on his couch, engrossed in each other's presence. "If it makes you feel any better, I think you're gorgeous," Lu Han whispered, brushing the tears b at your eyelids.

He rested your head against his shoulder, pressing his thin lips to the crown of your head. "Look at me real quick," he ordered softly.
He took your chin in between his index finger and thumb, caressing your jawline with his smooth lips, kissing away your flowing tears. "I thought I told you to stop crying," he whispered.
You sniffled once, rubbing your tears away messily with the back of your hand. "I-I'm sorry," you choked. "I-it just hurts my fe-feelings sometimes--"
Lu Han cut you off deliberately, capturing yours lips with his, rubbing your waist gently with his hands. "You're beautiful," he told you, repeating the words. He kept saying it until a small smile cracked in between your water works fit.
"Most girls look pretty when they're crying," Lu Han teased, "but you're not one of them, so you shouldn't do it anymore, okay?"
And in return, the young man earned himself a small smile and a quick nod.

"And never forget how stunning you are," he reminded you, kissing the corner of your lips. "Espcially how breath-taking you are when you're smiling."






Lu Han

Boyfriend Status: Great.

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Chapter 7: ouchhhhhhhhhhh *smirk
i love this!!!:)
Chapter 7: I like this story ^^
it's amazing >.<
omg shush you. you just made me love him even more <3
Chapter 1: Aww, I love small drabble collections like these! You're a really good writer from what I've read so far! And the way you portray Luhan just makes him 100000 times more adorable, if that's even possible omg.
Awwww~~ So cute~~~~
LOVED IT!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
Adorable~ I'm off to read all your stories now! <3
This mini-drabble series is sooo adorable!!! KYAAA!!! So adorable! I wish all guys would be like this :) LOL :DDD Anyway make more stories like this! It's so freakin' cute!!! :DDD
This was so adorable! Level Amazing was on point ;) I need me someone like that. Also, how'd you know my favorite was lilies!? Haha sweet coincidence. Thanks for this! I loved it :)
cute!!! =)) <3