Lu Han: Good

The Boyfriend Chronicles

Sticking up for her.






"Look at you! You're so ugly! It's a wonder how you got someone like Lu Han-oppa to like you! How'd he resort to you anyways? Arey you pregnant with his kid or something?!"

Lu Han's ears perked up, eyes averting to the smoothie stand where you were supposed to be. He rose from his lonesome seat in the corner of the food court and let his long strides lead him to where his teary lover was. This obviously wasn't a great Valentine's Day for you so far, he realized.

"Ugly? This wonderous girl right here? I don't think she's ugly at all," Lu Han mused humorously, slipping his hand around your slim waist. He smiled down at you carefully, before glaring tightly at the blonde-haired female before the both of you. Under his glare, he could feel the bully's ego slowly deflate, watching her swallow down a large lump in as she was caught under his scrutinizing glare. "You know," Lu Han scoffed. "Be careful of what you say."

The blonde before you felt degraded, and Lu Han could see it. "You're really just that low to insult someone aren't you? Well, if you want a third party's opinion, I'd choose ______ over you anyday. But then again, it's not like me to want to go out with a pig like you."
"Lu Han-oppa..."

"Let's go _____. I lost my appetite just looking at this ferocity."

When you two were finally sequestrated from the suffocating scene, Lu Han looked down at you, smling timidly. "Don't believe what others say, you hear? You're just so pretty, they feel the need to make you think you're ugly just so they have the upper hand. Araseo?"

"Mm... araseo."






Lu Han

Boyfriend Status: Good.

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Chapter 7: ouchhhhhhhhhhh *smirk
i love this!!!:)
Chapter 7: I like this story ^^
it's amazing >.<
omg shush you. you just made me love him even more <3
Chapter 1: Aww, I love small drabble collections like these! You're a really good writer from what I've read so far! And the way you portray Luhan just makes him 100000 times more adorable, if that's even possible omg.
Awwww~~ So cute~~~~
LOVED IT!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
Adorable~ I'm off to read all your stories now! <3
This mini-drabble series is sooo adorable!!! KYAAA!!! So adorable! I wish all guys would be like this :) LOL :DDD Anyway make more stories like this! It's so freakin' cute!!! :DDD
This was so adorable! Level Amazing was on point ;) I need me someone like that. Also, how'd you know my favorite was lilies!? Haha sweet coincidence. Thanks for this! I loved it :)
cute!!! =)) <3