What I Don't Know

If I can't have you

I am sleeping until 1pm the next day. Nobody could have dragged me to school, not even Gikwang who comes by and tries to get me out of my bed. But I ignore him. I am awake indeed but just the thought of seeing Hyunseung again in school makes me feel so small and useless like I never felt before.

Gikwang leaves without me, saying ''Geez'' to himself and closing the door behind him. ''She's sick maybe'', I hear my Mom saying to him, kinda apologetic. Yeah, maybe i'm really sick. I remember what made me feel so upset about yesterday.

I think about Seung.. and that girl.. Hyuna was her name... She was pretty i can't say anything.. but why was she in his room.. with him.. ?? Alone?? To me it seems so suspicious. No boy would let a girl in his room if they weren't dating.

But why didn't he tell me at least? I mean, we are best friends!! Or am I the only one who thought like this until now?

I bury my head into the pillows and think further about it. I suppose Gikwang.. wait.. does he know about that? I have to ask him anyway because of his weird behaviour the last time.

''Both are betraying me'', i say to myself. And the worst thing is that Seung purposely called to warn me not to come, to keep me away from them. Probably he was with her that moment, even though he is sick.

That makes me so angry that I just want to scream at her and tell her not to be close with him!!!

What a right does she have to bother him when he's sick??? I'm simmering with anger.

And no way Hyunseung would do something mean like that to me. I can't believe it!!! I guess lying in bed the whole day and thinking don't help at all, so I decide to text Hyunseung.

After leaving him a ''How are you? Do you feel better tooday?'' message, i give Gikwang a call and ask if he can meet up after school. ''Sure'' is his answer and I just hope he can tell me i'm wrong with my conclusions. I shower in a second and go out to see him near the Han River. After a while sitting on a bench, i see Gikwang coming, he walks slowly while looking at his shoes. I narrow my eyes to be able to get a glance at them.

Oh..seem to be new...

I smile and continue watching him really concentrated. To be honest, he looks like a hottie; his dark-brown, straight, silky hair glimmering in the sunshine, his slim body covered in stylish clothes stealing my whole attention. He is wearing blue skinnies, a sleeveless shirt and a grey jacket. He could be a k-idol if he wanted to.

''Hey what's up?'' he grins at me and just the way he looks makes me smile again.

''Imitating Hyunseung?'', he mocks me again but I don't notice, I just get the impression he doesn't know what is going on at all.

''You know about Seung's girlfriend?'', I ask ignoring his question. Gikwang stare at me in amusement for a second, then he bursts out, laughing.

''What? Girlfriend? This guy and.....??'', it seems he can't belioeve what I just said. Actually me neither.

''Yeah~'', I reply. He sits next to me on the bench and I tell him what happened yesterday when I visited Seung. ''Aaah..'', he he just says when I mention her name. He's not looking at me anymore but somewhere else (I can't tell) . ''Hyuna. I think you misunderstood'', he leans back,

''She is doing a project with him. They're not dating''. I glance at him in surprise.

''Project? What kind of project? Since when?'', I ask without giving him any space.

Gikwang just ignores them. ''Only one thing,...since when do you have a crush on Seung??'' , he looks straight into my eyes but I can't stand his glare and automatically look away.

''Umm...what are you saying....it's nothing...'', I blush and cover my red cheeks with my palms, hoping he won't see them. Then I remember my question. ''Wait!'', I look up at him, ''you didn't tell me what project they are working on. ''

''Oh, that...well it's a music & dance project in short. They want to debut as singers. That's what I heard from Seung.''

He notices what is going on in my mind and quickly adds:'' I think he wants to impress you a bit. You know there's this competition at school. It's the first step for him to prove his talents and show them.''

After listening carefully what he said just now I feel so happy suddenly. I want to jump around and scream. Seriously!!! Seung is doing it for me!! For me!!! Of course he's doing that for himself in the first place but still!!! If it's only to impress me I am happy about it.

''I want to see him now! I want to tell him that he has my full support and that he has to recover as soon as possible!'' , I burst out, '' what a fool I was thinking he got himself a girlfriend~''

Gikwang just stands up, not reacting to me in any way and going away. After two steps he pauses and turns around to see my confused face.

''He asked me not to tell you about this. But I couldn't stand seeing you disappointed like that so I told you. Seung doesn't want you to distract him'', he walks towards me and puts his hand on my shoulder.

He's so close now, it scares me. I try to look away but he simply says before leaving '' Don't see him for this time being, okay?... he needs to rest well while he's still sick''

I don't understand. I don't understand. Why is Seung doing this? Why shouldn't I know??

Does it mean I can't see him until this competition?? There is definitely something going on with that girl. Something I shouldn't know about. Gikwang lied to me. I don't know if he is worried about me but he lied. And it hurts. My heart is cramping together and I feel tears runnig down my cheeks.


I can see his figure walking away slowly, like he did yesterday. Letting me alone again.


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Chapter 7: The last chapter was the beeeest!!! Haha the kiss!! Omg!!! Made me thrill.!! It seemed so real for me .....UP TO THE DA TO THE TE!! Update soon :D can't wait to read what happens next!!! Pali
androangel #2
Chapter 7: DOUBLE UPDAAAAAAATE~ Hurray! OHYEAH! SEUNGIE DORAWAAAA~ ^O^ what happen to Hyuna :o....that didn't sound childish at all. Sure, it wasn't detailed, but that made it seem more....sweet? This chapter was really good :D AND NO! Dony give up on writing fics! Improve and kick everyone's .
Chapter 6: BZBABAHAVHBHANANAJBAAHSBUSKAGNAHAH ^O^ ^O^ ^O^..........I have nothing else to say.
Chapter 5: Wow this is so nice!! i love your writing!! UPDATE UPDATE!! the girl really represents you!! hehe! cant believe Hyunseung is doing this!! i mean why??
Chapter 5: LOL HOEWORK TYPO RETURNSSSS~~~ xD....Hurraaaaay! An update! Aish Seungie....waegurae?...what did I do?..T_T....what did Hyuna do? And where's Kikwang? And...and....too many questions.
@aEpikMinja: no ur not! dnt lie!!! XD u ctn cry here!! ~ ooh yea i took that owl thing in bcoz of you~ ^^ sooooon!!! :D gomawa!
ANDAE!!!!!!! THAT DID NOT JUST HAPPEN!!! SEUNGIE!!! T_T Kkamkkam! You're writing keeps getting better! I'm actually close to tears....Keke I see owl refrence ^_^ updaaaaaaaaaaate
@aEpikMinja thanks for ur support ^_^
An update! *claps*
WHAT!?!? I cant see my Hyunnie? Waeyo......